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USDA-NRCS WinTR-20. Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial. This tutorial demonstrates the new WinTR20 model. Using a simple example, you will learn how to: Create an Input File Run WinTR-20 View Output. Example Problem. 3 Sub-areas - Sub-area 1 contains a floodwater retarding structure.

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  1. USDA-NRCS WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  2. This tutorial demonstrates the new WinTR20 model. Using a simple example, you will learn how to: • Create an Input File • Run WinTR-20 • View Output WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  3. Example Problem • 3 Sub-areas - Sub-area 1 contains a floodwater retarding structure. • Storm Analysis - Determine peak flows for 5- and 100-year, 24-hour rainfalls. Assume the site is located in a Type II Rainfall Distribution area. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  4. WinTR-20 Sub-area / Reach Concepts • “Stream Reaches” represent the main flow paths that the hydrographs are routed through. They can accommodate one of two forms of routing: Storage Routing (lakes, dams, wetlands, etc.) or Reach Routing (stream or river channels). • All WinTR20 modeled watersheds end with the final stream reach terminating at an “Outlet”. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  5. WinTR-20 Sub-area / Reach Concepts • WinTR20 represents the watershed as a system of sub-areas and reaches. • “Sub-areas” are the separate individual drainage areas that generate the hydrographs that feed into the upstream end of a stream reach. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  6. Schematic For Example Problem Sub-area 2 Reach 2 Outlet (ReachRouting) Sub-area 3 Reach 1 (StorageRouting) Legend Sub-area 1 Storage Structure Sub-Area Inflow Points WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  7. Data Sources • The data presented in the next 5 slides have been gathered prior to inputting into WinTR20. • The data include: • Sub-area Watershed Characteristics • Stream Reach Hydraulics • Storage Structure Hydraulics • Evaluation Storm Amounts and Distribution WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  8. Sub-area Parameters WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  9. Reach Parameters WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  10. Reach 1 Structure Data • Example problem assumes pool is empty (EL 2423.0) when storm begins. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  11. Reach 2 Rating Table • Data derived from HECRAS, Manning’s, etc. • Reach Length = 5400 feet, Bankfull Elevation = 2422.5 WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  12. Storm Data • 5-Year 24-hour Rainfall Amount = 3.7” • 100-year 24-hour Rainfall Amount = 6.2” • Use Type II 24-hour Rainfall Distribution (built-in to WinTR20) WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  13. Getting Started - The Initial WinTR-20 Editor Screen • Using Windows Explorer, go to the “WinTR-20 Executables” directory and click on • The following WinTR-20 System Controller/ Editor Screen comes up: WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  14. WinTR20 Controller / Editor Screen • Click on the “File” menu • From the drop down menu, select “New WinTR-20 File” WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  15. WinTR20 Identifier Record • The next screen to appear is the WinTR-20 Identifier Record. • Enter the units to use (English or Metric), Minimum Hydrograph Value (when to begin and end display of hydrograph) and a watershed description. • “Accept Changes then Close” is selected to complete this record. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  16. Input Data Main Menu • The screen at right comes up next. Select data type to be input here. • This example will require data describing: • Sub-area • Stream reach • Structure rating • Stream Cross Section • Storm Analysis • Start this example by clicking on “Sub-Area:” WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  17. Entering Sub-Area Data • Enter data as shown for all three Sub-Areas. • Sub-Area and Sub-Area Reach Identifier are user defined alpha-numeric names. • Sub-Area Reach Identifier refers to the Reach that will receive the Sub-Area’s hydrograph. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  18. Entering Sub-Area Data • If a built-in rainfall distribution is being used for the whole watershed, “Rain Gage Identifier” is left blank • Note output being requested for this Sub-Area: peak flow and hydrograph WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  19. Entering Sub-Area Data (continued) • After data for Area 1 has been entered, simply highlight the box containing “Area 1” then type “Area 2”. Begin entering Area 2’s data. Repeat for “Area 3”. Click “Accept Changes (Close)” button when finished. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  20. Getting Help • To get help at any time on input parameters, simply click on the yellow text for that input. • A screen then appears with a description of the parameter. • To close the help window, click on the input text line again. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  21. Entering Stream Reach Data • After all the sub-area data has been entered and accepted, the user is returned to the main input editor menu. • Next, click on “Stream Reach:” to enter reach data. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  22. Stream Reach Data • Use pull down menu to select the stream reach needing input. • The names that will appear in this pull down menu were defined during the Sub-Area data entry section (“Sub-Area Reach Identifier”). WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  23. Stream Reach 1 Data • “Reach 2” is the receiving reach for “Reach 1”. • “Reach 1” is a structure-type routing. The structure rating data (entered later) will be identified as “Struct 1”. • Since this is a structure routing, no channel or valley lengths are used. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  24. Stream Reach 2 Data • “Outlet” (end of the watershed) is the receiving reach for “Reach 2”. • “Reach 2” is a channel-type routing. The channel rating data (entered later) will be identified as “Xsec 2”. • Channel and valley lengths are the same in this example. No baseflow is assumed for this reach. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  25. Entering Structure Data • After the Stream Data was entered and accepted, the user is returned to the main input menu. From here “Structure Rating” was entered to bring up the screen on the right. • From the pull-down menu “Struct 1” is selected. