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Enhancing Immunization Vocabularies Management

Implementing IHE profiles and HL7 guides, this use case focuses on creating, updating, and querying immunization vocabularies. It streamlines management to prevent mismanagement risks and ensure accurate data access.

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Enhancing Immunization Vocabularies Management

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  1. ESVS, Case #1: The Management of Immunization Vocabularies

  2. Use Case 1. The Management of Immunization Vocabularies. Implementers of IHE profiles and HL7 implementation guides for Immunization require a way to create a vocabulary view of all necessary value sets associated with this topic. The rationale for this task is that the existence of numerous documents may lead to the potential risk of mismanagement of existing value sets. For example, the Public Health Informatics Network (PHIN) Vocabulary Access and Distribution System, VADS (see at : http://www.cdc.gov/phin/activities/applications-services/phinvads/index.html) currently contains more than one hundred value set concepts related to Immunization (http://phinvads.cdc.gov/vads/SearchValueSetConcepts_search.action). The PHIN VADS Management Team wants to create the vocabulary view for Immunization with a version that would correspond with the version of the profile. Also, the Team wants to keep the historical view. The profile might not be updated but the terminology for the profile changes forcing the value set to change dynamically. This change would create a new version of the value set and a new version of the vocabulary view. The only PHIN VADS vocabulary specialist allowed to update the Immunization profile vocabulary would be the owner of that profile or a vocabulary specialist that is granted update access.

  3. ESVS, Use Case 1. The Management of Immunization Vocabularies 1.1. Provide and Register Vocabulary or Group of Vocabularies 1.1.1. Immunization Registry (VS Source) wants to provide and register a Number of Doses Received value set OR 1.1.2. Immunization Registry (VS Source) wants to update and register an updated version of the group, CDA Immunization Guide Vocabularies, by adding a new sub-group , H1N1 Vocabularies 1.1.2.Immunization Registry (VS Source) uses their own (local) vocabulary for a Maternal Immunization History. PHIN VADS (VS Repository) has this local version of the Maternal Immunization History. PHIN VADS hasmapped the local Vocabulary and wants to provide and register it. Specifically, the Immunization Registry and PHIN VADS want get the following capabilities: addition of code to existing value set removal of code from existing value set creation of value set removal of value set creation/update/removal of value set groups

  4. Query for a flat file depicting a relationship between value set groupings 2.2. Query for a list of VS by subject category 2.3. Query for a list of VS associated with specific template/document ID 2.4. Query for a specific VS 2.5. Query for a specific VS group version (i.e., associated with a time stamp) ESVS, Use Case 1. The Management of Immunization Vocabularies 1.2. Retrieving Data from Registry and Repository 1.2.1.Vocabulary Consumer wants to retrieve a flat file with the list of vocabularies that are included in the Group, CDA Immunization Implementation Guide Vocabularies OR 1.2.2.Vocabulary Consumer wantsto retrieve a flat file that will show the Group, CDA Immunization Implementation Guide Vocabularies . Also, this file should include a description of parent-child relationship between and within sub-groups. As a result, the Vocabulary Consumer wants to get the following query capabilities: 1. Query for a flat file depicting a relationship between value set groupings 2. Query for a list of VS by subject category 3. Query for a list of VS associated with specific template/document ID 4. Query for a specific VS 5. Query for a specific VS group version (i.e., associated with a time stamp)

  5. Use Case 1. The Management of Immunization Vocabularies. Hierarchical View for the Group “Immunization Case Reporting”

  6. Use Case 1. The Management of Immunization Vocabularies. Extended Hierarchical View of a Group “Immunization Case reporting”

  7. Use Case 1. The Management of Immunization Vocabularies. Content of a Flat File with the List of Vaccination History Data Elements • Vaccination History • Vaccine Name • Number of Doses Received • Date of Last Dose Received • Type of Vaccine Received • Vaccination Received • Maternal Immunization History • Domestic Animal Immunization History

  8. Use Case 1. The Management of Immunization Vocabularies. Example. Searching Vaccination History Data Elements

  9. Use Case 1. The Management of Immunization Vocabularies. Example of PHCR Immunization Template Query Query template ID - 2.16.840.1.113883. composed of two vocabularies below) query template ID - 2.16.840.1.113883. fixed to a set of values): SHALL contain 1..1 code, which SHALL be selected from ValueSet TEMP-HEPB-VACCINECODE-OID Hepatitis B Vaccines DYNAMIC (CONF: 1050).query template ID - 2.16.840.1.113883. fixed to one value): The value for “Observation / code” in a medication series number observation SHALL be “30973-2” “Dose number” 2.16.840.1.113883.6.1 LOINC STATIC. (CONF: 1035).

  10. Example of PHCR Immunization Template QueryPHCR ACUTE HEP B <entry typeCode="DRIV"><substanceAdministration classCode="SBADM" moodCode="EVN"><templateId root="2.16.840.1.113883." /><id root="e6f1ba43-c0ed-4b9b-9f12-f435d8ad8f92" /><statusCode code="completed" /><effectiveTime xsi:type="IVL_TS"><center value="200004" /></effectiveTime><routeCode code="IM" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.112" codeSystemName="RouteOfAdministration" displayName="Intramuscular injection" /><consumable><manufacturedProduct><templateId root="2.16.840.1.113883." /><manufacturedMaterial><code code="43" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.59" displayName="Hep B, adult"><originalText>hepatitis B vaccine, adult dosage</originalText></code></manufacturedMaterial></manufacturedProduct></consumable><entryRelationship typeCode="SUBJ"><observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN"><templateId root="2.16.840.1.113883." /><code code="30973-2" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1" displayName="Dose number" /><statusCode code="completed" /><value xsi:type="INT" value="1" /></observation></entryRelationship></substanceAdministration></entry>

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