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Maxime Lefrançois & Fabien Gandon Edelweiss – INRIA Sophia-Antipolis – France

ULiS : An Expert System on Linguistics to Support Multilingual Management of Interlingual Semantic Web Knowledge bases. Maxime Lefrançois & Fabien Gandon Edelweiss – INRIA Sophia-Antipolis – France { Maxime.Lefrancois | Fabien.Gandon }@ inria.fr. MSW 2011.

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Maxime Lefrançois & Fabien Gandon Edelweiss – INRIA Sophia-Antipolis – France

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  1. ULiS: An Expert System on Linguisticsto Support Multilingual Managementof Interlingual Semantic Web Knowledge bases Maxime Lefrançois & Fabien Gandon Edelweiss – INRIA Sophia-Antipolis – France {Maxime.Lefrancois|Fabien.Gandon}@inria.fr • MSW 2011

  2. multilingual access to the web of dataThe ULiSproject >31 billion RDF triples 295 data sets Interlinked by >503 million RDF links 3000 < naturallanguages < 7000 ? Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  3. OUTLINE • The Meaning-TextTheory • The ULiSproject: multilingualaccess to web of data • The ILexicOn : defining interlingual lexical units Proposal 1: An architecture thatunlocksmotivating scenarios Proposal 2: A formalway to representlexicographicdefinitions Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  4. 1. The Meaning-TextTheory Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  5. The Meaning-TextTheory A theoretical linguistic framework to construct models of natural language Mel’čuk et. al., late 70’s > today Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  6. The Meaning-TextTheory • Systems of explicit rules • that express correspondences between meaning and text SemRs • 7 levels of linguistic representation • For a set of synonymous utterances DSynRs SSynRs DMorphRs SMorphRs DPhonRs SPhonRs Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  7. The Meaning-TextTheory • The masterpiece: • The Explanatory Combinatorial Dictionary Data Meta- Ontology Description of the Explanatory Combinatorial Dictionary Explanatory Combinatorial Dictionary Explantory: Formalsemanticexplanations Combinatorial: Lexical combinations SemRs DSynRs SSynRs DMorphRs SMorphRs DPhonRs SPhonRs Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  8. Structure of the ECD entry Semantic zone: (formal?) (text or SemR?) lexical definition of lexical units Semantic actants: arguments of the semanticpredicate denotational vs. connotationalsemanticelements(ex: EN hot air, FR wind, RU water). • Phonological/Graphematic zone: • orthograph + prosody • The cooccurrence zone Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  9. Structure of the ECD entry- The cooccurrence zone Morphologicalsub-zone: inflections, derivations. Syntacticsub-zone: Government pattern Correspondance semantic – syntax (based on Dependencygrammars) ways to express a semanticpredicate in the language How the lexical unit participates in specific constructions as a dependent Lexical sub-zone semanticderivations and collocations Stylisticsub-zone Usage labels Pragmaticsub-zone real-life situations where expressions are appropriate. Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  10. Structure of the ECD entry- Examples of lexical functions lexical functions : paradigmatic Syn(telephoneV) = phoneV Anti Conv21(preced) = follow Gener(republic) = state Figur(rain) = curtain (a curtain of rain) S0(analyse) = analysis A0(city) = urban V0(analysis) = analyse Adv0(slow) = slowly S1(teach) = teacher ; S2(teach) = subject ; S3(teach) = pupil; … 19 in total Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  11. Structure of the ECD entry- Examples of lexical functions lexical functions : syntagmatic Magn(laughV) = one’shead off Bon(service) = first-class Locin(height) = at [a height of…] Oper1(supportN) = [to] lend [~ to N] Oper2(supportN) = [to] receive [~ to N] Func1(blownN) = comes [from ~] … 34 in total + non-standard lexical functions WithNoSugar(coffee) = black Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  12. ? 2. The ULiS project:Multilingual access to the web of data Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  13. Universal Networking Language • +RDF? A pivot-based NLP technique • +MTT? Interlanguage Convert Deconvert Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  14. The ULiSproject a UniversalLinguisticSystem Interlanguage Convert Deconvert Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  15. The ULiSproject a UniversalLinguisticSystem to redesign Pivot-based NLP technique 100% using ULiS Semantic Web formalisms Meaning-TextTheory compliantwith Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  16. 2.The ULiSproject Scenario Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  17. The ULiSproject - scenario - Machine Translation - - The RDF-World RDF interlingual representations IR RDF • John01 kill@past Mary01. • John01 kill@past Mary01. • John killed Mary • John01 tuer@past Mary01. • John01 tuer@past Mary01 • John a tué Mary RDFsituationalrepresentations • SREN RDF • SRFR RDF InputTEXT John killed Mary. Output1TEXT John a tué Mary. Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  18. The ULiSproject - scenario - Machine Translation - - The RDF-World RDF interlingual representations • John01 kill@past Mary01. • John01 kill@past Mary01. • John killed Mary • John01 tuer@past Mary01. • John01 tuer@past Mary01 • John a tué Mary RDFsituationalrepresentations John killed Mary. John a tué Mary. Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  19. The ULiSproject - scenario - Machine Translation - Management of Interlingual KnowledgeBases - The RDF-World IKBRDF IDBpedia X RDF ikb:John01 SPARQLRDF + X RDF • SELECT ?personWHERE {?person ikb:kill ikb:Mary01. } SPARQL Request RDF Output RDF interlingual representations IR RDF IR RDF • Whokill@past@? Mary01 • Whokill@past@? Mary01 • Whokilled Mary ? • John01 kill@past Mary01. • John01 kill@past Mary01. • John killed Mary RDFsituationalrepresentations SREN RDF SREN RDF InputTEXT Whokilled Mary? John killed Mary. Output2TEXT Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  20. The ULiSproject - scenario - Machine Translation - Management of Interlingual KnowledgeBases - The RDF-World IDBpedia ikb:John01 • SELECT ?personWHERE {?person ikb:kill ikb:Mary01. } SPARQL Request RDF Output RDF interlingual representations • John01 kill@past Mary01. • John01 kill@past Mary01. • John killed Mary • Whokill@past@? Mary01 • Whokill@past@? Mary01 • Whokilled Mary ? RDFsituationalrepresentations Whokilled Mary? John killed Mary. Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  21. The ULiSproject - scenario - Management of the UniversalLinguisticKnowledge base - Machine Translation - Management of Interlingual KnowledgeBases The RDF-World IKBRDF ULKRDF X RDF SPARQLRDF + X RDF SPARQL Request RDF Output RDF interlingual representations IR RDF IR RDF RDFsituationalrepresentations SRFR RDF SRFR RDF • SRFR RDF InputTEXT Output1TEXT Output2TEXT Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  22. 2.The ULiSproject Architecture Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  23. The ULiSproject - architecture Data Meta- Ontology Description of the Explanatory Combinatorial Dictionary Explanatory Combinatorial Dictionary SemRs DSynRs SSynRs DMorphRs SMorphRs DPhonRs SPhonRs Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  24. The ULiSproject - architecture InterlingualKnowledgeBase • X RDF Data Meta- Ontology Description of the Explanatory Combinatorial Dictionary Explanatory Combinatorial Dictionary SemRs DSynRs SSynRs DMorphRs SMorphRs DPhonRs SPhonRs Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  25. The ULiSproject - architecture InterlingualKnowledgeBase • X RDF INTERLINGUAL NOT INTERLINGUAL = SITUATIONAL • +RDF! Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  26. The ULiSproject - architecture InterlingualKnowledgeBase • X RDF ILexiMOn « Interlingual Lexical Meta-Ontology » ILexicOn pure interlingual features of the ECD • IRs RDF • SRs RDF DSynRs SSynRs • SLexicOn • Other features of the ECD DMorphRs SLexiMOn « SituationalLexical Meta-Ontology » SMorphRs DPhonRs SPhonRs Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  27. The ULiSproject - architecture • InterlingualKnowledgeBase • (ikb:isFrom,rdfs:range,ikb:Country) • (ikb:isFrom,rdfs:domain,ikb:Person) • X RDF • (ex:Maxime,ikb:isFrom,geo:France) ILexiMOn ileximon:ILexicalUnit ILexicOn ilexicon:Person • IRs RDF • ex:John01 • SRs RDF DSynRs SSynRs • SLexicOn • enlexicon:Person • eslexicon:Persona • frlexicon:Personne DMorphRs SLexiMOn sleximon:SLexicalUnit SMorphRs DPhonRs SPhonRs Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  28. The ULiSproject - architecture InterlingualKnowledgeBase • X RDF IKB = KB + anchors + transformation rules ILexiMOn « Interlingual Lexical Meta-Ontology » ILexicOn pure interlingual features of the ECD • IRs RDF • SRs RDF DSynRs SSynRs • SLexicOn • Other features of the ECD DMorphRs SLexiMOn « SituationalLexical Meta-Ontology » SMorphRs DPhonRs + Links + Transformation rules SPhonRs Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  29. The ULiSproject – Done/ To do ? InterlingualKnowledgeBase • X RDF IKB = KB + anchors + transformation rules ILexiMOn « Interlingual Lexical Meta-Ontology » ILexicOn pure interlingual features of the ECD • IRs RDF Formal lexicographic definitions of interlingual lexical units… • SRs RDF DSynRs • in RDF! SSynRs • SLexicOn • Other features of the ECD DMorphRs SLexiMOn « SituationalLexical Meta-Ontology » SMorphRs DPhonRs + Links + Transformation rules SPhonRs Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  30. The ULiSproject – Bricks (I)SLexicOn (I)SLexiMOn (I)ISlexicOn (I)ILexiMOn (I)SKOS, (I)FOAF, … (I)SPIN (I)OWL (I)RDF-S (I)RDF Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  31. 3. The ILexicOn:defining interlingual lexical units Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  32. With the Semantic Web formalisms, Wedesigned a simple ILexiMOn… Interlingual Lexical Units Classes may beformallydefined in the ILexicOn… …by supporting the projection of theirsemanticdecompositionon themselves Lefrançois & Gandon, ILexicOn.

