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Philosophy of Social Science And Education Research Chapter 7

Philosophy of Social Science And Education Research Chapter 7. By Ashley Dziedzic and Shawn Brodie. According to Karl Popper Basic idea is that no scientific idea is ever totally confirmed The best science can do is to show that test after test fails to refute the idea

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Philosophy of Social Science And Education Research Chapter 7

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  1. Philosophy of Social Science And Education ResearchChapter 7 By Ashley Dziedzic and Shawn Brodie

  2. According to Karl Popper Basic idea is that no scientific idea is ever totally confirmed The best science can do is to show that test after test fails to refute the idea Science grows by continuing testing and retesting ideas to prove they are false Scientific claims must be stated in such a way that it is clear what sort of evidence would falsify them How Does Science Grow?

  3. Karl Popper Video on Justified Truth Click the link if the video does not load http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=VTFcNDJqyts

  4. The American Psychological Association (APA) had to deal with recovered memories for victims of abuse Some psychologists insisted repressed memories of abuse can and have been recovered. Others believe memories are constructed in the brain by the process of psychoanalytic methods and should be cast in doubt How do you disprove memories without attacking and blaming the victim? What about the Unprovable?

  5. What about the Unprovable? Click the link if the video does not load http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=XRW-m_8nZzw

  6. ImreLakatos tried to redefine Popper’s ideas and better describe the process by which science proceeds. The concern is not with a specific hypothesis but with the results of the parent theory guiding the research. This is valuable for educators because it focuses on the programs of research rather than specific, individual research. Redefining the Scientific Process

  7. Thomas Kuhn's: Science Grows Through Evolution Kuhn's theory looked at the APA controversy a new paradigm. Paradigm: a pattern or model. Describes distinct concepts or thought patterns in any scientific discipline or other epistemological context. Kuhnian Paradigm = basic theory, set of concepts and ways of working that guide a particular branch of science for some interval of time New Paradigms in research cover up old paradigms which result in a, “paradigm clash.” Kuhn focused on paradigms that succeeded and the changes they induced When related to science and research, Kuhn argued that workers in A, could not criticize those who worked in B because they worked in different worlds. This very concept is relative to the education system we see today.

  8. Paradigm Video click the link if the video does not load http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=3cp6pEzx3uw

  9. Which is better, Qualitative Research or Quantitative Research? Quantitative Research Theory driven Proceeds by testing hypotheses Aims for generalization Data is in the form of numbers and statistics Qualitative Research Regarded as more exploratory The aim is a complete, detailed description Data is in the form of descriptive (words, pictures, etc.) Educational Research Debate

  10. Quantitative research was perceived as “normal science” The educational research community felt that physical science approach (quantitative) to research was inadequate for the study of education Qualitative methods (ethnographic studies, case studies, historical summaries, etc.) were felt to help better understand why some methods work some students, teachers, or situations, but fails with others Educational Research Debate

  11. Currently, the U.S. government has placed an emphasis on randomized experiments for education research Current laws (IDEA and NCLB) requires that programs are “scientifically-based” for core academic areas and to meet the needs of all students Scientifically-based means having at least two scientific studies done Educational Research Debate

  12. The exclusive use of randomized experiments is debated. It is based off of the medical research field and requirements. Some faults of this are: It ignores the crucial fact that the model has limitations Education is very different from the field of medicine Insistence on one form of scientific research is short-sighted and sacrifices the significant contribution of other forms Insistence on the use of randomized experiments neglects ethical problems by having one group be the treatment group while theother is the control group Randomized experiment is just one type of scientificresearch and scientific research is just one form ofeducationalresearch Educational Research Debate

  13. What Works Clearinghouse http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/ Center for RTI http://www.rti4success.org/ AERA: American Educational Research Association Http://www.aera.net/ NCER: National Center for Education Research http://www.ies.ed.gov/ncer RER: Review of Educational Research http://www.rer.sagepub.com/ ERIC: World's Largest Digital Library of Educational Research http://www.eric.ed.gov/ Where to Find Educational Research

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