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Piloting Build IT. Implemented Build IT 3 years at Girls Incorporated of Alameda County, CABuild IT's goals are to encourage middle school girls toExplore and pursue IT careersUse technology to strengthen and build their technology fluencyTake high school algebra and geometry courses in preparat
1. Scaling February 6
Melissa Koch & Torie Gorges
SRI International
Ball, D. L., & Cohen, D. K. (in preparation). Instructional improvement and the problem of scale.Unpublished manuscript.Blumenfeld, P., Fishman, B., Krajcik, J., & Marx, R. W. (2000). Creating useable innovations in systemic reform: Scaling up technology-embedded project-based science in urban schools. Educational Psychologist, 35(3), 149-164.Cobern, C. E. (2002). Rethinking scale: Moving beyond numbers to deep and lasting change. Educational Researcher, 32(6), 3-12.Coburn, C. E. (2003). Rethinking scale: Moving beyond numbers to deep and lasting change. Educational Researcher, 32(6), 3-12.Confrey, J., Lemke, J., Marshall, J., & Sabelli, N. (2001). Models of Implementation Research within Science and Mathematics Instruction in Urban Schools.Elmore, R. F. (1996). Getting to scale with good educational practice. Harvard Educational Review, 66(1).Ferrio, T. (2004). What year did the graphing calculator get to scale? (email correspondance).Fullan, M. (2000). The return of large scale reform.Fullan, M., & Earl, L. (2002). Large scale reform. Journal of Educational Change, 3, 1-5.Horne, M., Cheeseman, J., Clarke, D., Gronn, D., & McDonough, A. Professional development and effective teaching: Developing students mathematical thinking in the early years through enhancing teachers' knowledge.Midgley, C., Maehr, M. L., Hruda, L. Z., Anderman, E., Anderman, L., Freeman, K. E., et al. (2000). Manual for the Patterns of Adaptive Learning Scales (PALS). Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan.Oliver, R., & McLoughlin, C. (2003). Pedagogical designs for scaleable and sustainable online learning. In A. Littlejohn & S. Buckingham Shum (Eds.), Reusing online resources: Special issue of the Journal of Interactive Media in Education.Roschelle, J., Kaput, J., Stroup, W., & Kahn, T. (1998). Scaleable integration of educational software: Exploring the promise of component architectures. Retrieved January 8, 2003, 2003, from http://www-jime.open.ac.uk/98/6/Roschelle, J., Tatar, D., & Kaput, J. (in press). Getting to scale with innovations that deeply restructure how students come to know mathematics. In A. E. Kelly, R. Lesh & J. Y. Baek (Eds.), Handbook of Innovative Design Research in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics Education. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.Ryser, G. R., Beeler, J. E., & McKenzie, C. M. (1995). Effects of a computer-supported intentional learning environment (CSILE) on students' self-concept, self-regulatory behavior, and critical thinking ability. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 13(4), 375-385.Schneider, B., & McDonald, S.-K. (Eds.). (2007). Scale-up in Education: Issues in Practice (Vol. 2). New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.Schoenfeld, A. H. (2002). Making mathematics work for all children: issues of standards, testing, and equity. Educational Researcher, 21(1), 13-25.Shute, V. J., & Glaser, R. (1990). A large-scale evaluation of an intelligent discovery world: Smithtown. Interactive Learning Environments, 1, 51-76, 1(eractive Learning Environments, 1, 51-76), 51-76.Songer, N. B. (2007). Rethinking sustainability of curricular innovations: Notes from urban Detroit. In B. Schneider & S.-K. McDonald (Eds.), Scale-up in education: Issues in practice (Vol. 2, pp. 165-182). New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.Thompson, D., & Senk, S. (2001). The Effects of Curriculum on Achievement in Second-Year Algebra: The Example of the University of Chicago School Mathematics Project.Torgerson, C. (2001). The need for randomised controlled trials in educational research. British Journal of Educational Studies, 49(3), 316-328.
