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Principles of Electronic Communication Systems. Third Edition Louis E. Frenzel, Jr. Chapter 12. Introduction to Networking and Local-Area Networks. Topics Covered in Chapter 12. 12-1: Network Fundamentals 12-2: LAN Hardware 12-3: Ethernet LANs 12-4: Token-Ring LAN.
Principles of ElectronicCommunication Systems Third Edition Louis E. Frenzel, Jr.
Chapter 12 Introduction to Networking and Local-Area Networks
Topics Covered in Chapter 12 • 12-1: Network Fundamentals • 12-2: LAN Hardware • 12-3: Ethernet LANs • 12-4: Token-Ring LAN
12-1: Network Fundamentals • Most computers today are networked, that is, connected to one another so that they can communicate with one another and share resources. • Virtually 100 percent of business and industrial computers are networked. • It is estimated that more than 70 percent of all home and personal computers are also networked.
12-1: Network Fundamentals • A network is a communication system with two or more stations that can communicate with one another. • When it is desired to have each computer communicate with two or more additional computers, the interconnections can become complex. • The number of links L required between N PCs (nodes) is determined by using the formula L = N(N−1) / 2
12-1: Network Fundamentals Figure 12-1: A network of four PCs.
12-1: Network Fundamentals Types of Networks • Each computer or user in a network is referred to as a node. • The interconnection between the nodes is referred to as the communication link. • In most networks, each node is a personal computer, but in some cases a peripheral device such as a printer can be a node.
12-1: Network Fundamentals Types of Networks • There are four basic types of networks: • Wide-area networks (WANs), • Metropolitan-area networks (MANs) • Local-area networks (LANs) • Personal-area networks (PANs)
12-1: Network Fundamentals Types of Networks: Wide-Area Networks (WANs) • A WAN covers a significant geographical area. • Local telephone systems are WANs, as are the many long-distance telephone systems linked together across the country and to WANs in other countries. • Each telephone set is, in effect, a node in a network that links local offices and central offices.
12-1: Network Fundamentals Types of Networks: Wide-Area Networks (WANs) • There are also WANs that are not part of the public telephone networks, e.g., corporate and military. • The nationwide and worldwide fiber-optic networks set up since the mid-1990s to carry Internet traffic are also WANs. • Known as the Internet coreor backbone, these high-speed interconnections are configured as either direct point-to-point links or large rings with multiple access points.
12-1: Network Fundamentals Types of Networks: Metropolitan-Area Networks (MANs) • MANs are smaller than WANs and generally cover a city, town, or village. • Cable TV systems are MANs. • Other types of MANs, or metro networksas they are typically called, carry computer data.
12-1: Network Fundamentals Types of Networks: Metropolitan-Area Networks (MANs) • MANs are usually fiber-optic rings encircling a city that provide local access to users. Businesses, governments, schools, hospitals, and others connect their internal LANs to them. • MANs also connect to local and long-distance telephone companies. The MANs provide fast and convenient connections to WANs for global Internet connectivity.
12-1: Network Fundamentals Types of Networks: Local-Area Networks (LANs) • A LAN is the smallest type of network in general use. • A LAN consists primarily of personal computers interconnected within an office or building. • LANs can have as few as three to five users, although most systems connect to several thousand users. • Home networks of two or more PCs are also LANs and today most home LANs are fully wireless or incorporate wireless segments.
12-1: Network Fundamentals Types of Networks: Personal-Area Networks (PANs). • A PAN is a short-range wireless network that is set up automatically between two or more devices such as laptop computers, personal digital assistants (PDAs), peripheral devices, or cell phones. • The distance between the devices is very short, no more than about 10 m and usually much less. • PANs are referred to as ad hoc networks that are set up for a specific single purpose, such as the transfer of data between the devices as required by some application. • Most PANs just involve two nodes, but some have been set up to handle up to eight nodes and sometimes more.
12-1: Network Fundamentals Types of Networks: Storage-Area Networks (SANs) • SANs are an outgrowth of the massive data storage requirements developed over the years thanks to the Internet. • These networks usually attach to a LAN or Internet server and store and protect huge data files. • The SAN also provides network users access to massive data files stored in mass memory units, called redundant arrays of independent disks (RAIDs). • RAIDs use many hard drives interconnected to the network and may be located anywhere since access can be via the Internet or a fiber-optic WAN or MAN.
12-1: Network Fundamentals Types of Networks: Network Hierarchy • LANs inside a building are usually connected to a MAN that may be, for example, a local telephone central office. • The MANs connect to the WANs, which may be a long-distance telephone network or one set up for data transmissions. • Some WANs are hierarchies of rings and direct connection points. • MANs and WANs are virtually all fiber-optic networks. • Interconnection points of the networks may be special computers called servers or routers.
