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In-Game Advertising Review FOX: JUMPER DVD. Jumper DVD In-Game Advertising Effectiveness Study Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 & Skate. July-2007. July 10, 2007. July 2008. Jumper DVD In-Game Advertising Campaign. Research Summary
In-Game Advertising Review FOX: JUMPER DVD
Jumper DVD In-Game Advertising Effectiveness Study Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 & Skate July-2007 July 10, 2007 July 2008
Jumper DVD In-Game Advertising Campaign • Research Summary • The Jumper DVD in-game ad campaign with Massive was extremely successful at moving key marketing metrics for the DVD release and building brand perception for the Jumper film. The ads were also well received by the gaming community, and added to their game experience. • Those gamers who were exposed to and recalled the Jumper ads were much more aware of the DVD release than those not exposed to the ads on both an unaided and aided basis. • Those who were exposed to and recalled the Jumper DVD ads rated the film significantly higher than those who were not exposed to the ads, and were much more likely to consider watching and/or purchase the DVD. • Gamers exposed to and recalling the ad campaign for the Jumper DVD are more likely to overwhelmingly agree with all brand attribute statements over those not exposed to the in-game ads, such as “has great special effects,” “is action packed” and “has a good story.” • Gamers exposed to and recalling the campaign felt that the ads enhanced the gameplay experience by adding realism, looking cool in the game, and making the game environment feel more interactive. • Gamers exposed to the ad campaign for the Jumper DVD release are more likely to have recalled seeing advertising for the Jumper DVD this summer than unexposed gamers.
Objectives and Methodology: Jumper DVD in R6V2 • OBJECTIVES • Measure the effectiveness of the Jumper DVD in-game advertising campaign in Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 by evaluating key marketing metrics like brand rating and characteristics. • Evaluate preference shifts for Jumper DVD based on in-game ad placements. • Determine integration and effect of ads on gameplay experience. • METHODOLOGY • N=304, Male console gamers aged 13-34. • Gamers recruited through email and online panels; survey hosted online. • Field Dates: 6/09/08 – 6/19/08 • Control Respondents N=154: No opportunity to be exposed to Jumper DVD in-game ads. • Test Respondents N=150: Opportunity to be exposed to Jumper DVD in-game ads. • Gamers that played R6V2 on Xbox 360 during the Jumper DVD ad campaign in R6V2 and were connected to Xbox Live while playing.
Key Research Findings: Jumper DVD in R6V2 • SUMMARY • The Jumper DVD in-game ad campaign in R6V2 was successful at moving key marketing metrics for the DVD, and building brand perception for the film. • Those gamers who were exposed to and recalled the Jumper ads in R6V2 were 56% more aware of the DVD release than those not exposed to the ads on an unaided basis. Aided awareness for the Jumper DVD release was near-universal for both groups, with an 8% increase among those exposed to the in-game ads. • Those exposed to and recalling the Jumper DVD ads in R6V2 rated the brand significantly higher than those that were not exposed to the ads. 100% more gamers rated the brand as “excellent” or “very good” after exposure to the in-game ads. • Among R6V2 gamers exposed to and that recall the Jumper ad campaign, there is a substantial lift in both viewing likelihood for the film, and purchase consideration for the DVD. 19% more gamers would see or have already seen the film after exposure to the in-game ads, while 163% more gamers would purchase the DVD. • R6V2 gamers exposed to and recalling the ad campaign for Jumper are more likely to agree with all of the most recognizable qualities of the film over those not exposed to the in-game ads. The top attributes among the test group were “has great special effects” (80%) and “is action packed” (71%) while “has memorable characters” and “has a good story” realized the largest lifts.