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  26. Entering Structure Data • Enter data one line at time using the structure elevation, discharge and storage entry cells on the left. • Leave “Starting Elevation” blank. This has WinTR20 start the routing at the lowest elevation in the rating table. • Click on “Accept Changes (Close)” button when finished. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  27. Entering Structure Data • The user can click on “Display Data” for a graphical view of the data just input. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  28. Entering Stream Cross Section Data • After the Structure Data was entered and accepted, the user is returned to the main input menu. From here “Stream Cross Section” was selected to bring up the screen on the right. • On the pull down menu, “Xsec 2” is selected. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  29. Entering Stream Cross Section Data • Entered the required data. • Cross Section Data entry is similar to the Structure Data - Use entry cells to the left and enter data one line at a time. • Click on “Accept Changes (Close)” button when done. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  30. Entering Stream Cross Section Data • The user can click on “Display Data” for a graphical view of the data just input. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  31. Entering Stream Cross Section Data • Notes on Cross Section Data: • Data usually prepared ahead of time using water surface profile programs such as HECRAS. • “Bankfull Elevation” represents the point at which flow transitions from channel to floodplain. • Low ground may be left blank. • Stream Identifier and Stream Station may be left blank (used only for NRCS Economic Analysis) WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  32. Entering Storm Data • After the Cross Section data has been accepted and closed, the user is returned to the main input editor menu. • Select “Storm Analysis” to enter rainfall amounts and distribution. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  33. Entering Storm Data • Enter the 5- and 100-year rainfall amounts, distribution type, and Antecedent Runoff Condition (ARC - Default is 2). • The “Storm Identifier” can be any alpha-numeric string. • The screen to the right shows the user selecting the Type II Rainfall Distribution from the pull-down menu. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  34. Entering Storm Data (continued) • The screen to the right shows the “Storm Analysis” window after data has been entered for both events. • The data entry is completed by clicking “Accept Changes (Close)” button. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  35. Entering Storm Data (continued) • Storm Analysis Input Notes • “Rain Gage Identifier” is not required if TR20 is executed using the same rainfall amount and distribution over the entire watershed. • “2-Yr 24-Hr Rainfall” is not required unless the Time of Concentration computation option for any Sub-Area is used. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  36. Saving Input File • After accepting the Storm Analysis data, the user is returned to the WinTR20 Input Editor Main Menu. • From the “File” menu, select “Save As” to give a file name and saving location. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  37. Checking Data Prior to Running WinTR-20 • Prior to running WinTR-20, it is useful to view the watershed “Schematic”. • Under the “View” drop down menu on the Controller/ Editor screen, click on “Schematic”. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  38. Checking Data Prior to Running WinTR20 • The Schematic shows how the sub-areas and reaches are configured. • Make sure that “Legend” and “Labels” under the “View” options are turned on. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  39. Running WinTR-20 • After the file has been saved, the “Run” option will show in menu bar at the top. • To run the program, simply click on the “Run” button. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  40. WinTR-20 Output- Printed Page File • Following a successful run, the “Printed Page File” screen comes up. • For this example, peak discharge and hydrographs were requested for all sub-areas and stream reaches. • Output can be sent to the printer or to a file from this screen. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  41. WinTR-20 Output- Printed Page File • To simplify the output, the “hydrograph” option is removed from each sub-area and reach and the model is then re-run. • The screen to the right shows the simplified output from this second run. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  42. WinTR-20 Output - Plots • WinTR-20 also has graphical output capabilities. • Following a successful run, the “Plots” option can be selected ... WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  43. WinTR-20 Output - Plots • In this example, the Hydrograph for Area 2 100-year is requested. • Note: Hydrograph plots are only available if “Hydrograph Output” has been selected within the individual sub-area/stream reach or as a Global Output. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  44. WinTR-20 Output - Plots • The graphic shown to the right comes up after “Display” is clicked. • Options include printing, copying, and zooming in and out. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  45. WinTR-20 Output - Plots (continued) • To plot two items on the same graph, select an option (Multiple Storms, Alternate or Location) under Multiple Hydrographs • For this example (multiple location), a plot of the hydrograph into and out of the storage structure (Reach 1) for the 100-year event is selected. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  46. WinTR-20 Output - Plots (continued) • The resulting multiple plot is shown below: WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  47. Global Output • Instead of requesting individual output options within each sub-area and stream reach, the user can use the “Global Output” from the main menu. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  48. Global Output (continued) • Global Output allows the user to select the same output for ALL sub-areas and stream reaches at once. • For this example, hydrographs and peak discharge information will be output for all points in the watershed. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  49. Some Important Considerations: • Each time a change is made to the input data, the file must be saved before the “Run” option is presented. • When bringing in an existing file, select “ No Changes (Close) ” to get the “Run” option to appear. • All data input require a positive entry (i.e. carriage return, tab, or mouse click) to be recognized. WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

  50. WinTR20 Support Team WinTR-20 Hydrology Model Basic Tutorial

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