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The AQ Operational Review Group 2010

The AQ Operational Review Group 2010. 04 November – 31 Homer Road, Solihull.

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The AQ Operational Review Group 2010

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  1. The AQ Operational ReviewGroup 2010 04 November – 31 Homer Road, Solihull “Whilst every effort is made to ensure the technical accuracy of the information contained within this presentation, xoserve can accept no responsibility for any claims (however they arise) made against the company as a result of using the information contained within this presentation” AQ Review 2010

  2. Outstanding Actions Actions from previous AQ Meeting held on 18/03/2010 AQ Review 2010

  3. Actions 1. Actions from previous meeting – November 2009 A previous agenda item for Theft of Gas was reviewed as there was an outstanding action from the November forum. Matt Jackson (MJa) from British Gas openly gave his comments and concerns to the xoserve scenario, this then opened up to further discussions. There were several ideas given for consideration. Eleanor Laurence (EL) asked the question if xoserve could report on Meter Points where the Theft of Gas has been proven within the same AQ calculation period and the proposed AQ value. Action: xoserve to report the Theft of Gas following the AQ2010 review. EL from EDF Energy agreed to support xoserve by having some input into the format of this report to ensure that it’s fit for purpose. Action Open. 2. Slide 11 SSP Warnings Reports 2010 Trial Calc This slide shows the number of Meter Points that failed to calculate and the reasons why. A question was raised by Eleanor Laurence (EL) the difference between the Warning Reason ‘AQ not calculated due to the absence of reads since the previous AQ calculation’ and ‘Insufficient Consumption data to calculate AQ’. Action: xoserve to provide an explanation to the differences between the following two Warning Reasons, please see below. Action closed. ‘AQ not calculated due to the absence of reads since the previous AQ calculation’ – AQ failed to calculate due to no meter reads being received since the last AQ calculation. Insufficient Consumption data to calculate AQ’ – Although a meter read(s) have been loaded onto Sites and Meters since the last year AQ calculation, the required 6 months and 1 day (NDM) and 12 months (DM) of reads are not available. AQ Review 2010

  4. Actions 3. Slide 18, 19 and 20 AQ Appeal Activity These slides show how many Appeals are increasing or decreasing the AQ. A question was raised if the top 10 AQ Appeals that are potentially looking to increase their AQ value could be reviewed by xoserve and out of interest see if these AQ Appeals have utilised Meter Reads derived from Reads from the System. Action: xoserve to investigate the top 10 AQ Appeals and confirm which of these have used meter reads other that those submitted to xoserve. Action closed. xoserve have investigated the top 10 AQ Appeals that could potentially increase the AQ value as suggest at the forum. The following is the conclusion of our analysis: • The Appeals were raised for the different market sectors LSP-LSP and SSP-LSP. • During Trial Calc 2010, 7 Meter Points failed to calculate (were on the Warnings Report), the most popular reason being ‘Insufficient Consumption Data to Calculate AQ’. • Some of the Appeals raised had utilised Meter Reads from the system, however xoserve have been unable to drawn any concise conclusions. • Only one of these the Appeals went on to be Nominated and Confirmed. 4. Any Other Business Eleanor (EL) requested that xoserve produce a report that would identify what the backstop date was for Meter Points, this will help to reduce the volumes of rejection. Action: xoserve to provide a report for each of Shippers. Action Open. AQ Review 2010

  5. Theft Of Gas Report AQ Review 2010

  6. The AQ Operational ReviewGroup 2010 04 November – 31 Homer Road, Solihull AQ Review 2010 1

  7. Introduction 2007Total Calculated: 17,917,849SSP: 17,559,109 – LSP: 358,740Carried Forward: 236,634Non Calcs: 4,770,232SSP: 4,605,182 LSP: 165,050 2008Total Calculated: 18,417,477SSP: 18,088,731 – LSP: 328,746Carried Forward: 258,468Non Calcs: 4,371,570SSP: 4,195,203LSP: 176,367 2009Total Calculated: 18,696,274SSP: 18,373,665 – LSP: 322,609Carried Forward: 231,347Non Calcs: 4,186,595SSP: 4,031,034LSP: 155,561 2010Total Calculated:19,050,615 SSP:18,748,122 – LSP: 302,493Carried Forward: 197,550Non Calcs: 3,916,118SSP: 3,765,301LSP:150,817 AQ Review 2010 2