Key Research Findings: Jumper DVD in R6V2 • SUMMARY (cont.) • Almost half of respondents (44%) exposed to the Jumper DVD ad campaign in R6V2 recall seeing ads for the brand. Over two-thirds of those recalling the ad liked it (67%). • Gamers responded that the Jumper DVD ads were a good fit in R6V2 and heightened the game play experience. Over three quarters (79%) of those recalling the ads thought they made the game more realistic, and 65% thought they made the game feel more interactive • R6V2 gamers exposed to the ad campaign for the Jumper DVD release are 13% more likely to have recalled seeing advertising for the Jumper DVD this summer than unexposed gamers. • Gamers of R6V2 are very active DVD buyers. Both groups of gamers are recent DVD buyers, with those exposed to the Jumper DVD ads being more active buyers within the last two weeks.
Jumper DVD Awareness Metrics in R6V2 Those gamers who were exposed to and recalled the Jumper DVD ads in R6V2 were 56% more aware of the DVD release than those not exposed to the ads on an unaided basis. Aided awareness for the Jumper DVD release was near-universal for both groups, with an 8% increase among those exposed to the in-game ads. *[+8%] *[+56%] Q. In the spaces provided below, please indicate which films being released on DVD this summer that you have seen advertised Q. Which of the following films being released on DVD this summer have you heard of? Check all that apply. * Indicates percent change Circled Data = Significance at the 90% confidence level.
Jumper Brand Rating in R6V2 Those exposed to and recalled the Jumper DVD ads in R6V2 rated the film significantly higher than those that were not exposed to the ads. 100% more gamers rated the film as “excellent” or “very good” after being exposed to the in-game ads. *[+100%] Base = 154 Base = 66 Q. How would you rate the following films? **Top-two Box = “excellent” and “very good” on a 5-point scale. * Indicates percent change Circled Data = Significance at the 90% confidence level.
Jumper DVD Likelihood to See/Purchase in R6V2 Among R6V2 gamers exposed to and that recall the Jumper DVD ad campaign, there is a substantial lift in both viewing likelihood for the film, and purchase consideration for the DVD. 19% more gamers would see or have already seen the film after exposure to the in-game ads, while 163% more gamers would purchase the DVD. Likelihood to purchase (top-two box)** *[+19%] *[+163%] Base = 154 Base = 66 Base = 154 Base = 66 Q. Please select below which of these films that you have seen already, are likely to see, or are not likely to see. Q. Please select below how likely you are to purchase any of the following films on DVD either for yourself, someone in your household, or as a gift to someone else. **Top-two Box = “definitely & would purchase” on a 5-point scale. * Indicates percent change Circled Data = Significance at the 90% confidence level.
Jumper Brand Attributes in R6V2 R6V2 gamers exposed to and recalling the ad campaign for the Jumper DVD are more likely to agree with all of the most recognizable qualities of the film over those not exposed to the in-game ads. The top attributes among the test group were “has great special effects” (80%) and “is action packed” (71%) while “has memorable characters” and “has a good story” realized the largest lifts. % Change Base = 154/66 Q. Thinking specifically about Jumper, please rate the following statements on a scale of 1-5. **Top-two Box = “somewhat agree/strongly agree” on a 5-point scale. * Indicates percent change Circled Data = Significance at the 90% confidence level.
Jumper DVD Ad Exposure in R6V2 R6V2 gamers exposed to the ad campaign for the Jumper DVD release are 13% more likely to have recalled seeing advertising for the Jumper DVD this summer than unexposed gamers. *[+13%] Q. Which of the following films being released on DVD this summer have you seen advertising for? Check all that apply. * Indicates percent change Circled Data = Significance at the 90% confidence level.
Jumper DVD In-Game Ad Recall Almost half of respondents exposed to the Jumper DVD campaign in R6V2 recall seeing ads for the film (44%net recall*). 39% of exposed gamers recall the specific ad creative from game play. BASE: Exposed to Jumper Ad campaign (n=150) Q. Do you recall seeing advertising in R6V2 for any of the following films? Check all that apply. Q. This is a still photo taken from the film Jumper. Do you recall seeing this while you were playing R6V2? * Net recall defined as recall Jumper on an aided basis or recall specific ad creative.
