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EP-3 Recovery

EP-3 Recovery. Mr. Ross Higa HQ PACAF/CECI. Background. CE Mission: Document pavement degradation from AN-124 traffic US responsible for pavement damage Chinese tried, but could not “run up the bill” Airfield designed for fighter aircraft Narrow taxiways, small aprons

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EP-3 Recovery

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  1. EP-3 Recovery Mr. Ross Higa HQ PACAF/CECI

  2. Background • CE Mission: Document pavement degradation from AN-124 traffic • US responsible for pavement damage • Chinese tried, but could not “run up the bill” • Airfield designed for fighter aircraft • Narrow taxiways, small aprons • Limited pavement bearing strength • AN-124 has higher damage potential than C-5 • Five AN-124 flights (first and last were heaviest) • Cargo weight and fuel strictly controlled to avoid damage • First AN-124 arrived 16 Jun 01 to start recovery operations - completed 3 Jul 01

  3. Logistics and Security • Lodged at Gloria Resort Hotel in Sanya • U.S. manager assisted in logistical support • One hour bus ride to/from Lingshui Air Base • Left hotel 0630, returned 1830 • Operations kept low key • Minimal news coverage • Photographers and reporters kept away from hotel and base • Police stationed along route to Lingshui • Exception: Numerous guests/photographers on base during fuselage loading

  4. EP-3 Lingshui (Naval) Air Base, Hainan Island, People's Republic of China

  5. EP-3 and AN-124

  6. Crew members guided the AN-124 on narrow taxiways and through tight turns

  7. Kneeling AN -124 - Load bearing points on the pavement were closely monitored

  8. The airfield already had existing defects

  9. Working Conditions • Lockheed Martin was well prepared • Chartered Gulfstream IV on standby at Sanya Airport for evacuation • Physician on team - local hospitals inadequate • Temperatures reached 107 deg F with high humidity • Heat stress encountered early on • Administered medication as needed • Daily safety meetings - no injuries incurred • Local contracts for work trailers, water, transportation, meals, toilets, generator, etc. • Cell phones with international capability

  10. People's Liberation Army • PLA Navy monitored operations closely • Continuous photography and video taping of work and people • U.S. workers restricted from crossing rope barriers • Routine review of photos and video taken by U.S. • End of day meetings held to recap day's events and resolve issues • Key project officers from Beijing; not Lingshui • Non-threatening, but many "home turf" rules

  11. Three jack stands supported the aircraft during underside disassembly work

  12. Blowers vented residual fuel before cutting operations could begin

  13. A safety line was installed for topside work

  14. Flaps, ailerons and leading edges were salvaged

  15. Tail section was cut off the fuselage

  16. Key components were salvaged

  17. Four engines were removed in one day

  18. Gas powered saws were used to cut and remove the wings in sections

  19. Scrapped parts were also taken to Kadena on the AN-124

  20. Main and nose gears were removed when rain halted wing cutting operations

  21. A specially made trailer was jacked up to support the aircraft

  22. EP-3 rested solely on the raised trailer after the jack stands were removed

  23. Interior pipes and cables were pre-cut to facilitate removal of wing sections

  24. Nacelles were salvaged

  25. The AN-124 was "cubed out" on almost every return flight

  26. “You Call – We Haul” Lockheed and Russian crews "busted butts" to load same-day turnaround flights

  27. Bridge cranes were used to load from the rear

  28. A centerline marker was laid out to help align the AN-124 to the EP-3

  29. The AN-124 hit the mark perfectly

  30. The AN-124 used portable extension ramps to reduce the incline

  31. Steel cables from the cargo bay were attached to the trailer

  32. Winches pulled the fuselage into the cargo bay

  33. The wide wheels and narrow ramps left no room for error

  34. The fuselage and trailer cleared by a few inches

  35. The portable ramps were disassembled and loaded onto the AN-124

  36. The Russian crew

  37. After a refueling stop in the Philippines and crew rest in Hawaii, the fuselage was welcomed home at Dobbins ARB, GA (home of Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems Co.)

  38. Additional Information Additional Information and photos can be found on the PACOM website at: http://www.pacom.mil/ep3photos.htm http://www.pacom.mil/ep3.htm

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