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Why is Charlie Sheen an Actor?

Why is Charlie Sheen an Actor?. Why Do We Do What We Do? Albert Einstein. “Fear or stupidity has always been the basis of most human action.” . Basis of Human Action and Decision Making?. Beliefs Act out your beliefs Desires Pursue your desires Instinct Succumb to instinct.

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Why is Charlie Sheen an Actor?

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  1. Why is Charlie Sheen an Actor?

  2. Why Do We Do What We Do?Albert Einstein • “Fear or stupidity has always been the basis of most human action.”

  3. Basis of Human Action and Decision Making? • BeliefsAct out your beliefs • Desires Pursue your desires • Instinct Succumb to instinct

  4. BeliefsYou act out what you believe? • I believe the world is a dangerous place. • I believe people should______. • I am skeptical of all claims. • An “ideal” manager does ______. • The best investment philosophy is___.

  5. BeliefsFilters and Reinforcements

  6. Question Beliefs & Values • Ethics change over time • Dad’s world view

  7. What Do We Know? • Should we have a revolutionary war? • Should non-landowners be able to vote? • Should we free the slaves? • Should former slaves be able to vote? • Should women be able to vote? • Should we enact worker dignity laws? • Should we enter WWII? • Is rock and roll the devil’s music? • Were McCarthy’s Communist hearings a good idea? • Should divorced people be treated with disgrace? • Should we pass the Civil Rights Act? • Was the Vietnam war a good idea? • END

  8. Desires • Cialdini knows where our desires come from • Are we honest about our desires? • Mark Cuban and flattery • Desire to feel good • Desire to feel safe • I have to scare you first. • First I create the disease – then I create the cure.

  9. Living by Instinct“Nature, Mr. Allnut, is what we are put in this world to rise above”Rose Thayer (Katherine Hepburn) The African Queen Human Animals – Instinct…...................Real Human Beings – Free Will • Wealth/Greed................................... Altruism and charity • Seek security at all cost....................Get out of your comfort zone • Preserve status quo..........................Change • Meeting society’s expectations...........Be authentic to yourself (following the herd).......................... (think for yourself) • Traditional gender roles.................... Equality of the sexes • Tribalism (nationalism)..................... Multi-culturalism • Praise authority................................ Question authority • Praise and follow the leader.............. I don’t need a leader • Consistency is safe............................Strive for improvement • Guided by personal experience...........Critical thinking • Freewill???........................................Free Will!!!!! • Surviving........................................Living

  10. Basis of Human Action and Decision Making?Beliefs, Desires & Instinct • You do what you feel obligated to do. • You do what is the easiest. • You do what makes you feel safe. • You do what you’ve always done.

  11. You Might Be Exercising Free Will If….. • You change a core belief. • You get outside your comfort zone. • You admit you were wrong about something important. • You increase your self-awareness. • You do something you wouldn’t do. • What if I like what I do?

  12. Requirements of Free Will • Awareness of choices and real consequences • Self-awareness • Philosophy and goals • A proactive mindset • Free of coercion or undue influence

  13. 1. Awareness of Choices and Real Consequences • If you choose one of 10 known options when there are, in fact, more than 100 options, have you really exercised free will?

  14. Junkfinger Test • Tattoos • Traffic tickets • Brushes with the law • Being sick • Promptness • Pets • Smoking

  15. If You Don’t Want to Fall in the Grand Canyon--Don’t Go to Arizona What I do today affects what happens tomorrow.

  16. Junkfinger TestIn the Business World • Inconsistency • Excuses • Making enemies at work • Always talking, never listening • Accept things as they are • Acting uninterested – not engaged • Lose credibility

  17. Goldfinger • Behavior and attitude that put you in a position for good things to happen: • ? • ? • ? • ? • ?

  18. Most people end up where their behavior indicates they want to be.

  19. 2. Self-awarenessMetacognition “The truth will set you free {John 8:32}…… but first it will piss you off.” Werner Erhard, founder, est Training “The greatest of all faults, I should say, is to be conscious of none.” Thomas Carlyle (1795 – 1881) Scottish writer

  20. 3. Philosophy and Goals • Life philosophies down 50% • Man may be wired for meaning • “Consider first the end.” • Leonardo da Vinci

  21. No Philosophy?A lifestyle is not the same as a life. “Consumerism is a desperate substitute for living. Consumer bliss has the effect of diverting people’s attention away from the community to the self.”--Vaclav Havel Czech playwright and political leader

  22. Selling Excess Consumerism

  23. Selling Excess Consumerism

  24. Selling Consumerism • Advertising executive speaking on the great challenge of his business today: “Consumers are like cockroaches – you spray them and spray them and eventually they build immunity.”

  25. 4. A Proactive Mindset • “The best way to forecast your future is to make it happen.” • Bias for action (discussed later)

  26. 5. The CRAMPERSFree of coercion or undue influence • C Culture (gives context) • R Religion • A Advertising/Mass Marketing • M Media • P Parents • E Education • R Relationships (who you know)

  27. AdvertisingCRAMPER example: • Your desire: hunger – their solution – Big Mac w/bacon or Combos • Prey on insecurity, and promise happiness and security through consumption

  28. CRAMPERS • CRAMPERS set the serving size. • Media’s goal is to entertain not inform. • Machiavelli's real message: People want to be led and told what to do. • Monster.com problems.

  29. Basis of Human Action and Decision Making? • “He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.” --Albert Einstein

  30. Student’s Thoughts on Free Will: • “When you grow up in the heartland–using free will doesn’t look like such a good idea. I think back to junior high and high school and the only kids to use freewill were criticized and even punished.” • “I was scolded hard for doing anything or even thinking about anything that society or my parents said was not the norm.” • “As a kid growing up in Oklahoma, I was always taught that curiosity killed the cat.” • “… my rebellious nature, which I blame on my parents’ unwavering need for me to conform to society’s norms.”

  31. Free Will Applications • Awareness keeps your brain on track • Question your beliefs and assumptions • Be honest about your desires • Struggle to exercise free will • Lifelong learning • Put yourself in positions for good things to happen • Set goals and make things happen • Be aware of CRAMPERS • CRAMP others in a positive manner

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