Jumper DVD Ad Likeability in R6V2 Over two-thirds (67%) of those exposed to the Jumper DVD ad campaign in R6V2 like the ads. Jumper Ad Likeability BASE: Recall Jumper Ads in Game (n=66) Q. How much did you like the look of the Jumper film ad that you saw in R6V2?
Jumper DVD Ad Fit, and Opinion Change in R6V2 R6V2 gamers feel that the Jumper DVD ads are an appropriate fit for the game and were successfully integrated, with almost half (41%) feeling they fit “very well” or “perfectly.” Furthermore, the ads were successful in generating a more positive opinion of for the film among 38% of gamers. Jumper Ad Fit as a Natural Part of Game BASE: Recall Jumper Ads in Game (n=66) Q. How well does the Jumper film ad fit in as a part of R6V2? Jumper Ad Opinion Change BASE: Recall Jumper Ads in Game (n=66) Q. After seeing the Jumper film ad in R6V2, how has your opinion of Jumper changed, if at all?
Jumper DVD In-Game Impact in R6V2 R6V2 gamers exposed to and recalling the campaign feel that the Jumper DVD ads are an excellent addition to their game play. Gamers agreed that the ads made the game “more realistic” (79%), and “made the gaming environment feel more interactive” (65%). BASE: Recall Jumper Ads in Game (n=66) Q.Here are some statements about the Jumper film ad you saw in R6V2. Please state whether you agree or disagree with the following statements on a scale of 1-5. **Top-two Box = “somewhat agree/strongly agree” on a 5-point scale.
Objectives and Methodology: Jumper DVD in Skate • OBJECTIVES • Measure the effectiveness of the Jumper DVD in-game advertising campaign in Skate by evaluating key marketing metrics like brand rating and characteristics. • Evaluate preference shifts for Jumper DVD based on in-game ad placements. • Determine integration and effect of ads on gameplay experience. • METHODOLOGY • N=348, Male console gamers aged 13-34. • Gamers recruited through email and online panels; survey hosted online. • Field Dates: 6/9/08 – 6/14/08 • Control Respondents N=163: No opportunity to be exposed to Jumper DVD in-game ads. • Test Respondents N=185: Opportunity to be exposed to Jumper DVD in-game ads. • Gamers that played Skate on Xbox 360 during the Jumper DVD ad campaign and were connected to Xbox Live while playing.
Key Research Findings: Jumper DVD in Skate • SUMMARY • The Jumper DVD in-game ad campaign in Skate was successful at moving key marketing metrics for the DVD, and building brand perception for the film. • Those gamers who were exposed to and recalled the Jumper ads in Skate were 21% more aware of the DVD release than those not exposed to the ads on an unaided basis. Aided awareness for the Jumper DVD release was near-universal for both groups, with an 8% increase among those exposed to the in-game ads. • Those exposed to and recalling the Jumper DVD ads in Skate rated the brand significantly higher than those that were not exposed to the ads. 146% more gamers rated the brand as “excellent” or “very good” after exposure to the in-game ads. • Among Skate gamers exposed to and that recall the Jumper ad campaign, there is a substantial lift in both viewing likelihood for the film, and purchase consideration for the DVD. 20% more gamers would see or have already seen the film after exposure to the in-game ads, while 175% more gamers would purchase the DVD. • Skate gamers exposed to and recalling the ad campaign for Jumper are more likely to agree with all of the most recognizable qualities of the film over those not exposed to the in-game ads. The top attributes among the test group were “has good actors” (70%) and “has memorable characters” (69%) while “has great special effects” and “is action packed” realized the largest lifts.
