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ActiveRecord and SDO: Adding new data models beneath your Rails applications

ActiveRecord and SDO: Adding new data models beneath your Rails applications. Doug Tidwell, IBM dtidwell@us.ibm.com. Objectives. Discuss emerging technologies (SDO and SCA) Compare SDO to ActiveRecord Discuss impedence mismatches between SDO and ActiveRecord

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ActiveRecord and SDO: Adding new data models beneath your Rails applications

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  1. ActiveRecord and SDO: Adding new data models beneath your Rails applications Doug Tidwell, IBM dtidwell@us.ibm.com

  2. Objectives • Discuss emerging technologies (SDO and SCA) • Compare SDO to ActiveRecord • Discuss impedence mismatches between SDO and ActiveRecord • Build bridges between the SCA/SDO and Rails communities

  3. Speaker profile • Doug Tidwell is a Senior Software Engineer at IBM. • He was a speaker at the first XML conference in 1997, and has spoken on technical topics around the world. • He works in IBM’s Software Strategy group, evangelizing emerging XML standards such as XForms, SCA and SDO. • You can reach him at dtidwell@us.ibm.com.

  4. Speaker profile • Doug Tidwell is a Senior Software Engineer at IBM. • He was a speaker at the first XML conference in 1997, and has spoken on technical topics around the world. • He works in IBM’s Software Strategy group, evangelizing emerging XML standards such as XForms, SCA and SDO. • You can reach him at dtidwell@us.ibm.com.

  5. Emerging technologies Service Component Architecture andService Data Objects

  6. Why SDO makes life simpler • One way to look at SDO is that it takes all of the details of access methods, implementations, and moves them into the middleware layer. • Application developers write business logic, code that actually builds value for your organization. • The details of using data sources are handled by SDO. • As the details change, your applications (and the developers who wrote them) aren’t affected. • SCA does the same thing, but includes encryption, authentication, etc. in addition to other details.

  7. The underlying design pattern • We’re taking a physical data source and abstracting out its details. • Our code works with things like: • DataObjects • DataGraphs • ChangeSummary(ies) • Hmmm… • This sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

  8. The underlying design pattern • SDO gives your developers a single programming model for using data sources. • As your applications get more complicated, you have to integrate more and more data sources. • What happens if they’re not RDBs? • Similarly, SCA gives your developers a single programming model for using services. • As your applications get more complicated, your developers have to learn more and more interfaces.

  9. Using a component • When dealing with a component, there are three important pieces of information: • The interface of the component • The implementation of the component • The access methodto invoke the component • We’ll consider how we use this information to invoke components.

  10. The bad old days • Originally, most components were hardwired into an application: • The application knew the details of the component’s interface at build time. • The application accessed the component’s implementation at build time. • The application knew the details of the component’s access method at build time. • This worked (and still does), but the application is relatively brittle. • If the implementation or access method changes, we have to modify our code, rebuild it, retest it and redeploy it.

  11. The early days of Web services • SOAP introduced a way to invoke a remote service with an XML envelope. • The SOAP infrastructure built the envelope and sent it to a particular URL; the SOAP service’s host invoked a service and sent XML back to us. • The application knew the details of the component’s interface at build time. • The application did not access the component’s implementation at build time; the component is invoked at run time by the SOAP infrastructure. • The application knew the details of the component’s access method at build time (usually SOAP/HTTP).

  12. Next-generation applications • An application built with SCA and SDO is even more dynamic: • The application knows the details of the component’s interface at build time. • The application does not access the component’s implementation at build time; the component is invoked by the SCA and SDO frameworks. • The application does not know the details of the component’s access method at build time; this is also handled by the SCA and SDO frameworks. • SCA and SDO move the implementation and access method details out of your application and into the middleware.

  13. Next-generation applications • We mentioned the three important pieces of information: • The interface of the component • The implementation of the component • The access methodto invoke the component • With SDO and SCA, the implementation and the access method are determined at runtime by the infrastructure. • Our code isn’t involved in this determination, so we don’t have to write it or maintain it.

  14. Service Data Objects

  15. Service Data Objects • Started as a research project between IBM and BEA several years ago. • SCA grew out of this work as well. • The standards have been developed in the open and were recently turned over to OASIS.

  16. Service Data Objects • SDO gives you a single API to a wide variety of data sources. • You and I as developers focus on CRUD operations. • We don’t know what the data source actually is. • Relational database • XML database or XML file • EJB • Web service • JCA • LDAP directory

  17. The goal of SDO • I have some data. • I use the data wherever and however it’s stored (RDBMS, XML file, LDAP, etc.) • I use the most convenient language for CRUD operations on the data (SQL, XQuery, modified XPath, etc.)

