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Stanford University Building Assessment Team Training

Stanford University Building Assessment Team Training. Earthquake Preparedness and Building Assessment Team (BAT) Response 2011 Refresher Training Keith A. Perry Emergency Manager preparedness@lists.stanford.edu. Agenda. Overview of Stanford Emergency Management Program BAT Program

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Stanford University Building Assessment Team Training

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Stanford UniversityBuilding Assessment Team Training Earthquake Preparedness and Building Assessment Team (BAT) Response 2011 Refresher Training Keith A. Perry Emergency Manager preparedness@lists.stanford.edu

  2. Agenda • Overview of Stanford Emergency Management Program • BAT Program • Virtual Campus Tour

  3. Pacific-North America Plate Boundary CascadiaSubduction Zone North American Plate 1700 M~9.0 Juan de Fuca Plate 1906 M=7.8 San Andreas Fault 1857 M=7.9 4.8 cm/year Pacific Plate 3

  4. Relative Plate Motion and Multiple Faults in San Francisco Bay Area Precise GPS

  5. Campus Emergency Plan:GOALS/SCOPE • GOALS: • Protect life safety • Secure critical infrastructure and facilities • Resume teaching and research programs • SCOPE: • Plan based on all hazards approach • addresses natural as well as man made events: • earthquakes, hazardous materials releases, floods, fires/ explosions, extended power outages, hazardous materials, infectious disease or mass casualty event

  6. Stanford Emergency Management Team Organization DOC 2 DOC 3 Remaining DOCs DOC 1 Dept Dept Dept Unit University Emergency Operations Center Command Team Operations & Planning Intelligence & Data Management Logistics & Finance Public Information DOC: Department Operations Center

  7. DEPARTMENT OPERATIONS CENTER (DOC) RESPONSIBILITIES DOCs have clear responsibilities for: Organizing a DOC headquarter facility staffed with appropriate leadership • Securing preparedness education & training for their units • Working with the University EOC to coordinate emergency resources, actions, and information • Implementing disaster program and cost recovery measures • Developing Continuity Plans • Mitigating local hazards DOCs are fundamental to Stanford’s disaster plan, and must have appropriate leadership • DOCs get technical support from EM to help develop/maintain their emergency plans

  8. Campus Emergency PlanEmergency Response Priorities • Buildings used by dependant populations • residences, occupied classrooms and offices, childcare centers, occupied auditoriums, arenas and special event venues • Buildings critical to health and safety • medical facilities, police/fire buildings, emergency shelters, food supplies, sites containing potential hazards • Facilities that sustain the response • Classroom and research buildings (unoccupied) • Administrative buildings (unoccupied)

  9. Any questions about the Campus Emergency Plans?

  10. Post-EarthquakeBuilding Assessment Team (BAT) Training 2011

  11. BAT Training 2011 • Earthquake Building Assessment Teams • 600+ trained BATs after 2010 training • Always need new BATs • Annual training for new BATs • Biennial refresher training for returning BATs (next in 2013)

  12. BAT Priorities • Your safety is our #1 priority (and it should be yours too) • If on campus, pair up with another BAT member and begin your assessment immediately • If no other BAT members available, report to your DOC for an assignment • If after hours, report to campus (your DOC) when it is safe to do so and you have taken care of your personal responsibilities

  13. What Do BATs Do? (cont.) • BATs report what they observe using the Stanford University Incident Report Form Let’s review the form now!

  14. Posting the Building • BATs post a preliminary sign (if it is safe to do so) that indicates the building has been assessed. • On every entrance to the building!

  15. Building Signs to be Posted

  16. Make Your Report • Know ahead of time to whom and where you report • You are not finished until you make your report

  17. Inspect local Buildings • Your building • Other buildings in your organization as assigned by your DOC • Other buildings on campus as assigned by the EOC • If your DOC has completed all your buildings, check with Residential & Dining Enterprises to see if they need help with assessing housing units

  18. What BATs Do NOT Do • BATs do NOT place themselves at risk • BATs do NOT go into buildings; assess from the outside only • BATs do NOT make engineering decisions or inspections • BATs do NOT post official red, yellow, green signs; engineers do that

  19. BAT Member ID and Tools

  20. BAT Pocket Guide

  21. BAT Member Tools • BAT-Pack • BAT ID Hardhat, Vest, Name Tag • ATC Manual • Flashlight (be sure to add batteries) • Documents: Incident Report Forms, Building Posting Sign, BAT Pocket Guide, Caution Tape

  22. BAT Pack – For You to Add • Water, snacks • Batteries for flashlight, Personal items; sturdy shoes, eyeglasses, prescriptions, family communication plan • Warm clothing/rain poncho

  23. Priority of Responsibilities • Yourself and your family • Take your personal preparedness seriously • Sign up for Personal Preparedness, EHS-5090 ($75 STAP funds) • BAT Team • Department/School • University

  24. Other Opportunities to Help • Your local department response team • Your local Department Operations Center • Stanford Community Emergency Response Team (SCERT) • ARES/HAM Radio • Local community CERT

  25. Thank you for being a BAT • Your role is critical in Stanford’s Emergency Management activities • Don’t forget - Your safety is critical • Prepare yourself, your home and your family • You are protected by California Good Samaritan Laws

  26. Any Questions?

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