Key Research Findings: Jumper DVD in Skate • SUMMARY (cont.) • Almost half of respondents (40%) exposed to the Jumper DVD ad campaign in Skate recall seeing ads for the brand. Almost three-quarters of those recalling the ad liked it (73%). • Gamers responded that the Jumper DVD ads were a good fit in Skate and heightened the game play experience. Over three quarters (77%) of those recalling the ads thought they made the game more realistic, and 70% thought they made the game feel more interactive. 79% said the ads looked cool in the game. • Skate gamers exposed to the ad campaign for the Jumper DVD release are 13% more likely to have recalled seeing advertising for the Jumper DVD this summer than unexposed gamers. • Gamers of Skate are very active DVD buyers. Both groups of gamers are recent DVD buyers, with those exposed to the Jumper DVD ads being more active buyers within the last two weeks.
Jumper DVD Awareness Metrics in Skate Those gamers who were exposed to and recalled the Jumper DVD ads in Skate were 21% more aware of the DVD release than those not exposed to the ads on an unaided basis. Aided awareness for the Jumper DVD release was near-universal for both groups, with an 8% increase among those exposed to the in-game ads. *[+8%] *[+21%] Q. In the spaces provided below, please indicate which films being released on DVD this summer that you have seen advertised Q. Which of the following films being released on DVD this summer have you heard of? Check all that apply. * Indicates percent change Circled Data = Significance at the 90% confidence level.
Jumper Brand Rating in Skate Those exposed to and recalled the Jumper DVD ads in Skate rated the film significantly higher than those that were not exposed to the ads. 146% more gamers rated the film as “excellent” or “very good” after being exposed to the in-game ads. *[+146%] Base = 163 Base = 74 Q. How would you rate the following films? **Top-two Box = “excellent” and “very good” on a 5-point scale. * Indicates percent change Circled Data = Significance at the 90% confidence level.
Jumper DVD Likelihood to See/Purchase in Skate Among Skate gamers exposed to and that recall the Jumper DVD ad campaign, there is a substantial lift in both viewing likelihood for the film, and purchase consideration for the DVD. 20% more gamers would see or have already seen the film after exposure to the in-game ads, while 175% more gamers would purchase the DVD. Likelihood to purchase (top-two box)** *[+20%] *[+175%] Base = 163 Base = 74 Base = 163 Base = 74 Q. Please select below which of these films that you have seen already, are likely to see, or are not likely to see. Q. Please select below how likely you are to purchase any of the following films on DVD either for yourself, someone in your household, or as a gift to someone else. **Top-two Box = “definitely & would purchase” on a 5-point scale. * Indicates percent change Circled Data = Significance at the 90% confidence level.
Jumper Brand Attributes in Skate Skate gamers exposed to and recalling the ad campaign for the Jumper DVD are more likely to agree with all of the most recognizable qualities of the film over those not exposed to the in-game ads. The top attributes among the test group were “has good actors” (70%) and “has memorable characters” (69%) while “has great special effects” and “is action packed” realized the largest lifts. % Change Base = 163/74 Q. Thinking specifically about Jumper, please rate the following statements on a scale of 1-5. **Top-two Box = “somewhat agree/strongly agree” on a 5-point scale. * Indicates percent change Circled Data = Significance at the 90% confidence level.
Jumper DVD Ad Exposure in Skate Skate gamers exposed to the ad campaign for the Jumper DVD release are 13% more likely to have recalled seeing advertising for the Jumper DVD this summer than unexposed gamers. *[+13%] Q. Which of the following films being released on DVD this summer have you seen advertising for? Check all that apply. * Indicates percent change Circled Data = Significance at the 90% confidence level.
Jumper DVD In-Game Ad Recall Almost half of respondents exposed to the Jumper DVD campaign in Skate recall seeing ads for the film (40%net recall*). 38% of exposed gamers recall the specific ad creative from game play. BASE: Exposed to Jumper Ad campaign (n=185) Q. Do you recall seeing advertising in Skate for any of the following films? Check all that apply. Q. This is a still photo taken from the film Jumper. Do you recall seeing this while you were playing Skate? * Net recall defined as recall Jumper on an aided basis or recall specific ad creative.