  18. EJB A disconnected interface to many kinds of data sources RDB JDBC, ODBC Data graph Data object XPath/XQuery XML DB Local Application Data Access Service XML/HTTP Web service Change summary JCA CCI/Proprietary

  19. Data Access Services (DAS) • To use SDO, another technology is needed. • DAS does the work of synchronizing the data graph with a particular kind of data store. • Tuscany has DAS implementations in Java and C++.

  20. Samples • We’ll look at a quick sample that uses the same code to access different data sources underneath. • Changing the data source doesn’t require us to change our code at all.

  21. Configuration • Here’s the DAS configuration file for a relational database: <Config xmlns...><ConnectionInfo dataSource="..."/><Command name="allCompanies" SQL="select * from COMPANY" kind="Select"/><Table tableName="COMPANY"> <Column columnName="ID" primaryKey="true" generated="true"/></Table> . . .

  22. Accessing the SDO data • Here’s how to execute a query: public class CompanyClient {private DAS das = DAS.FACTORY. createDAS(getConfig ("CompanyConfig.xml")); public final List getCompanies { Command read = das.getCommand("allCompanies"); DataObject root = read.executeQuery(); return root.getList("COMPANY");} }

  23. Accessing data with Tuscany SDO • Tuscany SDO development has taken two significant turns in the last few weeks • Adding more data sources: A beta of LDAP support is in the Tuscany code base today. • Adding more query languages: XQuery has also been added to the Tuscany code base in the last couple of weeks.

  24. Building bridges Two great tastes that taste great together

  25. Impedance mismatches • SDO is designed for disconnected access • Get a data graph from a data provider, work with it, then submit a change summary to the data provider if we want. • SDO is closer to XML Schema than the relational model • Mappings have been done to RDBs, XML / Web services, LDAP… • SDO is much more configuration-intensive • Tools exist to do this automatically, but… • This is completely counter to the Rails philosophy

  26. Sequenced data objects • SDO defines sequenced data objects, not something a RDB typically supports natively. • Rails’ acts_as_list fits this perfectly; SDO uses a similar approach. • Sequenced data objects map to XML easily. • Sequenced data objects to LDAP? Not so much…

  27. Query languages • Rails “query” language is tightly integrated with Ruby • Doesn’t seem like a query language at all, really… • SDO supports SQL, XPath (sort of) and XQuery. • XPath support in SDO is awkward, the first item in a sequence or node set is [0], not [1].

  28. Meeting in the middle • What’s in there? ? ActiveRecord SDO

  29. Challenges • SDO maps everything to an XML structure (DataObject). • Rails assumes everything is in a RDB • SDO to RDB implementations are mature (although not all are open-source) • How substantial is the mismatch between, say, LDAP and RDB? • In theory (heh), this is a known and solved problem. • LDAP directories have been implemented on top of RDBs.

  30. Questions • How much value is there in an ActiveRecord to LDAP mapping? • How much value is there in the disconnected nature of SDO?

  31. Quotes • The idea of intelligent persistance (Liquid data or SDO) is in the category of "if I only had time I would build that, and if anyone does I would use it, but I just don't have time to give this gift to humanity"  Surprisingly, that is exactly the mindset which delayed an architecture like Rails from coming to market sooner.  We all owe a debt to the man who bit the bullet and did the heavy lifting.

  32. Quotes • I have not done any development, but have planned a "vision" of how I would implement this into an overarching application development paradigm.  The short answer for you is "I'm not independantly wealthy, but have 3 kids in college, so I work for the machine.“ • George Willis, on the Ruby on Rails RIA SDK Google Group

  33. Resources • Service Data Objects • osoa.org/display/Main/ Service+Data+Objects+Specifications • Java and C++ specs available now, C and COBOL are in draft stage • OASIS CSA group • oasis-opencsa.org • Apache Tuscany • incubator.apache.org/tuscany/ • Next-generation data programming: Introduction to SDO • ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-sdo/ and elsewhere…

  34. Resources • SCA component for Ruby • ibm.com/alphaworks/tech/scarubycomponent/ • Other Ruby and SCA resources • See the Tuscany samples—there are examples that use BSF to implement Ruby services inside an SCA environment. • Work for the opposite direction is ongoing, please get involved…

  35. Resources • osoa.org: A group of 17 companies working together:

  36. The specifications work of OSOA has been turned over to OASIS. • The Open Composite Services Architecture group is being formed now. • See oasis-opencsa.org for more details.

  37. Thanks! Doug Tidwell, IBM dtidwell@us.ibm.com

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