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Welcome to our First CEM Town Hall

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Welcome to our First CEM Town Hall

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to our First CEM Town Hall • Welcome! While you are waiting: • Configure microphone and speakers: Tools > Audio > Audio Setup Wizard • To share your profile with others, enter information: Edit > Preferences > Profile • To view the profile of another participant: hover pointer over their name in the participants window • You may find it easier to read the chat if you “detach” and enlarge it (look for the drop-down menu) • Please “tweet” using hashtag #ce13

  2. 2013 Overview 2013--Overview

  3. By The Numbers, So Far • More than 200 organizations (est.) • Vs. 170 by the end of last CEM; including whole states, districts for first time • More than 260 event/activities • Vs. 450 by the end of last CEM, many more we know coming (including the vast majority of our own!) • Day 1: More than 3.5 million already reached on Twitter alone • Vs. 4 million for the entire month of August, 2012 • 12 million impressions just on day one But/and we have a long way to go…

  4. CEM 2013 Goals Founding goals… • Get more educators “connected” • Stimulate and support collaboration and innovation in professional development Areas of special emphasis in 2013… • Help more districts to promote and integrate online social learning into their formal PD • Document and analyze how districts are leveraging online social learning as part of their formal PD efforts

  5. CEM 2013 Themes • Making It Count: Integrating Social Learning Into Formal PD • Connected Leadership • Personalized Learning • Innovating STEM and Literacy • From Connection to Collaboration • 21st Century Classroom Management Many of you helped pick them

  6. CEM Calendar • 260+ events so far • Tagging, filtering& search • Organizational/thematic pages • Make yours today! • Integrated archiving • Reactions to date?

  7. edConnectr • Robust matchmaking tool for learning & innovation • Uses tags to make it easy to create rich, action-oriented profiles • Uses maps to make it easy and fun to find others • Helps educators find collaborators, get help, or just connect • Impressions?

  8. District and State Support • District toolkit, Part 1 • Support for participation in CEM • Examples of district at different levels, with videos and links • Links to tools and resources at each level • District toolkit, Part 2 • Support for integrating informal and formal professional learning year round • Readiness assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation tools

  9. District and State Support • State resources page • Recognition for participating states and districts • Ability to create and share own CEM pages • State/district “hotline” • More robust support for orgs, too (resource center) • Anything we need to add for you?

  10. Starter Kits, Book Clubs, More • Starter kit updated, offering an activity each day • Book club expanded to four books, each with author involvement • Community directory continues to expand, tagging expected • Connected educator profiles expanding throughout month • Help desk, open houses

  11. Digital Badges • Four types: • Event • Starter Kit • Peer-to-peer • Connected educator • Published to Mozilla Backpack • Can create a collection as your “digital transcript” of your CEM participation • Can include badges from such as those from our open badge catalog

  12. Kick-Off, CEM Cafe • Highly interactiveand participatory • Six all-star panels to kick off the month’s discussion of each key 2013 CEM theme • Two new special community events—the opening celebration and town hall • Nightly theme-based discussions with distinguished guests (Connected Café)

  13. Collaborative Projects • CEM is a time for co-creation, innovation • Additional programming being developed collaboratively with community throughout October to generate resources for CEM and beyond • Possible examples • Theme curation (underway), other ownership programs • Showcases (e.g. contests/challenges, others TBD by calendar) • Adopt-a-colleague kit, CEM educator promo contest • Personal learning network exchange • Cross-community guided tours • CEM video channel(s) • Reactions?

  14. Wrap-Up, Post-CEM • Closing sessions to generate learnings, take-aways, and continuing actions • Theme curatorsand thought leaders gather to report • Opportunities to reflect, generate next steps, new initiatives, strengthen bonds • Focus on activities, events, and projects that continue beyond CEM • Fun! • CEM archives, evaluation

  15. Outreach Similar to 2012, but… • More advance promotion • After kick-off, trying to look a week out • More themed promotions • By theme, role, topic, type, day-part • More social media promotion • More folks working on it, greater frequency, sophistication • Vehicle to make sure more groups get promoed via more outlets • Additional platforms: Pinterest, G+, LinkedIn, YouTube • More state, district promotion • Through national orgs, w/more targeted offerings • More promotion via other outlets • E.g. Internet/traditional radio, mini-calendars for media, etc. • Other ideas?

  16. Cross-Promotion, Collaboration • Key to success • 47 of 50 most popular CEM 2012 events involved 2+ organizations • Use CEM Matchmaker, edConnectr • Come To CEM Town Hall(s) • Use calendar filtering • To find, connect, cross-promote groups w/like interest • Contact others you cross-promote • Via their email button on calendar • Pick up newsletter promos to use/repurpose • Tell us what you’ve done/are doing • Other ideas?

  17. Your Plans, Updated • Share what you’re doing, planning • Let’s speed date, now… • What else can/should we be doing together to maximize the month? • What should we be doing now for post-CEM?

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