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The statistics of Iraq, Qatar, and Canada

The statistics of Iraq, Qatar, and Canada. QATARS STATICSTICS. POP.: 1,409,423 mill. CLIMATE: hot and dry. LIFE EXPANCENCY: 75.9. G.D.P.: 98.313bill. NATURAL RECORCES: PETROLEUM, NATURAL GAS AND FISH. IRAQ STATICTICS.

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The statistics of Iraq, Qatar, and Canada

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  1. The statistics of Iraq, Qatar, and Canada


  3. POP.: 1,409,423 mill.CLIMATE: hot and dry.LIFE EXPANCENCY: 75.9.G.D.P.: 98.313bill.NATURAL RECORCES: PETROLEUM, NATURAL GAS AND FISH.


  5. POP.: 31,494,287.CLIMATE: hot and dry.LIFE EXPANCENCY: 69.9.G.D.P.: 67.837bill.NATURAL RECOURCES: Oil, natural gas, phosphates, sulfur.

  6. Canada statistics

  7. POP: 33,739,900.CLIMATE: HEAT, COLD, HUMIDITY AND LIGHT WIND.LIFE EXPANCENCY: 81.G.D.P.: 1.366 trills.NATURAL RECORCES: crude oil, and Natural gas.

  8. Differences of the countries Canada is bigger than Qatar's population by: 32330477pop. Iraq is bigger than Qatar’s population by: 30084864pop. Canada is bigger than Iraq population by:2,245,622 pop.

  9. Similarities of the countries All the countries have natural gas as natural recourses. All the countries have heat.

  10. Bibliography geography.about.com/b/2007/.../life-expectancy-in-iraq.htm www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/iraq/climate.htm http://www.google.com/publicdata?ds=wb-wdi&met=sp_pop_totl&idim=country:IRQ&dl=en&hl=en&q=population+of+iraq atlas.nrcan.gc.ca indexmundi.com www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/6804.htm www.cnrl.com\

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