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A conceptual framework for monitoring and assessment of Eutrophication in different aquatic environments. Mark Dowell, Ana Cristina Cardoso and S. Eisenreich Inland and Marine Waters Unit. Eutrophication is an issue in various water policies and regional conventions
A conceptual framework for monitoring and assessment of Eutrophication in different aquatic environments Mark Dowell, Ana Cristina Cardoso and S. Eisenreich Inland and Marine Waters Unit JRC – Ispra, Eutrophication Workshop 14th-15th September 2004
Eutrophication is an issue in various water policies and regional conventions In all these eutrophication is viewed as a process where human induced nutrient enrichment adversely affects the aquatic environment. This is already significant progress compared to the historical view which simply associated eutrophication with a particular trophic state or degree of productivity Introduction JRC – Ispra, Eutrophication Workshop 14th-15th September 2004
There remains considerable divergence in the specific definition and requirements as regards eutrophication This leads to a range of approaches to assessing eutrophication and different monitoring and reporting requirements. Existing monitoring systems are not sufficiently systematically tailored to identify eutrophication. There is a need for harmonization of monitoring methods for eutrophication as well as subsequent assessment and reporting. Rationale JRC – Ispra, Eutrophication Workshop 14th-15th September 2004
Require a conceptual framework which has it’s foundations in the Pressure-State-Response (PSR and/or DPSIR) context. Should be “comprehensive” enough to allow for different and multiple pressures and responses Should allow for discrimination between natural and anthropogenic pressures We propose, as a starting point, to adopt the conceptual framework proposed by OSPAR (with the understanding that this will undergo any required revision). First – CHANGE OF NAME Starting Point for a Common Conceptual Framework JRC – Ispra, Eutrophication Workshop 14th-15th September 2004
I SUPPORTING ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS physical and hydrodynamic aspects, and climatic/weatherconditions (e.g. flushing, wind, temperature, light availability), TRANSBOUNDARY TRANSPORT I NUTRIENT INPUTS TRANSBOUNDARY NUTRIENT FLUXES I (+) INCREASED (WINTER) DIN & DIP CONCENTRATIONS & NUTRIENT RATIOS (+) (+) (during growing season) II II (+) increase in turbidity (-) (+) (+) (+) decrease in light regime increase in primary production (+) II (-) III III (+) organic matter (+) (+) degree of oxygen deficiency (+) foam IV III (+) toxins (-) (-) (-) nuisance / toxic algal species (cell concentration) increase in phytoplankton biomass (chl-a) macrophytobenthos biomass and primary production shift from long-lived to short-lived nuisance macrophyte species and reduced depth distribution increase bacteria zoobenthos / fish kills & benthic community structure Ecosystem structure Conceptual Framework of the main cause/effect relationships proposed as a component of the OSPAR COMPP
I nuisance / toxic algal species (cell concentration) increase in phytoplankton biomass (chl-a) macrophytobenthos biomass and primary production shift from long-lived to short-lived nuisance macrophyte species and reduced depth distribution increase bacteria zoobenthos / fish kills & benthic community structure Ecosystem structure SUPPORTING ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS physical and hydrodynamic aspects, and climatic/weatherconditions (e.g. flushing, wind, temperature, light availability), TRANSBOUNDARY TRANSPORT N2 fixation I NUTRIENT INPUTS TRANSBOUNDARY NUTRIENT FLUXES I (+) INCREASED (WINTER) DIN & DIP CONCENTRATIONS & NUTRIENT RATIOS Top down Control (+) (+) II II (+) increase in turbidity (-) (+) decrease in light regime (+) Modified version of Conceptual Framework resulting from JRC, HELCOM, Black Sea Comm. Meeting in Istanbul 21st-22nd April 2004. Marine “Pan European Conceptual Framework” increase in primary production (+) II (-) III III (+) organic matter (+) (+) degree of oxygen deficiency (+) foam IV III (+) toxins (-) (-) (-) Release of nutrients from sediments
Monitoring Requirements Monitoring Requirements Monitoring Requirements Monitoring Requirements Reference Conditions Reference Conditions Reference Conditions Reference Conditions Classification Classification Classification Classification Common “Conceptual Framework” for Eutrophication Water Category Specific Consultation Member States and GIGs Category specific information for guidance/ mitigation on/of Eutrophication Category specific information for guidance/ mitigation on/of Eutrophication Common Information for guidance/ mitigation on/of Eutrophication
Monitoring requirements Reference Conditions Classification JRC – Ispra, Eutrophication Workshop 14th-15th September 2004
Provides link between the process i.e. Eutrophication and the state, which is of relevance to the monitoring and classification requirements. Provides a sound basis for inter-comparison of eutrophication across different aquatic environments always traceable back to a “common” conceptual framework. Could include mechanisms, through the cause-effect framework, to provide guidance and mitigation approaches to eutrophication. Hierarchical category/typology – with the option of having common typologies across different water categories. Benefits of approach JRC – Ispra, Eutrophication Workshop 14th-15th September 2004
Nutrient enrichment; Enhanced primary production/biomass; Algal blooms; Changes to taxa/species composition of algae/ plants; Effects on light climate and hence on other biota; Increased BOD; Decreased oxygen levels, possible anoxia and consequent effects on biota; Reduced diversity of benthic fauna; Example similarities between water categories/ water types JRC – Ispra, Eutrophication Workshop 14th-15th September 2004
Physical Constraints: Residence time, tidal regime, flow. Nutrient Sources: point source, diffuse, atmospheric, internal loading. Nutrient ratios: sensitivity to and influence of variable stoichiometry. Limitation of Primary Production: Nutrients, Light, Top down effects (grazing) Phytoplankton community diversity Benthic community diversity and importance of Benthic – Pelagic coupling Example differences between water categories/ water types JRC – Ispra, Eutrophication Workshop 14th-15th September 2004
Examples of differences in critical quality elements for individual water categories Note: HAB (Harmful Algal Blooms) JRC – Ispra, Eutrophication Workshop 14th-15th September 2004
Conceptual framework provides an effective means of identifying the critical processes for eutrophication and the similarities in the manifestation of this process across different aquatic environments. Such a framework must be tailored to identify the aspects of eutrophication which are distinct for the different water body categories and types. The conceptual framework provides a template for the future/ challenging tasks of defining monitoring requirements and reference conditions for individual water categories and/or types. Conclusions and the way forward JRC – Ispra, Eutrophication Workshop 14th-15th September 2004