12-1: Network Fundamentals Network Topologies • The topology of a network describes the basic communication paths between, and methods used to connect, the nodes on a network. • The three most common topologies used in LANs are star, ring, and bus.
12-1: Network Fundamentals Network Topologies: Star Topology • A basic star configuration consists of a central controller node and multiple individual stations connected to it. • The resulting system resembles a multipointed star. • The central or controlling PC, often referred to as the server, is typically larger and faster than the other PCs and contains a large hard drive where shared data and programs are stored.
12-1: Network Fundamentals Network Topologies: Star Topology • A star-type LAN is extremely simple and straightforward. • New nodes can be quickly and easily added to the system, and the failure of one node does not disable the entire system. • If the server node goes down, the network is disabled but individual PCs will continue to operate independently.
12-1: Network Fundamentals Figure 12-3: A star LAN configuration with a server as the controlling computer.
12-1: Network Fundamentals Network Topologies: Ring Topology • In a ring configuration, the server or main control computer and all the computers are simply linked together in a single closed loop. • Usually, data is transferred around the ring in only one direction, passing through each node. • The ring topology is easily implemented and low in cost. • The downside of a ring network is that a failure in a single node generally causes the entire network to go down. • It is also difficult to diagnose problems on a ring.
12-1: Network Fundamentals Figure 12-4: A ring LAN configuration.
12-1: Network Fundamentals Network Topologies: Bus Topology • A bus is a common cable to which all of the nodes are attached. • The bus is bidirectional in that signals can be transmitted in either directions between any two nodes. • Only one node can transmit at a given time. • A signal to be transmitted can be destined for a single node, or transmitted or broadcast to all nodes simultaneously. • The bus is faster than other topologies, wiring is simple, and the bus can be easily expanded.
12-1: Network Fundamentals Figure 12-5: A bus LAN configuration.
12-1: Network Fundamentals Network Topologies: Mesh Topology • A mesh network is one in which each node is connected to all other nodes. • In a full mesh, every node can talk directly to any other node. • There are major costs and complications as the number of nodes increases, but the use of wireless interconnections between nodes helps to alleviate this problem.
12-1: Network Fundamentals Network Topologies: Mesh Topology • A variation of the full mesh is the partial mesh, in which all nodes can communicate with two or more other nodes. • The primary value of the mesh network is that there are multiple paths for data to take from one node to another. • This offers redundancy that can provide a continuous connection when one or more of the links are broken, thus providing increased network reliability.
12-1: Network Fundamentals Network Topologies: Other Topologies. • There are many variations and combinations of the basic topologies. • Two examples: • The daisy chain topologyis a ring that has been broken. • The tree topology isa bus design in which each node has multiple interconnections to other nodes through a star interconnection.
12-1: Network Fundamentals LAN Applications • The common denominator of all LANs is the communication of information. • Networks are used for many applications other than centralizing and sharing expensive peripherals and for database applications: • E-mail • Internet access • Groupware (e.g., Lotus Notes)
12-1: Network Fundamentals Client-Server and Peer-to-Peer LANs • Most LANs conform to one of two general configurations: client-server or peer-to-peer. • In the client-server type, one of the computers in the network, the server, essentially runs the LAN and determines how the system operates. • The server manages printing operations of a central printer and controls access to a very large hard drive or bank of hard drives containing databases, files, and other information that the clients—the other computers on the network—can access. • The server also provides Internet access.
12-1: Network Fundamentals Client-Server and Peer-to-Peer LANs • In a peer-to-peer system, any PC can serve as either client or server; any PC can have access to any other PC’s files and connected peripherals. • Peer-to-peer LANs are smaller and less expensive than the client-server variety, and provide a simple way to provide network communication. • Disadvantages include: • Lower performance (lower-speed transmission capability). • Manageability and security problems (any user may access any other user’s files).
12-2: LAN Hardware • All LANs are a combination of hardware and software. • The primary hardware devices are the computers, cables, and connectors. • Additional hardware includes: • Network interface cards (NICs) • Repeaters • Hubs and concentrators • Bridges • Routers • Gateways
12-2: LAN Hardware Cables • Most LANs use some type of copper wire cable to carry data from one computer to another via baseband transmission. • The three basic cable types are: • Coaxial cable • Twisted pair • Fiber-optic cable
12-2: LAN Hardware Cables: Coaxial Cable • Coaxial cable is far superior to twisted pair as a communication medium. • Its extremely wide bandwidth permits very high-speed bit rates. • Loss is generally high, but is usually offset by using repeaters that boost signal level. • The major benefit of coaxial cable is that it is completely shielded, so that external noise has little or no effect on it.
12-2: LAN Hardware Figure 12-6: Coaxial cable.