  33. The threelayers owl:Class owl:ObjectProperty xsd:boolean OWL owl:intersectionOf owl:propertyChainAxiom is-a is-a owl:unionOf owl:hasSelf is-a subClassOf subClassOf :ISemanticRelation :ILexicalUnit :onISemanticRelation range is-a core-ILexiMOn layer domain subClassOf :allValuesFrom range domain :ILexicalPrimitive is-a :isObligatory domain range :Entity :hasEntity allValuesFrom onISemanticRelation :State true isObligatory :Person onISemanticRelation allValuesFrom ILexicOn layer A B class/instance A is an instance of B intersectionOf property A B :Alive A is a subClass of B B A p A B C Data-layer hasEntity :Mary01 :Alive01 A islinked to B throughproperty p A is the intersection of B and C Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  34. ILUcILUi • ILexicOn • IRs RDF Die:Die01 Die Person:Mary01 1.Person Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  35. Conceptual participants Rely on non-INTERLINGUAL features Semantic Actants Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  36. Die< End< • Event Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  37. ConPinheritance • 1.Time • 1.Time Die< End< • Event Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  38. ConPinheritance • 1.Time • 1.Time Die< End< • Event • ilexicon:Event a ileximon:ILexicalUnit, • owl:intersectionOf ([ a ileximon:ILexicalPrimitive, • ileximon:onISemanticRelationilexicon:hasTime, • ileximon:allValuesFromilexicon:Time, • ileximon:isObligatory "true"^^xsd:boolean. • ] • ... • ). • ilexicon:End a ileximon:ILexicalUnit, • owl:intersectionOf ( ilexicon:Event • ... • ). • ilexicon:Die a ileximon:ILexicalUnit, • owl:intersectionOf ( ilexicon:End • ... • ). Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  39. ConP partial inheritance • 1.Time Die < End • 1.Alive< 1. • State • ilexicon:Die a ileximon:ILexicalUnit, • owl:intersectionOf ( ilexicon:End • [ a ileximon:ILexicalPrimitive, • ileximon:onISemanticRelationilexicon:hasState, • ileximon:allValuesFromilexicon:Alive, • ileximon:isObligatory "true"^^xsd:boolean. • ] • ... • ). 1.Person • 1.Person< 1. Entity Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  40. ? ConP composition • 1.Time hasTime Die Die < End • NamedConP slots • (an infinitenumber of) lexicalizedconceptual relations hasState • 1.Alive hasDead ? hasEntity = 1.Person • 1.Person Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  41. ConP composition • 1.Time hasTime hasState/ hasEntity Die hasState hasDead • 1.Alive is equivalent to: hasDead (hasState/hasEntity)<hasDead ? hasEntity = 1.Person • 1.Person Ilexicon:hasDeadowl:propertyChainAxiom ( ilexicon:hasState, ilexicon:hasEntity), rdfs:domainilexicon:Die, rdfs:rangeilexicon:Person. Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  42. Kill<Cause<Event Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  43. 1.Time hasTime Kill<Cause<Event hasEvent hasAgent • 1.Person • 1.Die<Event Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  44. 1.Time hasTime • 1.Time Kill hasTime hasEvent hasAgent • 1.Person • 1.Die<Event hasDead 1.Person Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  45. ConP composition ( hasEvent / hasDead ) < hasKilled • 1.Time hasTime • 1.Time Kill hasTime hasEvent hasAgent • 1.Person • 1.Die hasDead hasKilled 1.Person Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  46. ? ConPmerging • 1.Time hasTime • 1.Time Kill hasTime hasEvent hasAgent • 1.Person • 1.Die hasDead hasKilled 1.Person Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  47. ConPmerging ( hasEvent / hasTime ) < hasKillTime • 1.Time hasTime • 1.Time Kill hasKillTime hasTime hasEvent hasAgent • 1.Person • 1.Die hasDead hasKilled 1.Person Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  48. ConPmerging ( hasEvent / hasTime ) < hasKillTime < hasTime hasTime • 1.Time hasKillTime Kill hasTime hasEvent hasAgent • 1.Person • 1.Die hasDead hasKilled 1.Person Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  49. Optional / obligatoryConP hasTime • ?.Person • 1.Time hasBeneficiary hasKillTime Kill hasTime hasEvent hasAgent • 1.Person • 1.Die hasDead hasKilled 1.Person Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

  50. Infanticide<Kill Lefrançois & Gandon, ULiS.

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