Jumper DVD Ad Likeability in Skate Almost three-quarters (73%) of those exposed to the Jumper DVD ad campaign in Skate like the ads. Jumper Ad Likeability BASE: Recall Jumper Ads in Game (n=74) Q. How much did you like the look of the Jumper film ad that you saw in Skate?
Jumper DVD Ad Fit, and Opinion Change in Skate Skate gamers feel that the Jumper DVD ads are an appropriate fit for the game and were successfully integrated, with three-quarters (69%) feeling they fit “very well” or “perfectly.” Furthermore, the ads were very successful in generating a more positive opinion of for the film among 59% of gamers. Jumper Ad Fit as a Natural Part of Game BASE: Recall Jumper Ads in Game (n=74) Q. How well does the Jumper film ad fit in as a part of Skate? Jumper Ad Opinion Change BASE: Recall Jumper Ads in Game (n=74) Q. After seeing the Jumper film ad in Skate, how has your opinion of Jumper changed, if at all?
Jumper DVD In-Game Impact in Skate Skate gamers exposed to and recalling the campaign overwhelmingly feel that the Jumper DVD ads are an excellent addition to their game play. Gamers agreed that the ads made the game “more realistic” (77%), and “made the gaming environment feel more interactive” (70%). 79% also agreed that the ads “looked cool in the game.” BASE: Recall Jumper Ads in Game (n=74) Q.Here are some statements about the Jumper film ad you saw in Skate. Please state whether you agree or disagree with the following statements on a scale of 1-5. **Top-two Box = “somewhat agree/strongly agree” on a 5-point scale.
APPENDIX: Rainbow Six: Las Vegas 2
Leisure Time Behavior: R6V2 Gamers R6V2 gamers are socially active but do spend a significant of time online, with digital media, and music. Base = Total Respondents (n=304) Q. Other than gaming, please indicate which of the following you do on a regular basis. **Top-two Box = “daily” or “weekly” * Indicates percent change Circled Data = Significance at the 90% confidence level.
Movie Genre Preference: R6V2 Gamers Most movie genres are very popular with R6V2 gamers - with most of them preferring action, adventure, and comedy films. Base = Total Respondents (n=304) Q. Please indicate your interest in the following genres of movies **Top-two Box = “like it somewhat/like it a lot” on a 5-point scale. * Indicates percent change Circled Data = Significance at the 90% confidence level.
DVD Purchase Frequency: R6V2 Gamers Gamers of R6V2 are very active DVD buyers, both in frequency and recentness of DVD purchase. Base = Total respondents (n=304) Q. How many DVDs have you purchased in the past six months? Base = Total respondents (n=304) Q. When was the last time you bought a DVD? * Indicates percent change
Demographic Composition: R6V2 Control Test Age Marital Status Education Ethnicity (U.S.) Income Base: Those Responding
Leisure Time Behavior: Skate Gamers Skate gamers are socially active but do spend a significant of time online, with digital media, and music. Base = Total Respondents (n=348) Q. Other than gaming, please indicate which of the following you do on a regular basis. **Top-two Box = “daily” or “weekly” * Indicates percent change Circled Data = Significance at the 90% confidence level.
Movie Genre Preference: Skate Gamers Most movie genres are very popular with Skate gamers - with most of them preferring action, adventure, and comedy films. Base = Total Respondents (n=348) Q. Please indicate your interest in the following genres of movies **Top-two Box = “like it somewhat/like it a lot” on a 5-point scale. * Indicates percent change Circled Data = Significance at the 90% confidence level.
DVD Purchase Frequency: Skate Gamers Gamers of Skate are very active DVD buyers, both in frequency and recentness of DVD purchase. Base = Total respondents (n=348) Q. How many DVDs have you purchased in the past six months? Base = Total respondents (n=348) Q. When was the last time you bought a DVD? * Indicates percent change
Demographic Composition: Skate Control Test Age Marital Status Education Ethnicity (U.S.) Income Base: Those Responding