ECTS Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
What is the ECTS ? = European Credit transfer system ECTS credits are based on the student workload, or notional learning time required to achieve the objectives of a programme of study. These objectives should preferably be specified in terms of the learning outcomes and competences to be acquired Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
Student workload • Student workload is defined as the estimated time required of a typical student to complete all planned learning activities leading to the achievement of the learning outcomes set for a full programme of study or a single course unit. • Learning activities include lectures, seminars, practical work, private study, projects, placements, fieldwork, preparation of exams, exams, feadback etc. Contact Hours are only a part of the student worload • Workload is not linked with the level of the course ( a core course mat require less workload than an optional course). Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
Learning outcomes • Learning outcomes are statements of what a learner is expected to know, understand and/or be able to demonstrate after completion of learning. They can refer to a single unit/module or else to a full programme of study, for example a first or second cycle programme. • Learning outcomes mean knowledge, understanding and skills. They are may be translated in terms of competencies when the student is in a professional context. • Learning outcomes specify the minimum requirements for the award of credits Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
Any more about learning outcomes How to be formulated : « In the case he (she) has passedsuccessfully the exam, the student is able to : • understand • the basic concepts in chemistry • both in theory and practice » Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
Other example In the case he has passed successfully the exam, the student is able to : • resolve • Complex problems of chemistry • Demonstrating both subject specific and generic skills (or abilities) Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
Any more about learning outcomes (end) The structure of the formulation : • What the student must do (verbe) • The topic he works about (substantif) • How this work proves that the expected results have been reached (adverbe) Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
Values of credits • Relative value: conventionally 60 credits measure the workload of a full-time student during one academic year. 30 credits measure the workload of a semester. • Absolute value: most national education systems have also attributed an absolute value to credits by defining the number of hours that constitute the workload of an academic year. In most cases it is about 1500-1800 hours per year, so 1 credit stands for around 25-30 working hours. Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
Allocation of credits • The 60 credits are allocated to the educational components of an academic year (such as modules, courses, placements, dissertation work, etc.) and reflect the amount of work each component requires to achieve its specific learning outcomes as a proportion of the total quantity of work necessary to complete a full year of study successfully. • Credits are indispensable when building blocks of curricula • Credits can only be obtained after successful completion of the work required and appropriate assessment of the learning outcomes achieved. Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
Present function of ECTS credits ECTS is both an accumulative and transfer system • In an accumulation system degrees can be obtained by accumulating a specified number (e.g., 120, 180, 240) of appropriate credits, according to the requirements of the degree programme. • Credits gained in one institution can be accepted by another institution and used for the award of its degree when the student moves. The recognition of credits is in the hands of the receiving institution. It can be facilitated by transparency and agreement. Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
ATTENTION CREDITS and MARKS must not be confused : Credits measure the quantity of the work produced by the student Marks measure the quality of the work produced by the student Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
Translation to the three cycle system • A Bachelor degree requires 180-240 credits • A Master degree requires 90-120 credits • A Phd requires : under discussion… This allows a flexible approach in defining the length of both bachelor and Master programmes, and a standardized way for designing curricula Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
LENGTH OF THE FIRST CYCLE Planned or realised (as of Dec. 2004): Ba = 180 ECTS Ba = 240 ECTS VARIABLE ONE TIER Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
How designing curricula Definition of professional and academic profiles Location of ressources. Consultation with stakeholders Building study programmes : definition of learning outcomes/ compétences Assessment and improvement “feed back and backforward” Translation into curricula : structure and contents ECTS Credits distribution Selection of assessment methods Selection of learning/teaching methods Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
Some comments If there is a discrepancy between the estimated workload and the actual time required, either credits or learning outcomes/activities must be adjusted accordingly. At the end of the activity the estimated workload (number of credits allocated) must be checked with the students involved (questionnaires) Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
Conclusion about ECTS (1) • Output-based rather than input-based system • A student centered approach • Allows flexibility and transparency for the definition of curriculum components and of the degree profile • Possible synergies with other degree programmes Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
Conclusion (2) The institutions who implement ECTS correctly • are more attractive to international students • Gain greater international visibility • are viewed as more reliable partners for student/teacher exchanges and joint programmes of study • can be awarded the ECTS quality label by the Europan Commission Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
