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DRUGS FOR TAKE. A Practical Guide to Prescribing on Day 1! Dr. Liz Gamble. OBJECTIVES. Identify sections of the drug chart Prescribing abbreviations When not to prescribe Use of the BNF Use of hospital protocols Prescribe common / emergency Rx. THE DRUG CHART. FRONT Patient details

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  1. DRUGS FOR TAKE A Practical Guide to Prescribing on Day 1! Dr. Liz Gamble

  2. OBJECTIVES • Identify sections of the drug chart • Prescribing abbreviations • When not to prescribe • Use of the BNF • Use of hospital protocols • Prescribe common / emergency Rx

  3. THE DRUG CHART • FRONT • Patient details • Allergies • Once only medication • Drug doses omitted

  4. THE DRUG CHART • MIDDLE • Regular medication • BACK • As required medication

  5. ABBREVIATIONS • Route of administration • Timing

  6. How not to prescribe…..

  7. WHEN NOT TO PRESCRIBE • Prescribing is not the answer • You need to do something else first • You could do more harm than good • You feel it is not appropriate

  8. USE THE BNF & HOSPITAL PROTOCOLS • Useful things in the BNF • Hospital protocols

  9. Oxygen; general principles • Aims to relieve hypoxia & maintain or restore a normal PaCO2 • Deliver a defined percentage according to patients needs • Hudson mask or nasal cannulae give very variable FiO2 • Nasal cannulae become less efficient at flow rates > 3l/min

  10. Hudson mask: variable performance

  11. Nasal cannulae

  12. Oxygen delivery devices

  13. Venturi devices: fixed performance

  14. Monitoring oxygen therapy • Use oximetry +/- arterial blood gases • SaO2 of 93% is approximately equivalent to a PaO2 of 8kPa, below a SaO2 of 92% PaO2 falls rapidly • Oximetry gives no information about PaCO2 or pH

  15. General rules • Correct hypoxia with an appropriate delivery device • Check ABGs if SaO2 <93% or suspicion of ventilatory impairment or acidosis • Some patients (esp. COPD) with chronic hypoxia rely on hypoxic drive and will hypoventilate on high flow O2 • If hypoxia suddenly occurs check cylinder, tubing etc.

  16. Acute Severe Asthma • Priorities • Treat hypoxia • Treat bronchospasm & inflammation • Assess need for intensive care • Treat any underlying cause e.g. infection, pneumothorax

  17. Acute Severe Asthma: therapy • Sit the patient up • High flow oxygen • Nebulized beta 2 agonists: salbutamol 5mg every 15-30 min if required • Add ipratropium bromide 500mcg 4-6hrly if initial response poor • Steroids: hydrocortisone 200mg IV • Antibiotics if evidence of infection

  18. Severe asthma: iv bronchodilators • Magnesium sulphate: 1.2-2g iv over 20 mins • Salbutamol: 5-20 mcg/min infusion • Aminophylline: loading dose 250 mg iv over 20 mins, then 0.5-0.7mg/kg/hr infusion

  19. Indications for ITU admission • Hypoxia: PaO2 <8kPa despite FiO2 of 60% • Rising PaCO2 or PaCO2 >6 • Exhaustion, drowsiness or coma • Respiratory arrest • Failure to improve despite adequate therapy

  20. Sepsis • Body’s response to an infection • Infection is the invasion of the body by microorganisms – can be local or widespread • Worldwide 1400 people die every day from sepsis – projected to grow by 1.5% per year • Three forms of sepsis: uncomplicated sepsis severe spesis septic shock

  21. Sepsis • Severe sepsis – sepsis with failure of one or more of the vital organs. • Mortality from severe sepsis 30-50% • Septic shock – sepsis with hypotension that does not respond to fluid administration • Mortality from septic shock 50-60% • Majority of sources of infection in severe sepsis/shock are pneumonia and intraabdominal

  22. Surviving Sepsis Campaign • In 2004 an international group of critical care and infectious disease physicians developed guidelines for the management of severe sepsis and septic shock • Society of Critical Care Medicine, European Society of Intensive Care, International Sepsis Forum • Introduction of the sepsis care bundle