Ball, D. L., & Cohen, D. K. (in preparation). Instructional improvement and the problem of scale.Unpublished manuscript.Blumenfeld, P., Fishman, B., Krajcik, J., & Marx, R. W. (2000). Creating useable innovations in systemic reform: Scaling up technology-embedded project-based science in urban schools. Educational Psychologist, 35(3), 149-164.Cobern, C. E. (2002). Rethinking scale: Moving beyond numbers to deep and lasting change. Educational Researcher, 32(6), 3-12.Coburn, C. E. (2003). Rethinking scale: Moving beyond numbers to deep and lasting change. Educational Researcher, 32(6), 3-12.Confrey, J., Lemke, J., Marshall, J., & Sabelli, N. (2001). Models of Implementation Research within Science and Mathematics Instruction in Urban Schools.Elmore, R. F. (1996). Getting to scale with good educational practice. Harvard Educational Review, 66(1).Ferrio, T. (2004). What year did the graphing calculator get to scale? (email correspondance).Fullan, M. (2000). The return of large scale reform.Fullan, M., & Earl, L. (2002). Large scale reform. Journal of Educational Change, 3, 1-5.Horne, M., Cheeseman, J., Clarke, D., Gronn, D., & McDonough, A. Professional development and effective teaching: Developing students mathematical thinking in the early years through enhancing teachers' knowledge.Midgley, C., Maehr, M. L., Hruda, L. Z., Anderman, E., Anderman, L., Freeman, K. E., et al. (2000). Manual for the Patterns of Adaptive Learning Scales (PALS). Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan.Oliver, R., & McLoughlin, C. (2003). Pedagogical designs for scaleable and sustainable online learning. In A. Littlejohn & S. Buckingham Shum (Eds.), Reusing online resources: Special issue of the Journal of Interactive Media in Education.Roschelle, J., Kaput, J., Stroup, W., & Kahn, T. (1998). Scaleable integration of educational software: Exploring the promise of component architectures. Retrieved January 8, 2003, 2003, from http://www-jime.open.ac.uk/98/6/Roschelle, J., Tatar, D., & Kaput, J. (in press). Getting to scale with innovations that deeply restructure how students come to know mathematics. In A. E. Kelly, R. Lesh & J. Y. Baek (Eds.), Handbook of Innovative Design Research in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics Education. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.Ryser, G. R., Beeler, J. E., & McKenzie, C. M. (1995). Effects of a computer-supported intentional learning environment (CSILE) on students' self-concept, self-regulatory behavior, and critical thinking ability. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 13(4), 375-385.Schneider, B., & McDonald, S.-K. (Eds.). (2007). Scale-up in Education: Issues in Practice (Vol. 2). New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.Schoenfeld, A. H. (2002). Making mathematics work for all children: issues of standards, testing, and equity. Educational Researcher, 21(1), 13-25.Shute, V. J., & Glaser, R. (1990). A large-scale evaluation of an intelligent discovery world: Smithtown. Interactive Learning Environments, 1, 51-76, 1(eractive Learning Environments, 1, 51-76), 51-76.Songer, N. B. (2007). Rethinking sustainability of curricular innovations: Notes from urban Detroit. In B. Schneider & S.-K. McDonald (Eds.), Scale-up in education: Issues in practice (Vol. 2, pp. 165-182). New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.Thompson, D., & Senk, S. (2001). The Effects of Curriculum on Achievement in Second-Year Algebra: The Example of the University of Chicago School Mathematics Project.Torgerson, C. (2001). The need for randomised controlled trials in educational research. British Journal of Educational Studies, 49(3), 316-328.
2. Piloting Build IT Implemented Build IT 3 years at Girls Incorporated of Alameda County, CA
Build ITs goals are to encourage middle school girls to
Explore and pursue IT careers
Use technology to strengthen and build their technology fluency
Take high school algebra and geometry courses in preparation for postsecondary STEM education and/or IT careers
In addition to these learning goals for the girls, Build IT aims to enhance GIACs staff capacity to offer IT fluency programming.
3. Key Elements of Build IT
Problem-based curriculum that uses the Understanding by Design approach
Embedded performance tasks for evaluating technology fluency
Family Tech Nights
Professional development materials for staff
Guides for involving IT professionals
Evaluation instruments for measuring girls interests and understandings
4. Successes of the Build IT Pilot
Girls image of IT careers as solitary and boring have changed significantly to collaborative, fun, and intellectually stimulating
Girls have increased their technology skills and conceptual knowledge
Girls expressed more interest in mathematics and computer science courses
Staff have developed greater IT knowledge and skills
5. Piloting the Scaling of Build IT
11 Girls Inc. program sites implement Build IT over two years (2008-2010)
6 Girls Inc. affiliates (8 new program sites) applied and were accepted to participate
Continued implementation at the Girls Inc. of Alameda affiliate (3 program sites)
Professional development
Ongoing support beyond funding
Research questions and evaluation approach
Why pilot scaling? SRIs experience with program and technologies and Girls Inc.s approach as well.
It is useful for development research to be conducted with a purposive sample of prospective users who represent extremes with respect to background variables that are likely to affect implementation . Initial pilot tests benefit from such diversity by making it more likely that those tests will reveal similarities and contradictions among different actors perspectives on the cooperative activities in which they engage Why pilot scaling? SRIs experience with program and technologies and Girls Inc.s approach as well.
It is useful for development research to be conducted with a purposive sample of prospective users who represent extremes with respect to background variables that are likely to affect implementation . Initial pilot tests benefit from such diversity by making it more likely that those tests will reveal similarities and contradictions among different actors perspectives on the cooperative activities in which they engage
6. Eight New Program Sites Located in the Northeast U.S. and Canada to aid professional development and evaluation:
Concord, New Hampshire
Nashua, New Hampshire
Holyoke, Massachusetts
Lowell, Massachusetts
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Hagerstown, Maryland
York, Canada (2 program sites)
Selected based on their ability to support the program and for their diversity as a group
Small stipend for participating ($10,000 per program site over two years.)
