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Digital Design with VHDL. Presented by: Amir Masoud Gharehbaghi Email: amgh@mehr.sharif.edu. Concurrent Statements. Concurrent Signal Assignment Component Instantiation Statement Generate Statement Process Statement Block Statement Concurrent Procedure Call Statement
Digital Design with VHDL Presented by: Amir Masoud Gharehbaghi Email: amgh@mehr.sharif.edu
Concurrent Statements • Concurrent Signal Assignment • Component Instantiation Statement • Generate Statement • Process Statement • Block Statement • Concurrent Procedure Call Statement • Concurrent Assert Statement
Generate Statement • Useful for Modeling Iterative Hardware label: generation_scheme GENERATE BEGIN concurrent statements END GENERATE ; generation_scheme ::= FOR identifier IN range | IF condition
4 bit Ripple Carry Adder (Entity) ENTITY RCA4 IS PORT(a, b: IN BIT_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0); cin: IN BIT; z: OUT BIT_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0); cout: OUT BIT); END RCA4;
4 bit Ripple Carry Adder (Arch.) ARCHITECTURE iterative OF RCA4 IS SIGNAL cm: BIT_VECTOR(0 TO 3); BEGIN g_main: FOR k IN 0 TO 3 GENERATE g_first: IF k = 0 GENERATE c0: FA PORT MAP (a(k),b(k), cin, z(k), cm(k)); END GENERATE; g_other: IF k > 0 GENERATE co: FA PORT MAP (a(k), b(k), cm(k-1), z(k), cm(k)); END GENERATE; END GENERATE; cout <= cm(3); END iterative;
4 bit Ripple Carry Adder (Another) ARCHITECTURE regular OF RCA4 IS SIGNAL cm: BIT_VECTOR(0 TO 4); BEGIN cm(0) <= cin; g_main: FOR k IN 0 TO 3 GENERATE co: FA PORT MAP (a(k), b(k), cm(k), z(k), cm(k+1)); END GENERATE; cout <= cm(4); END regular;
Process Statement PROCESS [ (sensitivity_list) ] [ process_declarative_part ] BEGIN sequential statements END PROCESS ;
Sequential Statements • Signal Assignment Statement • Variable Assignment Statement • IF Statement • Case Statement • Loop Statement • Wait Statement • Procedure Call Statement
Sequential Statements (cont.) • Next Statement • Exit Statement • Return Statement • Assertion Statement • Report Statement • Null Statement
Process Example 1 -- an infinite process PROCESS BEGIN x <= ‘0’, a AFTER 10 ns, b AFTER 35 ns; y <= a AND b AFTER 15 ns; END PROCESS;
Process Example 2 PROCESS (a, b) BEGIN x <= ‘0’, a AFTER 10 ns, b AFTER 35 ns; y <= a AND b AFTER 15 ns; END PROCESS; -- x <= ‘0’, a AFTER 10 ns, b AFTER 35 ns; -- y <= a AND b AFTER 15 ns;
Assignment Statements Signal Assignment Statement: target <= waveform ; Variable Assignment Statement: target := expression ;
Process Example 3 PROCESS (a, b) VARIABLE v : INTEGER := 10; BEGIN v := v + a * b; v := 2 * v; c <= v; END PROCESS;
Positive Edge Triggered D-FF PROCESS (clk) BEGIN IF (clk’EVENT AND clk = ‘1’) q <= d; END IF; END PROCESS; q_bar <= NOT q;
IF Statement IF condition THEN sequential statements { ELSIF condition THEN sequential statements } [ ELSE sequential statements ] END IF ;
D-FF w/ Asynchronous Set & Reset PROCESS (clk, set, reset) BEGIN IF reset = ‘1’ THEN d <= ‘0’; ELSIF set = ‘1’ THEN d <= ‘1’; ELSIF clk’EVENT AND clk = ‘1’ THEN q <= d; END IF; END PROCESS; q_bar <= NOT q;
VHDL Signal Attributes • Signal Attributes • ‘EVENT: value boolean • ‘STABLE [ (time) ] signal boolean • ‘TRANSACTION signal bit • ‘LAST_EVENT value time • ‘LAST_VALUE value same type • ‘DELAYED [ (time) ] signal same type • …
VHDL Array Attributes • Array Attributes: • ‘LEFT: left bound • ‘RIGHT: right bound • ‘LENGTH: length • ‘RANGE: range • ‘REVERSE_RANGE: reverse range • …
Register (Entity) ENTITY Reg IS PORT (d: IN BIT_VECTOR; clk, reset: IN BIT; q: OUT BIT_VECTOR); END Reg;
Register (Architecture) ARCHITECTURE general OF Reg IS BEGIN PROCESS(clk, reset) VARIABLE state : BIT_VECTOR(d'RANGE); BEGIN IF (reset = '1') THEN state := (OTHERS => '0'); ELSIF (clk'EVENT AND clk = '0') THEN state := d; END IF; q <= state; END PROCESS; END general;
Aggregate & Concatenation SIGNAL a, b : BIT_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0) a <= (b(0), '1', '0', '1'); a <= (1 => '0', 3 => b(0), OTHERS=>'1'); a <= b(0) & b(3 DOWNTO 1);
Case Statement CASE expression IS case_statement_alternative { case_statement_alternative } END CASE ; case_statement_alternative ::= WHEN choices => sequential statements
Mux 4:1 ARCHITECTURE behavioral OF Mux4x1 IS BEGIN PROCESS (a, sel) BEGIN CASE sel IS WHEN “00” => z <= a(0); WHEN “10” => z <= a(1); WHEN “01” => z <= a(2); WHEN “11” => z <= a(3); -- WHEN OTHERS => z <= a(3); END CASE; END PROCESS; END behavioral;
Loop Statement Iteration_scheme LOOP sequential statements END LOOP; iteration_scheme ::= WHILE condition | FOR identifier IN range
Binary to Integer PROCESS (bin_sig) VARIABLE k: INTEGER := 0; BEGIN k := 0; FOR cnt IN bin_sig’RANGE LOOP k := 2*k; IF bin_sig(cnt) = ‘1’ THEN k := k + 1; END IF; END LOOP; int_sig <= k; END PROCESS;
Integer to Binary PROCESS (int_sig) VARIABLE bin: BIT_VECTOR(bin_sig’RANGE); VARIABLE int, k: INTEGER; BEGIN bin := (OTHERS => ‘0’); int := int_sig; k := 0; WHILE int /= 0 LOOP IF int REM 2 = 1 THEN bin(k) := ‘1’; END IF; int := int MOD 2; k := k + 1; END LOOP; bin_sig <= bin; END PROCESS;
Wait Statement WAIT [sensitivity_clause] [condition_clause] [timeout_clause] ; sensitivity_clause ::= ON sensitivity_list condition_clause ::= UNTIL condition timeout_clause ::= FOR time_expression
Wait Examples • WAIT; -- wait forever • WAIT FOR 0 ns; -- wait a delat time • WAIT FOR 10 us; • WAIT ON a, b, c; • WAIT UNTIL a_sig AND b_var = ‘1’; • WAIT ON a_sig UNTIL a_sig AND b_var = ‘1’;