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Don’t hide yourself. If your body-fat is troubling you much, get rid of it instantly with our efficient Liposuction services. We are Clinichub and we are the hub of Liposuction services in Turkey. Contact us today for a free medical consultation!
Liposuction By clinichub
If you need to remove the excess of fat in your body, Liposuction is one of the best methods to do so. It is a kind of cosmetic surgical process that removes extra layers of fat beneath the human skin. Liposuction could be used for fat depositions on many parts of the body including hips, thighs, abdomen, waist, chest, cheeks and chin etc. Due to this, it helps you get a refined body shape in the least of efforts and investments.
Before Liposuction Stop alcohol consumption, stop smoking and avoid anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirins or other herbal supplements that increase blood flow.
During Liposuction Surgeons will normally draw lines and circles around the required areas. This is followed by anesthesia. The process involves suction devices with instruments known as cannula attached to it. The surgeons make minute incisions through which the cannula is injected between the fatty layers and the fat is sucked out. After the process, slits are left open to foster fluid drainage, which is followed by partially closing the stitches and applying the dressing. Liposuction could take a normal time period ranging from 1 to 2 hours, or it depends on the body conditions.
Types of Liposuction • Liposuction could be of following four types: • Tumescent Liposuction: A solution is pumped into the fatty areas to remove the fat easily without pain • Vaser Liposuction: Cannula is inserted with ultrasound, whose vibrations would burst the fat cells and make it easier to suck • Power-assisted Liposuction: Cannula moves back and forth with a mechanical system and allows the surgeons to suck fat more easily • Laser Lipolysis: A tumescent fluid is used to perform the liposuction process
After The Liposuction Treatment Patients would require spending some time in the hospital. Surgeons use elastic bandages that help to defy swellings and compress the skin. They may also offer antibiotics and painkillers, with some instructions on how to take care of the treated portions. The patients could encounter swellings, numbness and bruises etc. even 4 to 6 weeks after the treatment. Also, the complete recovery of a person may also take a time period of about 3 to 5 months.
What To Expect As An Outcome? Liposuction treatment offers long-lasting results and is almost a permanent weight management solution. In order to prevent any further gain in weight, the person needs to follow a healthy diet plan with regular exercises.
Returning To Work After Liposuction This would generally depend on the amount of fat removed and the part from where it is removed. Most of the patients could return to work almost within a week. However, to return to your regular life activities, it may take a time period of about 4 to 6 weeks.
Contact Us London, England & Istanbul, Turkey Phone: +44-203-633-1335 / +90-543-368-9710 uk@clinichub.com www.clinichub.com