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Northport-East Northport School District Budget 2008-2009

STATE AID. The State Legislature recently passed an increase of State Aid from the Governor's original proposal by $1,012,100. The Board of Education unanimously approved to utilize this additional revenue to reduce the estimated tax levy and tax rate.. Budget$143,276,733Budget Increase5.7

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Northport-East Northport School District Budget 2008-2009

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    1. Northport-East Northport School District Budget 2008-2009

    2. STATE AID The State Legislature recently passed an increase of State Aid from the Governor’s original proposal by $1,012,100. The Board of Education unanimously approved to utilize this additional revenue to reduce the estimated tax levy and tax rate.

    3. Budget $143,276,733 Budget Increase 5.75% Estimated Tax Rate Increase 5.78%

    5. Enhancements Included in 2008-2009 Budget Educational Technology - 43 Smart Boards - 7 network printers - 137 computers - 3 network printer labs - 17 laptops - 22 projectors - 27 color printers - 4 scanners Security - Districtwide Supervisor of Security - Security monitor at each Middle School Playgrounds - Refurbish five of the six elementary schools (Norwood is completed.) Athletics - Additional middle school teams and coaches - Additional high school coaching 5. Coordinator of Students for 60,000 6. Two additional buses

    7. PROPOSITION NO. 1 GENERAL FUND BUDGET The budget is $143,276,733 The budget increase is 5.75% The estimated tax increase is 5.78%

    8. PROPOSITION NO. 2 REFERENDUM TO EXECUTE Contract of Sale with the Town of Huntington Shall the Board of Education of the Northport-East Northport UFSD be authorized to convey to the Town of Huntington, for park purposes (initially to be utilized as a “boundless playground”), a portion of the Bellerose Avenue Elementary School site presently being utilized as part of Veterans Park; comprised of approximately 0.785+ acres, and designated on the Tax Map of the County of Suffolk as District 0400 Section 086 Block 01 p/o Lot 02.00; as more fully described in a legal description of file in the Office of the District Clerk; which sale shall be on substantially the terms and conditions set forth in a contract of sale on file in the Office of the District Clerk; which contract provides for nominal consideration and includes provision whereby title shall, at the option of the School District, revert to the District should the premises be utilized for any purpose other than that of a public park.

    9. PROPOSITION NO. 3 CAPITAL PROJECTS Shall the Board of Education of the Northport-East Northport UFSD be authorized, pursuant to Section 3651 of the Education Law, to establish a reserve fund to be known as the General Construction/Electro-Mechanical Capital Reserve Fund for the purposes of renovation and/or reconstruction of existing school buildings/facilities and replacement and/or upgrading of heating, ventilating, plumbing, electrical and technology equipment, installations and systems. The probable term of said reserve fund shall be ten (10) years; and its ultimate amount shall not be more than five million ($5,000,000) dollars to be funded from budget appropriation and/or transfer from unexpended unreserved fund balance in an annual amount of not more than six hundred thousand ($600,000) dollars. The Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee is hereby directed to deposit monies of this reserve fund in a separate bank account to be known as the “General Construction/Electro-Mechanical Reserve Fund.” The Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee shall and hereby is authorized to invest, from time to time the monies in this fund pursuant to Section 1723 of the Education Law.

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