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Welcome to the Governance School Improvement Network Meeting for the Spring Term 2018. Today's agenda includes updates from Ofsted, GDPR and Governor Disciplinary Policy, as well as other important service and governor updates.
Governance School Improvement Network MeetingSpring Term 2018
Welcome Today’s agenda Ofsted Updates GDPR – what it means for schools, governors and available training Governor Disciplinary Policy Service Updates Governor Updates
Ofsted Updates From January 2018: Section 8 – short inspections – of good schools is as follows: A previously good school but inspection shows serious concernsabout safeguarding, the quality of education and/or behaviour – then it will convert to a full (section 5) inspection within 48 hours. A previously good school but inspection may find some aspects that imply an RI judgement. The Inspection will remain 1 day but the letter will say that there are areas for improvement. The school still remains good, but will have between 12-18 months to get back to a secure good. The school will then have a full section 5 inspection. A previously good school but inspection shows that it may be on the cusp of outstanding. The inspection will remain 1 day but the letter will be written to suggest this and areas to improve on to become outstanding. The school will have 12 – 18 months to further develop before a full section 5 inspection.
Ofsted Updates From January 2018 S8 – short inspections of good schools is as follows: Some good schools will still be randomly chosen for a full section 5 inspection, rather than a section 8 (1 day) – especially if flagged by a desktop data analysis. Outstanding schools will remain outstanding, but Ofsted can do a section 8 inspection if concerns about standards/safeguarding/complaints that would trigger it are being looked at anyway. The section 8 inspection will confirm that it is still outstanding but the letter will highlight areas to improve (within 12-18 months as above). If the section 8 inspection finds serious concerns, there will be a full section 5 inspection within 48 hours. Definition of serious concerns- aspects likely to be inadequate.
GDPR – General Data Protection Regulations These regulations come into force on May 25th, 2018. There is an Act of Parliament en route through both houses which is intended to receive Royal Assent to become active on the same date. Proper training is available from Veritau, aimed at governors and school leaders together.
GDPR – General Data Protection Regulations Key messages The final regulations depend on the final wording of the act If schools are classed as public bodies, they will need to appoint a data protection officer. It will be difficult in all but the largest organisations for this person to be an employee. Guidance about the limitations of “consent” is strengthened. A Multi Academy Trust will be classed as one organisation. A single maintained school will be classed as one organisation. The local authority will be classed as a single organisation but is not likely to be responsible for maintained schools’ data.
GDPR – General Data Protection Regulations Issues for governing board data: Some data is confidential – eg staffing updates Some data is commercially sensitive – eg finance reports, pupil progress reports Some data is not for public viewing – eg unapproved minutes – i.e. those circulated before each meeting The Problem – “How can we give governors easy access to this information without leaking it beyond the school’s data ring fence?”
GDPR – General Data Protection Regulations The Solution Governor papers are stored online (NYCC Governor Module/School VLE/School website/School SharePoint/School Office 365 cloud) with access controlled by password. Governors can access these documents to read - before, during and after each meeting. Schools can give governors online access in meetings, or can provide paper copies of all relevant documents, or both. NYCC Information Governance team are comfortable with governors taking papers away from meetings but NOT storing electronic files on home computers.
GDPR – General Data Protection Regulations Implications for governing boards The code of conduct should include returning to school all papers at the end of a governor’s term of office. The code of conduct or ICT Acceptable Use agreement should contain a clause stating that governors agree not to download papers to any personal computers, but only to read them online. Governors do need to include this, at least in the short term, in a safeguarding link role or similar, to ensure that the school becomes compliant with the new regulations. Training is available.
GDPR – General Data Protection Regulations Training is available from Veritau. Please see the NYES website and search for GDPR.
GDPR – General Data Protection Regulations QUESTIONS?
Governor Disciplinary Policy 2017 Constitution Regulations – the ability to remove elected governors for misconduct. New policy available at: http://cyps.northyorks.gov.uk/general-information-governors Incorporates all categories of governor in one single policy
Governor Disciplinary Policy Overview: Principles – deal with early and through conversation to avoid little problems becoming big ones. If things are not resolved informally, the formal process is clear, transparent and demanding – not to be undertaken lightly. Once removed, a governor is disqualified from governing any other school for a period of five years. The right of appeal to the board only applies to elected governors.
Governor Disciplinary Policy Activity Handout – Grounds for disqualification On tables: what potential governor behaviours might fit under each heading a to e? How serious would a problem have to be to justify removal from the board? How would you deal with more minor breaches of behaviour? What questions would you ask before applying the policy?
Service Updates Service Level Agreement from September 2018 Core Offer – i.e. free to maintained schools. Termly adviser visits Headteacher and Governor network meetings Support during Ofsted inspection Basic support with Headteacher recruitment Telephone and email support – up to an hour/issue LA governor appointments Instrument of Government/re-constitution
Service Updates Service Level Agreement from September 2018 SLA – Maintained Schools Other network meetings (subject, PHSE, Post 16, Deputy Heads, etc) School visits training and EVC Discounts on courses (£100 vs £130) Online policies and resources Pricing Primary/special/PRS £800 Secondary £1200 Please see your Relationship Manager or contact NYES
Service Updates Service Level Agreement from September 2018 SLA – Academies Other network meetings (subject, PHSE, Post 16, Deputy Heads, etc) Discounts on courses (£100 vs £130) Online policies and resources Pricing Primary/special/PRS £800 Secondary £1200 Please see your Relationship Manager or contact NYES
Service Updates Additional Governor Support from September Attendance at GB meetings are already chargeable in most circumstances, as are other requested visits to schools. Casework: from September, support with problems that takes more than an hour of work will be chargeable. Most problems are of course resolvable within an hour. Likely charge £50/hour. Health checks, reviews of governance, consultancy and bespoke training are all unchanged and bookable through NYES. Training courses – the offer will be expanded, but will otherwise continue as now. If you have suggestions for venues or courses, we are keen to hear from you.
