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The Work of the Church I Timothy 5:9-16. Introduction-1. Paul is giving instructions to Timothy concerning the care of members of the church who are widows The church under consideration is a local assembly of christians like the Hickory Ridge church of Christ
Introduction-1 • Paul is giving instructions to Timothy concerning the care of members of the church who are widows • The church under consideration is a local assembly of christians like the Hickory Ridge church of Christ • He says that individual christians should provide for their own poor widows- V16 • This applies to other relatives who are in need also- V8 • The reason given for this is “do not let the church be burdened”-V16
Introduction-2 • Paul said that the church should provide for those widows who have no one to supply their needs (KJV- widows in deed) • Two things are suggested here • That there is work that every local church should be doing that is distinct from what its members are doing • That work involves the use of funds given by its members • There are limitations on the work that a church should be doing • Both of these truths are overlooked or ignored by many churches • Let us examine the work of the church in our study together
How Should the Work of the Church Be Determined?-1 • It should not be determine by majority opinion • Nor by what a small number of members think is a “good work” • Nor even by the opinion of a group of elders • Since money from the church treasury is spent in its work, it is reasonable for the work of a church to be determined using the same authority as that for collecting the funds to be spent • Many denominational churches today raise money by all sorts of churches activities such as fish fries
How Should the Work of the Church Be Determined?-2 • Therefore, it is not surprising that they provide all sorts of social and recreational functions for its members • Most churches of Christ still claim I Cor. 16:1-2 as a pattern for collecting the funds they need • But many have failed to follow the scriptures in their work • Individuals handling company funds the way some elders spend the money given by its members could be convicted of misappropriation • The New Testament provides authority both for our giving and for church spending what is collected- Col. 3:17
Things that Are Not the Work of the Church-1 • Things are not the work of the church if the New Testament provides no authority for them • If there is no command for them, no approved example nor any necessary inference to permit the church to do them • General benevolence • That is helping anyone and everyone who is in need • Many churches of Christ today practice this • Paul writing by the Holy spirit said that the church shouldn’t be burdened with caring even for all widows in its membership
Things that Are Not the Work of the Church-2 • Individual christians can and should help needy neighbors • But there is not one example of church benevolence to nonchristians in the New Testament • Social functions • Such as pot-luck dinners or Easter egg hunts or Rook games • These are the responsibility individual christians- Acts 2:46 • Sports and recreational activities • These attract many young people
Things that Are Not the Work of the Church-3 • Many churches have built gymnasiums for their members • To minister to “whole man” • New testament churches ministered to the spiritual needs rather the need for exercise and recreation- I Tim. 4:8 • Baby sitting services and “mother’s day out” • Secular education • And many others that have become common could be listed
What Is the Work of the Local Church?-1 • The primary work of the church is preaching the gospel • Christ wants His church to be the “pillar and ground of the truth”- I Tim. 3:15 • Preaching the gospel to all who will hear it • Evangelism- the preaching of the gospel to the lost • By supporting preachers to preach locally- I Cor. 9:11 & 14 • And by supporting faithful brethren who preach in other places
What Is the Work of the Local Church?-2 • Paul received funds from other churches as he preached in areas where the gospel had not be proclaimed- Phil. 4:15 • Edification- preaching the gospel to the saved • A part of the great commission- Mt. 28:19-20 • Strengthening and fortifying the young in the faith- Eph. 4:14-15 • Reminding more mature christians- II Pet. 1:12-13 • So the church continues to be the ‘pillar and ground of the truth” • Most of the local preaching is for edification
What Is the Work of the Local Church?-3 • Providing for needy christians • Members whose families can not or will not provide for their needs- I Tim. 5:16 • And helping needy brethren in other areas- II Cor. 8:1 • These are the only three areas of work in which the New Testament church was involved • Elders may decide how best to accomplish these but have no right to add to them
In Conclusion • Let us be sure that we are not influenced by the churches around us to add to the work the Lord has given His church • To do so would pervert its God given mission and cause division in the body of Christ • The work of the church requires the liberal giving of each member • Each of us needs to examine our giving to make sure we are allowing this church to do its work of evangelism, edification and benevolence