  23. Care Bundle • A group of interventions related to a disease process that result in better outcomes when executed together rather than individually • 2 bundles – sepsis resuscitation bundle (6h) sepsis management bundle (24h)

  24. Sepsis Resuscitation Bundle 1) Measure serum lactate 2) Obtain blood culture prior to antibiotics 3) Broadspectrum antibiotics within 3h of presentation 4) In the event of hypotension or lactate > 4 mmol/L • Deliver an initial minimum of 20ml/kg of crystalloid • Apply vasopressors for hypotension not responding to initial fluid resuscitation to maintain MAP > 65 mm Hg

  25. Sepsis resuscitation bundle 5) In the event of persistent hypotension despite fluid resuscitation (septic shock) or lactate > 4 mmol/L • Achieve CVP > 8 mm Hg • Achieve central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2)> 70%

  26. What can we do in MAU? • Make prompt diagnosis • Measure lactate • Blood cultures • Antibiotics within 3 hours • Fluid challenge • ITU review early • Central line, try to get CVP>8mm Hg • Glucose control

  27. Community acquired pneumonia • Non-severe: amoxycillin 500mg tds + clarithromycin 500mg bd. Penicillin allergic: moxifloxacin 400mg bd • Severe: Co-amoxiclav 1.2g iv tds + clarithromycin 500mg bd. Penicillin allergic: levofloxacin 500mg iv bd

  28. Acute alcohol withdrawal • Symptoms: anxiety, tremor, hyperactivity, sweating, nausea, tachycardia, hypertension, mild pyrexia. • Seizures may occur • Delirium tremens (untreated mortality 15%): course tremor, agitation, confusion, delusion, hallucinations • Look for hypoglycaemia, Wernicke-Korsakoff, subdural haematoma, hepatic encephalopathy

  29. General Management • Rehydrate (avoid saline in liver disease) • IV pabrinex 2 pairs 8hourly • Oral therapy: thiamine 100mg bd, vit B co strong 2 tabs tds, vit C 50mg bd • Monitor glucose • Check phosphate; give iv if <0.6mM • Exclude infection

  30. Sedation • Chlordiazepoxide 30mg qds for 2 days • Then 20mg daily (divided doses) for 2 days • Then 10mg daily (divided doses) for 2 days • Then 5mg daily for 2 days • For fits lorazepam 1-2mg iv

  31. Acute coronary syndrome • Symptoms resulting from myocardial ischaemia • STEMI / NSTEMI / unstable angina • Need continuous ECG monitoring and defibrillation facilities • IV access

  32. General measures • Aspirin 300mg stat • Oxygen • Diamorphine 2.5-10mg prn • Metaclopramide 10mg iv • GTN spray 2 puffs sl (unless low bp) • FBC, U&Es, glucose, lipids, TnI

  33. Other measures • Patients with STEMI: urgent reperfusion (thrombolysis or PCI) • Patients with NSTEMI: clopidogrel 300mg stat then 75mg od, enoxaparin 1mg/kg bd • Cardiology input • Correct K+ • Treat arrhythmias, cardiac failure

  34. TACKLING PAIN • Regular analgesia • Regular paracetamol • Regular co-codamol 30:500 • NSAIDS • Morphine • Other pains

  35. SIMPLE REMEDIES FOR MINOR PROBLEMS • Nausea • Constipation • Cough • Indigestion • Leg cramps • Insomnia • Agitation

  36. JUGGLING BLOOD SUGARS • Highs and lows • Type 1 or Type 2? • Adjusting insulin doses • Sliding scales

  37. SCARY SITUATIONS • What if you get there first? • Additional management • OSCEs • Doses • IV or IM?

  38. SCARY SITUATIONS • Respiratory depression & pinpoint pupils • Severe heart failure • Myocardial infarction • Severe asthma • Hypoglycaemia • Possible meningococcal disease • Anaphylactic shock • Status epilepticus

  39. SUMMARY • The drug chart • Prescribing abbreviations • When not to prescribe • The BNF • Hospital protocols • Simple remedies for minor problems • Common emergencies

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