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MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES . PRESENTATION JANUARY 2013. The Common Entrance exam. The examination will test candidates ’ ability to:. Listen:
The examination will test candidates’ ability to: • Listen: • show an understanding of the spoken language dealing with a range of familiar topics, and identify and note main points and specific details, including opinions; • Speak • take part in short conversations, giving and obtaining information and opinions; • Read • show an understanding of a number of printed items, ranging from short, simple phrases to longer, more complex texts and identify and note main points and specific details, including opinions; • Write • produce pieces of writing, ranging from short phrases to longer passages in which they seek and convey information and opinions.
What do we have to learn? • Language of the classroom, including basic ICT • House, home, daily routine and chores • Life and work at school • Time, dates, numbers and prices • Personal description • Family, friends and pets • Meeting people • Free-time activities • Holiday activities • Visiting a café or restaurant • Simple health problems * • Description of a town or region • Finding the way and using transport • Understanding tourist information* • Shopping (e.g. for food, clothes, presents) • Pocket money * • Weather
How to produce a really good speaking test • Practice your answers. Read them out. Record them (onto Itunes and download onto Ipod). • Get parents to test you (listen to their accents and pronunciation). • Learn key question words (for role-play). Where? When? How? Can I? Do you have? I would like etc. • Practise using a dictionary to look up key phrases. • Make sure you know what you are saying – put expression into your voice. • Time yourself. • Use really good expressions, tenses and opinions. Try to keep hesitation to a minimum. • Show the examiner what you can say.
Writing • There will be two written exercises. • Question 1 (8 marks) • Write five simple sentences in the target language, each based on a visual or written stimulus. • Marks will be awarded for content, accuracy and quality of language. • Question 2 (17 marks) • This question will require 80–130 words of continuous writing in the form of a letter based on a written stimulus in the target language. • demonstrate the full range of their knowledge of the linguistic features contained in the syllabus. Marks will be awarded for content, accuracy and quality of language.
J’habite à Cobham au sud-est d’Angleterre. Dans ma ville il y a 3 très grands supermarchés qui s’appellent Waitrose, Tesco et Sainsbury. Personellement je n’aime pas beaucoup les supermarchés car ils sont barbants, mais mes parents les adorent. Nous allons à Waitrose toutes les semaines pour faire les courses. On peut acheter des légumes, de la viande, du pain, des boissons etc. Waitrose est très cher mais c’est bon. Il y a aussi un petit café la, donc on peut prendre un café au lait avec les amis. Un supermarché • Mon frère (Keith) est très impoli. Il est toujours méchant et il ne fait rien à la maison. Mon père lui donne de l’argent de poche mais Keith ne dit pas merci. Quand ma mère veut aller au cinéma avec nous Keith dit «NON je ne veux pas ! Je déteste ça». Il ne lave pas la voiture de maman. Il ne prépare jamais le répas et il ne se lève pas les samedis. Unepersonneimpolie • J’adore les fruits surtout les pommes, les bananes et les poires. En été on peut manger des fraises, des framboises et des oranges mais je n’aime pas trop les oranges. Quand on fait un pique-nique ma mère prépare toujours une salade de fruits avec des fraises, du kiwi, un ananas et des pommes. C’est délicieux. En hiver il n’y a pas de bon fruit. Des fruits
Checklist: Opinions [] Time phrases [] Past tense future tense [] Linking words [] Quality language []
How to revise – top tips • Little and often – 10-15 mins per day. • Always revise key words from vocabulary areas and regular verb endings. Check irregular verbs too. • Past papers: learn from your mistakes. Especially writing. • When you encounter new vocab or phrases write them down and try to use them (in speaking and writing) • Check key vocab and grammar www.linguascope.com • After revision on Linguascope topic write a short paragraph in French for each of the main topic areas or practise your conversation questions. • Go over as many role-plays as possible (from website) and practise them.
How to revise – top tips • Little and often – 10/15 minutes per day. • Be specific in what you want to achieve from the revision. • Be active in the revision • Use variety of methods o make up little rhymes o use colour o draw mind maps o make up association stories o draw pictures / practice diagrams o learn lists o flash cards help for certain things – e.g. learning key words or vocab. o test yourself with “Look, Cover, Write, Check” Be
How to revise – top tips • Always revise key words from vocabulary areas and regular verb endings. Check irregular verbs too. • Past papers: learn from your mistakes. Especially writing. • When you encounter new vocab or phrases write them down and try to use them (in speaking and writing) • Check key vocab and grammar www.linguascope.com • Username: ffleet • p/word: olympics • Go over as many role-plays as possible (from website) and practice them.
Common mistakes • Spellings: père/mère/frère • Je m’appelle - je mappel • J’habite – je habite • Mon pere j’aime • Mes parents chambre • Nous allons (instead of nous avons). • Adjective agreements • Oui – often spelled as Qui • Du/de la/des au/à la/aux
How to produce a really good writing paper. • Always try to keep your sentence structure simple yet effective. • Add lots of relevant detail( when, with who, where, opinion and reason) • Have a good opener for each paragraph. • Use a separate paragraph for each bullet point in the question. • Don’t translate literally e.g Je joue un grillet allumette (I play a cricket match).
Ma Ville • J’habite à Cobham au sud-est d’Angleterre. Ma ville est jolie mais petite. Il y a des supermarchés, des églises, et des cafés où on peut prendre un café au lait avec les amis. On a aussi des magasins qui vendent les vêtements à la mode mais malheureusement, Il n’y a pas de cinéma, alors si on veut voir un film on doit aller à Guildford. Aussi Il y a un vieux château dans le parc derrière Marks and Spencers. C’est super car on peut jouer au foot dans le parc. La semaine prochaine je vais faire les magasins avec mes parents car c’est l’anniversaire de ma sœur. C’est barbant!