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CISC 220 - Data Structures

CISC 220 - Data Structures. Ben Perry University of Delaware Summer 2011. Quiz. Draw the resulting binary search tree after inserting the following nodes: 9, 13, 2, 5, 12, 15, 1, 4, 7, 11

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CISC 220 - Data Structures

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  1. CISC 220 - Data Structures Ben Perry University of Delaware Summer 2011

  2. Quiz • Draw the resulting binary search tree after inserting the following nodes:9, 13, 2, 5, 12, 15, 1, 4, 7, 11 • Suppose a binary search tree had 64 nodes, but the layout is unknown. How many nodes will you have to traverse on average to find the minimum node? • How many nodes on worst case would it take to find the minimum?

  3. Reminder • Office hours immediately after this class. • Or by appointment. • Try to complete the lab sooner rather than later • Email me or the TA if you have any questions

  4. Binary Search Tree • Elements are sorted • Simple rule: • Left descendants are less than parent • Right descendants are greater than parent

  5. Binary Search Tree • Absolute worst case: Inserting an already sorted list. • Example: insert 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 • You get a linked list.

  6. AVL trees • Recall • Height = distance to furthest descendant leaf • Depth = path length from root • If we can guarantee balanced trees, our worst case for all operations becomes O(log(n)) instead of O(n). • AVL trees do just that. (Adelson-Velskii and Landis)

  7. AVL trees • An AVL tree is a tree where, for each node, the difference between the height of that node’s left and right subtrees is 1 or 0. • NOT an AVL tree: AVL Tree: 7 6 8 6

  8. Smallest AVL tree with height 9

  9. Insert and Rotation in AVL Trees • Insert operation may cause balance factor to become 2 or –2 for some node • only nodes on the path from insertion point to root node have possibly changed in height • So after the Insert, go back up to the root node by node, updating heights • If a new balance factor (the difference hleft-hright) is 2 or –2, adjust tree by rotationaround the node AVL Trees

  10. Single Rotation in an AVL Tree 2 2 6 6 1 2 1 1 4 9 4 8 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 7 9 1 5 8 1 5 0 7 AVL Trees

  11. Insertions in AVL Trees Let the node that needs rebalancing be . There are 4 cases: Outside Cases (require single rotation) : 1. Insertion into left subtree of left child of . 2. Insertion into right subtree of right child of . Inside Cases (require double rotation) : 3. Insertion into right subtree of left child of . 4. Insertion into left subtree of right child of . The rebalancing is performed through four separate rotation algorithms. AVL Trees

  12. AVL Insertion: Outside Case j Consider a valid AVL subtree k h Z h h X Y AVL Trees

  13. AVL Insertion: Outside Case j Inserting into X destroys the AVL property at node j k h Z h+1 h Y X AVL Trees

  14. AVL Insertion: Outside Case j Do a “right rotation” k h Z h+1 h Y X AVL Trees

  15. Single right rotation j Do a “right rotation” k h Z h+1 h Y X AVL Trees

  16. Outside Case Completed “Right rotation” done! (“Left rotation” is mirror symmetric) k j h+1 h h X Z Y AVL property has been restored! AVL Trees

  17. AVL Insertion: Inside Case j Consider a valid AVL subtree k h Z h h X Y AVL Trees

  18. AVL Insertion: Inside Case j Inserting into Y destroys the AVL property at node j Does “right rotation” restore balance? k h Z h h+1 X Y AVL Trees

  19. AVL Insertion: Inside Case k “Right rotation” does not restore balance… now k is out of balance j h X h h+1 Z Y AVL Trees

  20. AVL Insertion: Inside Case j Consider the structure of subtree Y… k h Z h h+1 X Y AVL Trees

  21. AVL Insertion: Inside Case j Y = node i and subtrees V and W k h Z i h h+1 X h or h-1 W V AVL Trees

  22. AVL Insertion: Inside Case j We will do a left-right “double rotation” . . . k Z i X W V AVL Trees

  23. Double rotation : first rotation j left rotation complete i Z k W V X AVL Trees

  24. Double rotation : second rotation j Now do a right rotation i Z k W V X AVL Trees

  25. Double rotation : second rotation right rotation complete Balance has been restored i j k h h h or h-1 V Z W X AVL Trees

  26. Implementation balance (1,0,-1) key left right No need to keep the height; just the difference in height, i.e. the balance factor; this has to be modified on the path of insertion even if you don’t perform rotations Once you have performed a rotation (single or double) you won’t need to go back up the tree AVL Trees

  27. Insertion in AVL Trees • Insert at the leaf (as for all BST) • only nodes on the path from insertion point to root node have possibly changed in height • So after the Insert, go back up to the root node by node, updating heights • If a new balance factor (the difference hleft-hright) is 2 or –2, adjust tree by rotation around the node AVL Trees

  28. Insert in AVL trees Insert(T : reference tree pointer, x : element) : { if T = null then {T := new tree; T.data := x; height := 0; return;} case T.data = x : return ; //Duplicate do nothing T.data > x : Insert(T.left, x); if ((height(T.left)- height(T.right)) = 2){ if (T.left.data > x ) then //outside case T = RotatefromLeft (T); else //inside case T = DoubleRotatefromLeft (T);} T.data < x : Insert(T.right, x); code similar to the left case Endcase T.height := max(height(T.left),height(T.right)) +1; return; } AVL Trees

  29. Example of Insertions in an AVL Tree 2 20 Insert 5, 40 0 1 10 30 0 0 35 25 AVL Trees

  30. Example of Insertions in an AVL Tree 2 3 20 20 1 1 1 2 10 30 10 30 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 35 5 35 25 25 0 40 Now Insert 45 AVL Trees

  31. Single rotation (outside case) 3 3 20 20 1 2 1 2 10 30 10 30 0 2 0 0 0 1 5 35 5 40 25 25 0 0 35 45 40 1 Imbalance 0 45 Now Insert 34 AVL Trees

  32. Double rotation (inside case) 3 3 20 20 1 3 1 2 10 30 10 35 0 2 0 0 1 1 5 Imbalance 40 5 40 25 30 0 25 34 1 0 45 35 45 0 Insertion of 34 0 34 AVL Trees

  33. AVL Tree Deletion • Similar but more complex than insertion • Rotations and double rotations needed to rebalance • Imbalance may propagate upward so that many rotations may be needed. AVL Trees

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