  8. LSP Energy Movement AQ Review 2010 3

  9. SSP Energy Movement Small Supply Point Movement 391,044,547,864 361,423,783,111 329,269,795,150 AQ Review 2010 4

  10. AQ’s Calculated – Actual Calc AQ Review 2010 5

  11. SSP & LSP Calculation Performance AQ Review 2010 6

  12. Meter Point Movement : Current to Amended AQ AQ Review 2010 7

  13. Energy Movement : Current to Amended AQ AQ Review 2010 8

  14. Meter Points Calculated Large Supply Points Total Meter Points Calculated 302,493(150,817 Non-Calcs) • Energy as at 01/10/2009 232 tWh • xoserve Calculated Energy 240 tWh • Final Applied Energy 01/10/2010 193 tWh (Incl.1.5tWh SSP - LSP – 12,811) Small Supply Points Total Meter Points Calculated 18,748,122 (3,765,301 Non-Calcs) • Energy as at 01/10/2009 361tWh • xoserve Calculated Energy 391 tWh • Final Applied Energy 01/10/2010 329 tWh (Incl.2.5tWh LSP - SSP – 16,682) AQ Review 2010 9

  15. Warnings Report (LSP) AQ Review 2010 10

  16. Warnings Report (SSP) AQ Review 2010 11

  17. Calculated AQs Threshold Crossers – SSP to LSP Total Meter Points Crossing12,811 • Previous AQ 667,678,010 kWh • Final Applied AQ 1.5 tWh Threshold Crossers – LSP to SSP Total Meter Points Crossing16,682 • Previous AQ 5.2 tWh • Final Applied AQ 2.5 tWh AQ Review 2010 12

  18. AQ 2010: Speculative Calculator File Submission By SHP AQ Review 2010 13

  19. AQ Amendments Total AQ Amendments Received • Total Accepted 2,234,453 (95.9%) • Total Rejected 95,807 (4.1%) - Inclusive of Referrals Total Referrals • Total Accepted 6,097 (65.5%) • Total Rejected 3,222 (34.5%) Standards Of Service • 100% Clearance in……..15 Days • 100% Clearance in……… 5 Days • 99.7% Clearance in……….2 Days AQ Review 2010 15

  20. Total Amendments Received As % of Shipper Portfolio AQ Review 2010 16

  21. % of Amendments Accepted or Rejectedby Shipper AQ Review 2010 17

  22. Amendment Rejections by Rejection Code AQ Review 2010 18

  23. Amendment Rejections by Rejection Code Top 10 Rejection Reasons AQ Review 2010 19

  24. % of Amendments + or – xoserve Proposed AQ by Shipper AQ Review 2010 20

  25. Total Number of Amendments by Shipper : Count & Energy AQ Review 2010 21

  26. AQ Appeal Activity 2010 AQ Review 2010 22

  27. Appeal Activity 2010 – January to October N.B. The appeals window was closed from 31 July to 14 September 2010. AQ Review 2010 23

  28. AQ Appeal Activity 2009 v 2010 January to October 3 Average Days Taken to Clear (2010) AQ Review 2010 24

  29. Seasonal Normal Review Update AQ Review 2010 25

  30. Seasonal Normal Review 2010 • The Backstop date was changed to 30/09/2006 and applied to 18,304,775 Meter Points. The remaining Meter Points had a Backstop date after the revised date. • New WAALP values were calculated and applied to Sites and Meters for the period 01/10/2006 – 30/09/2010. The new values were used in all AQ calculations for the 2010 AQ Review – 19,050,615 Meter Points. • The WAALP reduction was applied to all Warnings Meter Points that did not receive a successful AQ Amendment following the closure of the Window – 1,666,340 million. • The reduction of the AQ values can be attributed to a mixture of the revised WAALP calculation and the environment and economical influences, 9% overall from AQ2009 for the SSP market, and 17% for the LSP market. • Note: the LSP market has reduced by 31,427 (7%) Meter Points from AQ2009. AQ Review 2010 26

  31. A.O.B. AQ Review 2010 27

  32. xoserve Discussion Item AQ Review 2010 28

  33. Prime & Sub Meter AQ Review The objective of this agenda item is for xoserve to present and facilitate an open discussion on the suggestion of reviewing the way in which we undertake the Prime and Subs AQ Review. The volume of NDM Prime Meter Points is 1,497, SSP – 838, LSP – 659. History: At present the AQ value for the majority of NDM Prime Meter Points is reflective of the Individual consumption of the Prime Meter, and that of the collective Sub-Deducts. This results in the consumption/energy for the Sub-Deducts being recorded twice on Sites and Meters. Example of: Individual AQ for Prime 1000 existing process Individual AQ for the Sub Deduct 1000 Current Prime AQ value2000 AQ Review 2010 29

  34. Prime & Sub Meter AQ Review Area for discussion To net off the consumption/energy of the Sub-Deduct Meter(s) from that of the NDM Prime Meter Points AQ value thus resulting in the Prime AQ value being reflective of its individual consumption/energy. Example of: Individual AQ for Prime 1000 netting off process Individual AQ for the Sub Deduct 1000 Prime AQ value1000 AQ Review 2010 30

  35. Prime & Sub Meter AQ Review Things to consider • Prime Meter AQ reflective of individual consumption • EUC band allocation derived on individual Prime consumption • Less impact on the reconciliation process • Potential system impacts for xoserve and Networks • Shipper impacts? What happens next The discussion at today's meeting will be documented and discussed. AQ Review 2010 31

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