7. Criteria for Participation All program sites have
High-speed Internet access and one computer for every two to three girls.
Resources to implement at least 60 hours of the curriculum during the school year plus the 2-week summer program. Sites will consider implementing all 240 hours of the curriculum.
Staff who are willing to learn technology and design through participation in Build IT professional development and have a commitment to implementing the Build IT curriculum.
Implemented Girls Inc. Operation SMART? (Science, Math, and Relevant Technology) for a minimum of 1 year.
8. Diversity Among Program Sites Rural vs. urban
School vs. center
Demographics (range from 6% to 98% minority; more than half have at risk populations)
All of the curriculum vs parts of the curriculum
Time of year and duration (concentrated weeks vs. after school)
9. Partners Girls Incorporated of Alameda County
Resource for program sites implementing Build IT
Lead PD
Girls Incorporateds national office
Ongoing PD
Contact and resource support for affiliates
SRI International
Initial PD to affiliates staff. Train-the-trainer model.
Curriculum completion and support
Formative evaluation
Development of Program Adaptation Toolkit
Funded by The Noyce Foundation. We have also requested a supplement to our current ITEST grant.
10. Professional Development Initial face-to-face two-day PD
Eight web casts; 4 per year
Online community (Tapped In) for leaders and participants to help each other; moderated by Girls Inc. and SRI.
Opportunities at regional conferences led by Girls Inc. national
Training manager main contact at national
11. Ongoing Support Girls Incorporated partners are key
Part of Girls Inc. nationals successful approach of scaling and sustaining STEM programs.
Prestige within Girls Inc. to be a curriculum pilot site. Provide guidance to other sites.
Develop Program Adaptation Toolkit
To be developed and used by Girls Inc. national and affiliates.
The Toolkit will include
a self-assessment of readiness to implement Build IT
program support suggestions (e.g. funding)
scenarios based on site contexts (e.g. rural vs. urban)
PD guides and contacts for nationally run PD
evaluation tools.
12. Research Questions
Is the Build IT curriculum adoptable and adaptable in different settings? How is the curriculum adapted to work effectively in different settings?
Are girls engaged, achieving IT fluency, and interested in pursuing IT careers, including taking high school mathematics and computer science courses necessary to pursue these careers?
Is the Build IT curriculum sustainable in different settings?
Is staff capacity at each site increased and supported in order to offer this IT fluency programming?
13. A Framework for Scaling Is the Build IT curriculum adoptable and adaptable in different settings? How is the curriculum adapted to work effectively in different settings? Fidelity
Are girls engaged, achieving IT fluency, and interested in pursuing IT careers, including taking high school mathematics and computer science courses necessary to pursue these careers? Spread
Is the Build IT curriculum sustainable in different settings? Sustainability
Is staff capacity at each site increased and supported in order to offer this IT fluency programming? Program ownership
14. Fidelity
Mutual adaptation
To what depth are the sites implementing the key elements of the Build IT program
Implementation framework Unpack these questions using a framework proposed by Cynthia Coburn and included in Volume II Scale up in Education Issues in PracticeUnpack these questions using a framework proposed by Cynthia Coburn and included in Volume II Scale up in Education Issues in Practice
15. Spread
The numbers
During the pilot, approximately 210 girls reached.
Five years after the pilot, 20,000 girls reached each year through the Girls Inc. network.
Beliefs, norms and principles
To what extent are the enduring understandings, performance tasks, and interactions with IT professionals being used?
Is there hands-on and time for reflection on enduring understandings?
16. Sustainability
Key elements and instructional approach permeates all levels:
National organization (professional development and curriculum support staff)
Affiliate (executive director and managers)
Program site (program leaders)
17. Shift in Program Ownership
From SRI and Girls Inc. of Alameda County to
National organization
Program staff
18. Evaluation Goals:
Discover how girls attitudes and knowledge are changing
Understand implementation in different contexts
Analyze staff capacity and identify support needs
Provide feedback on scaling efforts to Girls Inc. National, GIAC, and SRI as well as Girls Inc. staff at each site.
Share understandings from scaling effort with STEM community.
Three types of evaluation:
19. Summative Evaluation Led by HTA
IT Attitudes Survey
IT Concepts Survey
Interviews with SRI, Girls Inc. staff, and affiliates
20. Formative Evaluation Led by SRI, with local evaluators for each affiliate site (graduate students)
Centered on an implementation rubric outlining high-, medium-, and low-quality implementation (based on experiences at GIAC)
Observations of sessions
Interviews with girls
Interviews with Girls Inc. staff (coordinated with summative evaluation interviews)
21. Self-evaluation Led by Girls Inc. staff at each site
Each site determines how much and what kind of self-evaluation will serve their needs
SRI-created set of self-evaluation tools:
Professional development post-training surveys
Observation protocols for girls learning and staff capacity
Coordinator/leader planning check-in form
End-of-unit reflection form
Implementation rubric
22. Discussion