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The Solutions Exchange

The Solutions Exchange is a repository for reusable government IT solutions, promoting best practices and cost-efficiency. Submit, review, and adapt solutions for increased ROI. Launching October 1, 2004.

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The Solutions Exchange

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Solutions Exchange Bill Piatt August 17, 2004

  2. The Essential Questions • What is it? • Why bother? • How will it work? • What is the timeline? • What does it look like? • What is my role?

  3. What is it? • Repository of re-usable capabilities other agencies can “poach” for their own use • Solutions deemed to be reflective of best practices in government • A set of ideas – best practices – that should grow over time • An effort that provides a very high ROI

  4. Why bother? • Timely access to existing government-funded IT solutions • Reduce the transaction cost of finding useful solutions developed elsewhere • Speed development and lower costs on certain classes of applications & business processes • Buy once, use many times

  5. How will it work? • Agencies submit nominations of re-usable capabilities to www.cio.gov/TSE • Approved submissions are posted at the CIO.gov website • Agencies review postings and download content for their adaptation & use • Metrics will be devised to quantify the benefit to government from re-use of these systems/approaches/content

  6. What is the timeline? • Currently accepting initial submissions • CIOs will review, assess and comment on beta version during August • CIO Executive Committee will discuss needed enhancements at meeting in September • Launch is anticipated for October 1, 2004 • Calculating ROI and use statistics will begin upon launch

  7. What does it look like?

  8. Solutions Data

  9. Application Form • Department or Agency Name • Government Program Lead’s contact information • Capability Type • Capability Title and Short Description • Contractor (if appropriate) • Contract Vehicle • Original Cost • Submitter’s contact information • Attachments

  10. Anticipated Results • Reduce redundancy of IT investment in certain areas • Identify a large number of re-usable IT capabilities across the federal government • Achieve very high return on investment • “Viral” spread of best solutions, improving operations • Create a “borrow” versus “buy” mindset wherever possible

  11. Your Role is critical to The Solutions Exchange • Add content that could be picked up and re-used by other agencies • Visit TSE first when you are thinking about hiring a contractor for a generic activity • Scan TSE on a regular basis to see if something has been posted that you could use in your agency • Encourage your colleagues to do the same

  12. Questions/Comments? Bill Piatt EOP/OA/OCIO wpiatt@oa.eop.gov 202-395-5701

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