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The AQ Operational Review Group 2011 (Trial Calc). 31 Homer Road, Solihull 28 th March 2011 “.
The AQ Operational ReviewGroup 2011 (Trial Calc) 31 Homer Road, Solihull 28th March 2011 “ Whilst every effort is made to ensure the technical accuracy of the information contained within this presentation, xoserve can accept no responsibility for any claims (however they arise) made against the company as a result of using the information contained within this presentation”
Actions Outstanding Actions from previous Meeting 4th November 2010 Theft of Gas Reports It was again agreed that the Theft of Gas report be issued following the AQ2010 review. Action: The Report will be sent to the affected Shippers under a separate email. Please note you will only receive an email should you have Meter Points that meet the criteria. Action Closed. The Theft of Gas Reports were sent on the 25th November 2010. LSP Energy Movement This slide shows the Energy movement for the Large Supply Points. The Energy movement for Actual Calc is for NDM and DM Meter Points. A question was raised if the LSP slide could be split to show the influence of the NDM and DM portion of Energy. Action: xoserve to investigate the feasibility of the request. Action Update: The request could not be completed for the Actual Calc, as the data on Sites & Meters has changed. However we will endeavour to undertake this request during Trial Calc 2011 to establish its feasibility. Action Closed. A new slide for the Actual Calc presentation has been produced: New slide presented Warnings Report LSP and SSP The slides show the Warning Reason for Meter Points that failed to calculate. A question was asked if a percentage for each of the Warning Reasons could be added to the slide. Action: Xoserve to update slides with percentages. Action Closed. The slides where updated and attached to the Meeting Minutes sent on the 22nd November 2010. Warning Report (SSP) On the SSP Warnings report it was pointed out that the number of new Meter Points created will have an impact to the number of Warning Reasons. A question was raised if the new Meter points could be identified. Action: Xoserve to confirm how many new Meter Points had been created between Oct09 and Oct10. Action Closed. A spreadsheet showing the number of MPRN creations was attached to the Meeting Minutes sent on the 22nd November 2010.
Actions Warnings Report LSP and SSP Action: Xoserve to investigate which Meter Points failed to calculate in 2009 then again in 2010, for the same Warning Reason. Action Closed. A spreadsheet giving the number of Meter Points for both 2009 and 2010 was attached to the Meeting Minutes sent on the 22nd November 2010. Calculated AQs The slide capture the volume and associated Energy of Meter Points that have moved markets. A question was raised how many Meter Points stay as Threshold Crossers. Action Closed .A slide showing the actual number of Meter Points that crossed the Threshold was presented. % of Amendments + or – xoserve Proposed AQ by Shipper British Gas raised a concern on Shippers, Christchurch, Montreal and Oslo as it appeared that their AQ Amendment reductions/increases were not in line with other Shippers. Xoserve agreed to take an action to contact the relevant Shippers to ask for reasons to why their Amendment activity may be different to other Shippers. Action: Shippers represented by Christchurch , Montreal and Oslo to respond with their comments to xoserve. Action: xoserve to publish the responses. Action Closed. An explanation offered by Linda W. Any Other Business Discussions on the suggestion of how xoserve undertakes the Prime & Sub Meter AQ Review. A slide was presented on the existing process showing that the consumption/energy for the sub deducts is duplicated on Sites & Meters. A working example was then shown, the Prime Meter being reflective of its own AQ value. There was agreement from the attendees to continue discussions. Action: xoserve to take proposal to relevant Industry Forums. Action Closed. A presentation was given at the Customer Ops Forum on 1st March 2011. The presentation is available via the link: http://www.xoserve.com/docs/CustomerOpsForumMarch2011.pdfThis is also an Agenda item for today's meeting.
Calculated AQs • Threshold Crossers – SSP to LSP. 12,811 • Meter Points actually billed via the End of Year AQ Reconciliation Process. 11,126
The AQ Operational ReviewGroup 2011 (Trial Calc) 31 Homer Road, Solihull 28th March 2011 “ Whilst every effort is made to ensure the technical accuracy of the information contained within this presentation, xoserve can accept no responsibility for any claims (however they arise) made against the company as a result of using the information contained within this presentation”
AQ Appeal Activity Total Number of Appeals Received = 53,367 Total Appeals Received AQ Appeals
Primary Meters Currently the AQ value for Primary Meters reflects the combined consumption of the Prime and that of the related Sub-Deduct Meter(s). A proposed change in process for the AQ calculation of Primary NDM Meters was presented in the Industry AQ Forum in November where the consumption of the Sub-Deduct(s) will be netted of the Primary AQ value. With effect from 01st October 2011 the AQ value for all NDM Primary Meters will be net of the Sub-Deducts gas consumption. The Primary AQ value will be reflective of its individual consumption and not the aggregate consumption of the site.
AQ Review 2011: Primary Meters • There are 1550 Primary Meters of which 1477 are NDM and 73 are DM. This equates to 0.07% of the Meter Points on Sites and Meters. • The process change will be against the NDM Primary Meters. • Where the netting off process of the Primary Meter results in a negative • value, the AQ will be set to ‘1’kWh. • The Shipper will be notified of the Primary AQ value via the T04 files. • The Shipper notification of the combined consumption for the Sub- • Deduct(s) will be issued via a spreadsheet. • As per the normal process the Shipper can amend the xoserve • proposed AQ value.
Daily Metered LDZ Interruptible Sites DN Interruption Phase two is to facilitate the change for all Interruptible LDZ Supply Points to be recorded as ‘Firm’ with effect from 1st October 2011. Shippers of DM Interruptible Meter Points will be issued with a Supply Type Appeal Reference Numbers during April. Any Supply Points that are not confirmed as ‘firm’ by 07/09/11 will be processed by Xoserve on the shippers behalf. A restriction will be put on any interruptible confirmation for the period 08/09/11 – 19/10/11 in order that Xoserve can carry out this exercise and ensure that there are no interruptible sites on UK Link after 01/10/2011 (Modification 367 & 374). The current AQ processes will apply, however shippers should be mindful of this exercise and the restriction on SPA activities. AQ appeals should be co-ordinated with Supply Type appeals raised under the DNI project as this may impact successful AQ revision. For example: AQ Appeals that have been raised when the site was an interruptible will no longer be valid if the supply type has been amended to firm. If you have any questions or require any additional information on you can send an e-mail to: xoserve.onlinespa@xoserve.com
Supply Type Initialisation - Proposed Solution Timeline The above dates will be subject to change and are dependent on the commencement of technical evaluation.
EUC Numeric Code • Xoserve has now completed the in depth analysis in relation to extending the EUC Numeric Code. The outcome of the analysis, along with the feed back received from the Shipper community has driven the decision to increase the field length of the EUC Numeric Code from 4 digits to 10 digits. • This solution will be implemented prior to the issuing of the new EUC Numeric codes as part of the 2012 AQ Review. • Any updates regarding File Format changes will be communicated through the UK Link Committee forum. • If you require any further information, please contact either Stuart Hegarty (0121 623 2729) or Ian Bevan (0121 623 2735).