12-2: LAN Hardware Cables: Twisted Pair • Twisted pair cable is two insulated copper wires twisted together loosely to form a cable. • Telephone companies use twisted pair to connect individual telephones to the central office. • The wire is solid copper, 22, 24, or 26 gauge. • The insulation is usually PVC. • Twisted pair has a characteristic impedance of about 100 Ω.
12-2: LAN Hardware Figure 12-7 Types of twisted-pair cable. (a) Twisted-pair unshielded (UTP) cable. (b) Multiple shielded twisted-pair (STP) cable.
12-2: LAN Hardware Cables: Twisted-Pair Cable • There are two basic types of twisted-pair cables in use in LANs: • Unshielded (UTP): UTP cables are susceptible to noise, particularly over long cable runs. • Shielded (STP): STP cables aremore expensive than UTP cables. • They have a metal foil or braid shield around them, forming a third conductor. • The shield is usually connected to ground and, therefore, provides protection from external noise and crosstalk.
12-2: LAN Hardware Cables: Twisted-Pair Cable • The most widely used UTP is category 5 (CAT5). It can carry baseband data at rates up to 100 Mbps at a range up to 100 m. • Twisted-pair cable specifications also include attenuation and near-end cross talk figures. • Attenuation means the amount by which the cable attenuates the signal. The longer the cable, the greater the amount of loss in the cable and the smaller the output.
12-2: LAN Hardware Cables: Twisted-Pair Cable • Near-end cross talk (NEXT): Cross talkrefers to the signal transferred from one twisted pair in a cable to another by way of capacitive and inductive coupling. Near-end cross talk is the signal appearing at the input to the receiving end of the cable. • Many newer office buildings are constructed with special vertical channels or chambers, called plenums,through which cables are run between floors or across ceilings. • Cable used this way, called plenum cable,must be made of fireproof material that will not emit toxic fumes if it catches fire.
12-2: LAN Hardware Cables: Fiber-Optic Cable • Fiber-optic cableis a nonconducting cable consisting of a glass or plastic center cable surrounded by a plastic cladding encased in a plastic outer sheath. • Most fiber-optic cables are extremely thin glass, and many are usually bundled together. • Special fiber-optic connectors are required to attach them to the network equipment. • Speeds of up to 1 Tbps (terabits per second) are achievable by using fiber optics.
12-2: LAN Hardware Figure 12-9: Fiber-optic cable.
12-2: LAN Hardware Connectors: Coaxial Cable Connectors • All cables used in networks have special terminating connectors that provide a fast and easy way to connect and disconnect the equipment from the cabling and maintain the characteristics of the cable. • Coaxial cables in networks use two types of connectors: • N connectors are widely used in RF applications • BNC connectors are commonly used for attaching test leads to measuring instruments such as oscilloscopes.
12-2: LAN Hardware Connectors: Coaxial Cable Connectors • BNC T connectors are used to interconnect two cables to the network hardware. • The barrel connector provides a convenient way to connect two coaxial cables. • A terminator is a special connector containing a resistor whose value is equal to the characteristic impedance of the coaxial cable (typically 50Ω).
12-2: LAN Hardware Figure 12-10: Common coaxial connectors.
12-2: LAN Hardware Figure 12-11: BNC connector accessories and adapters. (a) T connector. (b) Barrel connector.
12-2: LAN Hardware Connectors: Twisted-Pair and Fiber-Optic Connectors • Most telephones attach to an outlet by way of an RJ-11 connector or modular plug. • RJ-11 connectors are used to connect PC modems to the phone line but are not used in LAN connections. • A larger modular connector known as the RJ-45 is widely used in terminating twisted pairs. • A wide range of connectors are available to terminate fiber-optic cables.
12-2: LAN Hardware Figure 12-12 Modular (telephone) connectors used with twisted-pair cable. (a) RJ-11. (b) RJ-45.
12-2: LAN Hardware Network Interface Cards and Chips • A network interface card (NIC) provides the I/O interface between each node on a network and the network wiring. • NICs usually plug into the PC bus or are built into the PC motherboard and provide connectors at the rear of the computer for attaching the cable connectors. • The NIC is the key hardware component in any LAN. • The NIC completely defines the protocols and performance characteristics of the LAN. • NICs are low in price and available from many manufacturers.
12-2: LAN Hardware Figure 12-13: A network interface card.
12-2: LAN Hardware Repeater • A repeater is an electronic circuit that takes a partially degraded signal, boosts its level, shapes it up, and sends it on its way. • Repeaters are small, inexpensive devices that can be inserted into a line with appropriate connectors or built into other LAN equipment. • Most repeaters are really transceivers, bidirectional circuits that can both send and receive data.