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On November 26, 2008 we posed the question to the people of Hawaii. What would happen if we called all of Hawai‘i to prayer?. The people of Hawai‘i responded by the tens of thousands. From mega-churches to house churches, From whole school campuses, to campus ministries,.
On November 26, 2008we posed the question to the people of Hawaii . . .
From mega-churches to house churches, From whole school campuses, to campus ministries,
From entire businesses, to marketplace small groups, From whole communities,to individual families,
From individual church services, to inter-church gatherings, From large worship services, to individuals on the radio and television,
Catholics, Pentecostals, Baptists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Nazarenes, Independents, Seventh Day Adventist, Salvation Army,
New Hope Christian Fellowships,Word of Life Christian Fellowship, Hope Chapel Kaneohe, Kailua, Kapolei, Olomana, (whatever!)
Calvary Chapel, King’s Chapel, King’s Cathedral, UCC, HCCC, KFC, VCF, LSCF, MGMC,
And now. . . It’s time to ask the question again (only this time, it’s slightly different) . . .
Will even more people, churches, and pastors respond? Will even more people seek the face of Jesus Christ?
What will happen when every BELIEVER prays for every person in Hawai`i? What will happen when CHURCHES ACROSS Hawai'i pray for all of Hawai'i? What will happen when all of Hawaii prays?
We would begin to see the fulfillment of 1 Timothy 2:1-5. “First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all people, for kings and all who are in authority . . .
We would see more peace, tranquility, godliness & dignity permeate our islands “…in order that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity…”
We would see even more salvations, more churches, and more church growth. “…This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
We would see God move in our Hawai'i in ways we could not have imagined. Ephesians 3:20 “Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think”
Can this happen? Is it just a dream?
First, E Pule Kākouis a call to ALL PEOPLE of Hawai’i to go to participating churches to pray on May 31.
Second, E Pule Kākouis a call to EVERY BELIEVER of Hawai’i to go to their churches to pray on the weekend of May 31.
Third, E Pule Kākouis a call to PASTORS AND CHURCHES to open their doors and set aside a time for prayer and repentance in their services on the weekend of May 31.
We will call all of Hawai‘i to pray through: • Local Churches • Cable and Network Television Spots • Radio Spots on KGU, The FISH, KHLT, and KSSK • Word of Mouth
The Honolulu Advertiser • Midweek Magazine on Oahu • KITV.com • Neighbor Island Newspapers • www.epulekakou.com • Posters • Church Bulletin Inserts
E Pule Kākou Is: • Fathers and Mothers of Hawai’i calling their families to E Pule Kākou. • Pastors, as the “Spiritual Fathers and Mothers” of their church families, calling them to E Pule Kākou. • Leading Spiritual Leaders of Hawai’i, as “Spiritual Fathers and Mothers” over all of Hawai’i, calling all of Hawai’i to E Pule Kākou.
The “Spiritual Fathers and Mothers” of Hawai'i who are on the Television Spot: • Ralph Moore • Bishop Larry Silva • Art and Kuna Sepulveda • Wayne Cordeiro • Elwin Ahu • Bill Stonebraker • Curt Kekuna • Klayton Ko • Dan Chun • Norman Nakanishi • Caroline Oda • Father Gary Secor
Ultimately,E Pule Kākou Is: • Not only calling all of Hawaii to prayer but also… • The fathers and mothers of Hawaii calling their own families to “E Pule Kākou” and to bless their children weekly. • We would like for you to encourage all your families to pray together in their families and extended families on the evening of May 31.
Why May 31, 2009? • E Pule Kākou needs to be done more than once a year. • May 31 is a Holy Day - Pentecost Sunday. • May 31 is the Global Day of Prayer where over 220 million believers from almost every country of the world will be praying. • For more information, Google Global Day of Prayer 2009.
E Pule Kākou is simply a call to the churches of Hawai'i • To open their doors to the many people who will come seeking prayer. • To set aside a time for prayer and repentance during their weekend services. • Each church will set its own program and method.
If you cannot do a service on that date, please plan for a date within proximity of May 31. (Please let us know about it when you register your church) • We ask that you use the Prayer for the Global Day of Prayer (4-5” long). • We have produced a DVD of the Prayer by an ensemble of different “Spiritual Fathers and Mothers” that you can use if you so desire.
We will show you the DVD today and you can download it from the website. • We also believe that there is a need for repentance along with prayer. You can plan that repentance in whatever fashion you desire. • You should encourage the people to invite others to church on May 31.
You can use the CD Rom or look at our website www.epulekakou.com for materials to help you publicize E Pule Kakou: • Television video commercial • Radio audio commercial • Church Bulletin Fliers • Posters
Please encourage the fathers and mothers of your congregations to have their own E Pule Kākou with their families on the evening of May 31. • Encourage the parents to BLESS their children. • Encourage them to do it at least once a week.
This used to happen regularly in families throughout Hawai’i. • This happened regularly in Jewish homes in the Bible and continues to this day in traditional Jewish homes. • This is beginning to happen again in homes here in Hawai’i. • How important is it?
JEWISH PEOPLE comprise only 2% of all Americans but they also comprise:
33% of U.S. Multi-millionaires. • 45% of the Forbes 400 Richest Americans. • 20% of the professors at leading American universities. • 40% of the partners of leading law firms in New York and Washington DC.
25% or all American Nobel prize winners. • Less than 0.1% of American prison inmates. • The Attorney General, The Governor’s Senior Advisor, and The Governor of the State of Hawaii are all Jewish!
The Secret of the Traditional Jewish Home? • The Shabbat • The Secret of the Shabbat? • The blessing of the Father upon his wife and upon each child!
You are the Spiritual Fathers and Mothers of Hawai’i. • Hawai’i will be blessed through you. • Therefore, we are asking you Pastors to take the lead for your congregations, families and communities.
Pastors can make sure that everyone in your congregation gets blessed and blesses others before May 31st is over.
The Website Will Divide Up Hawai’i According to Zip Code Areas • We ask that you take care of your “kuleana”, your zip code area. • Our desire is to see every Zip Code area and community covered in prayer and blessing.