Service Updates Governor Network Meetings From September, we will run network meetings twice a year rather than three times per year. Autumn – November, in the second half of the autumn term Spring/Summer – May/June, before your final GB meeting of the year. Both sets of meetings will have a single booking rather than the separate workshop booking. Timings will be from 5:30 to 8 pm, with a 15 minute refreshment break. Every meeting will still have at least one workshop and plenty of discussion
Inspiring Excellence in Times of Change28th March, Harrogate Pavilions Key Speakers Sir John Jones - Leadership in Turbulent Times Josh Smith - Social Media, relationships and young people’s mental health Workshops Tim Cain - Motivated, High Performance Teams: what we can learn from beyond schools Andrew Taylor – Leading the Creation of an Ethical Curriculum Clare Barrowman and Stonewall – Leading Gender Diversity James Durran – Leading Literacy Through Film Richard Benstead – Challenging the Impossible: Fixing Social Mobility Role of Governors in Inspiring Excellence
Governor Updates Data Update ASP – replaces Raise Other data services Training for governors
IDSR Summary • IDSR – a PDF document produced for Ofsted showing: • School context • Attendance, destination, exclusion • KS4 3 year trend by low, middle and high KS2 prior attainment and Disadvantaged • performance of last years cohort attainment and progress ISDR = Inspection Data Summary Report
Analysing School Performance (ASP) Replaces RAISEonline, similar to it but not as much information and is not interactive i.e. schools can not upload data. The expectation is schools will buy into one of the eight approved providers for additional functionality. The school improvement partnerships boards are extending the purchase of FFT to next year for all primary and secondary maintained schools to access Fischer Family Trust (FFT) – one of the approved providers.
Data Training for Governors • Supports governors in knowing how to use IDSR, ASP and FFT to support and hold their school to account • Supports governors in understanding how Ofsted uses data to prepare for school inspection • The session is tailored to Primary or Secondary • Can be delivered to: • a school governing board – using the schools own data OR • a cluster of governors using generic data sets – but giving governors time to look at their own data sets. See NYES website or contact your Relationship Manager
Governor Updates Complaints 3 stage process – always aim to resolve at stage 1. Do all staff and governors know the protocols well enough to ensure that it is possible to keep the complaint at stage 1? Do all parents know that the policy is on your website, so that they can keep to protocol? Have you assigned potential governors for stages 2 and 3 to keep processes slick? Are you clear about the role of the clerk?
Governor Updates Complaints - the role of the clerk Stage 1 – no involvement Stage 2 – no involvement – unless the complaint is about the whole board Stage 3 – administrative role only. Inviting panel/complainant/school to the hearing, taking notes, sending final outcome letter. The rest is the responsibility of the board. Governance Officers can support, but it will cost in future if it stretches out as some difficult complaints do
Governor Updates Complaints Complaints seem to be becoming more challenging, and more frequently needing external panels. We are recommending that every board establishes partnership arrangements with nearby schools to provide governors to sit on appeal panels, staff disciplinary panels, etc. This will save a lot of heart ache and stress.
Governor Updates Safeguarding Report The safeguarding board are not requiring an audit return this year. There annual safeguarding report to governors is still required. DBS checks New governors need a new DBS checks. We suggest that if a governors is co-opted back to the board for a subsequent term of office that they resubmit a DBS form. Portability – ask advice from your HR link, but in essence, NYCC does not recommend accepting DBS checks from external organisations.
Governor Updates Safeguarding training new governors need to have read part 1 of keeping children safe in education (to be updated, consultation underway) New governors should take the basic safeguarding course available at http://www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/learning-improvement/training-courses (course 30: Safeguarding Children in Education) Governors should take prevent training (available from http://course.ncalt.com/Channel_General_Awareness). Schools can book bespoke training from Rebecca Swift through NYES. Some governors will need to take Safer Recruitment training (course 33) The safeguarding link governor will need to take additional training – in consultation with your school’s DSL. Should a governor continue for a subsequent term, we recommend that safeguarding training is refreshed or repeated as appropriate.
Governor Updates Careers Education Guidance Secondary governors please note that the DFE have updated their Careers Education Guidance. This is a bigger update than previously. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/technical-education-and-apprenticeships-raising-awareness/technical-education-and-apprenticeships-raising-awareness-in-schools For example, there is a new requirement to share information with 14 year olds about UTCs, Studio Schools, etc in your area.
Governor Updates Health and Safety Governor Not statutory – how big is the need in your school? Could be rolled into safeguarding role No need for termly inspections – too operational Is need for annual – or more frequent – monitoring of on-going projects, known problems, etc
Governor Updates Exclusions The exclusion regulations have not changed. However, the DFE updated guidance over the summer – see handout. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/641418/20170831_Exclusion_Stat_guidance_Web_version.pdf Training is available. Contact Angela Calvert
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