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Are You a ‘Lover’ or a ‘Fighter? ’. The ‘Lover’. An ‘Orchestrator of Learning’. An adaptor. Caters for Multiple Intelligences. Differentiates. Visionary. A collaborator. A communicator. A risk taker. Model. Holistic. Student centered. A reflective practitioner. A leader. Community.
An ‘Orchestrator of Learning’ An adaptor Caters for Multiple Intelligences Differentiates Visionary A collaborator A communicator A risk taker Model Holistic Student centered A reflective practitioner A leader
‘Technologies are lousy teachers but they can be powerful tools to think with’(Jonassen, D et al., 2008, p.120)
Teacher modelling Collaboration and problem solving Creating, sharing & manipulating tools Creating, sharing & manipulating tools
E-learning Class Organisation • A group with the teacher for instructional work using iPads to tap out answers to questions teacher asks • A group working together in smaller groups on a specific online reading book activity that had been designed for their group • A group on computers (in pairs or threes) working through a graphic organiser Character Study, discussing character traits, looking through the novel in their hands to find more information, sharing their answers • A group listening to an audiobook on the iPod via a 5 way splitter whilst reading from the paperback copy at the same time • A group choosing from the reading options which could include a variety of activities using technologies or non digital materials • (Sharp, J, 2011).
The Technologically - Challenged Teacher • needs to adopt a new DNA • embrace technologies and allow students to help • recognise learning needs to be in an authentic environment “Our students can do amazing things if we let them loose with appropriate tools, guidance and resources.” Dr Scott MCleod (2011)
Consumption vs Participatory • The Internet is more than a place to go to just get information from. • The Internet is a place for interaction with others and creating. • Teachers need to use technologies to support creativity and collaboration between students. • Teachers need to be careful not to use technologies as merely rewards or as drill practice. • “Students need to learn with the computer not from.” (Jonassen, D et al., 2008). • Computer use needs to encourage higher order thinking.
P.D. an Essential Ingredient • Value of equipment lies in the teacher • Benefits - an increase in teachers’ 1. confidence and skills 2. understanding of ICT role 3. critical reflections of practice • Principals need PD also so they can best support their staff and schools
“Effective teaching with technology is effective teaching by any means” (Grabe & Grabe, 2007, p.xx).
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