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Joint Tuna RFMO Workshops

Global and Domestic Updates Related to ICCAT Dr. Rebecca Lent, Director Office of International Affairs. International workshop on improvement, harmonization and compatibility of monitoring control and surveillance measures, including monitoring catches from catching vessels to markets

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Joint Tuna RFMO Workshops

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  1. Global and Domestic Updates Related to ICCATDr. Rebecca Lent, DirectorOffice of International Affairs

  2. International workshop on improvement, harmonization and compatibility of monitoring control and surveillance measures, including monitoring catches from catching vessels to markets June 3-5 in Barcelona, Spain Hosted by Japan Joint Tuna RFMO Workshops

  3. Meeting of experts to share best practices on the provision of scientific advice May 31 to June 2 in Barcelona, Spain Hosted by the European Union Joint Tuna RFMO Workshops

  4. Joint Tuna RFMO Workshops • International workshop on tuna RFMO management issues relating to bycatch • June 23-26 in Brisbane, Australia • Hosted by the United States

  5. Review available information on incidental catch of non-target species and juveniles of target species; Provide advice to tuna RFMOs on best practices, methods and techniques to assess and reduce the incidental mortality of non-target species, such as seabirds, turtles, sharks, marine mammals and of juveniles of target species Develop and coordinate relevant research programs and observer programs Make recommendations on mechanisms to streamline the work of tuna RFMO Working Groups in this field in order to avoid duplication Objectives of K2B(Adopted in San Sebastian in 2009)

  6. Joint Tuna RFMO Meetings • International workshop on the management of tuna fisheries, with an emphasis on reducing overcapacity • June 29 to July 1 in Brisbane, Australia • Hosted by FFA

  7. For more information on all Joint Tuna RFMO Workshops, visit: www.tuna-org.org

  8. MSA International Requirements to Address IUU & Bycatch • NMFS seeks information regarding nations whose vessels are engaged in IUU fishing or bycatch of protected resources • Information will be reviewed for purposes of MSRA identification • FR Notice published April 6 • Public comment period reopened through April 23

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