Conclusions (3) : advantages of the ECTS for curriculum design • Easy transfer of credits : • A common currency for measuring workload • A standardised format for the description of degree programmes, including desired learning outcomes, teaching/learning approaches and assessment methods • A standardised format for the description of students curricular choices and achievements (transcript of records) • Quality Assurance Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
Quality assurance • Construction of curricula that can be completed in time • Greater emphasis on competences to be developed and employability of graduates • Greater attention to the learning process (new paradigme : shift from teaching to learning) Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
Diploma Supplement Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
What is this ? • A passport ; the identity card of a diploma • It is compulsory for every graduate • It discribes the degree’s qualification in an easily understandable way • It provides a standardized description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the successfully completed studies = a way of providing information about any academic or professional qualification. Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
Why the D. S ? • To improve transparency and ricognition of the diplomas • To facilitate international mobility • To guarantee the lisibility of knowledge and skills acquired => Valorization of the degree, the curricula, for the student , the university, and the employers. Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
D.S. Framework Compulsory head presentation (the same in all the countries, which gives the purpose of the document) 1.Information about the degree holder 2.Information about the qualification 3.Information about the level of qualification 4.Contents and results gained 5. The function of the qualification (professional profile and/or access to further studies) 6. Additional information (about the currucila) 7. Certification (stamp, rector’s signature) 8. Description of the higher education system itself Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
The head presentation • The same in all the countries ; it gives the purpose of the document It is the exact copy, in extenso, of the official model fixed by the European authorities «The Diploma Supplement follows the model developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe, UNESCO/CEPES. The purpose is to povide sufficient independant data….» Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
1. Information about the holder • Surname (family name) • Given names • Date of birth • Student Identification Number or code Gender and nationality must not be indicated because it may be considered as discriminatory Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
2. Information about the qualification • Name of the diploma (in the original language) and title confered (precising if it is protected by the legislation) • Main fields covered by the diploma (not by the institution) • Name and type of awarding institution (with geographic localization) • Name and type of institution administering studies • Language(s) of instruction/examination Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
3. Information about the level of qualification • Indicate the precise level of qualification and its position in the National Educational system • Official length of the programme (number of semesters, credits, contact hours) • Acces requirements Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
4. Contents and results gained • Mode of study (full/part time, ICT) • Programme requirements : learning outcomes and assessment • Details of the programme; transcript of records • Mark system and ranking • Overall classification Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
5. Information about the function of the qualification • Access to further studies • Professional status conferred • Main fields in which the holder may be competent Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
6. Additional information • This is a very useful section to collect all the information related to parcours spécifique du diplômé • Stays abroad • Linguistic competencies • Placements • Associative life activities • Synopsis of the student’s curriculum • Other diplomas awarded • Website of the institution Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
7. Certification • Date • Name and signature of the responsable who guarantees the information given in the document • Capacity of the responsable • Official stamp or seal Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
Websites • www.socleoyouth.be • europa.eu.int/comm/education/policies/rec_qual/recognition/diploma_fr.html Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
4 KEY DOCUMENTS • The information package (on line if possible) • The application form • The learning agreement (cf. document) • The transcription of records (cf. document) Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
Information package 4 main lines : • Information about the institution • Information about the programmes of study • Syllabus (course catalogue) • Information for incoming foreign students Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
Information about the Institution Nom, adresse, site web Calendrier académique Responsables académiques Description générale de l’établissement (type, statut) Liste des formations offertes (par cycle) Procédures d’admission et d’inscription Règlement des études, charte des examens Nom du coordinateur institutionnel ECTS Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
Information about the programmes of study Qualifications décernées Modalités d’admission Objectifs académiques et professionnels Accès à des études ultérieures Diagramme de la structure des cours (avec indication des crédits) Modalités de contrôle et d’évaluation Coordinateur ECTS du Département Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
Presentation of the course units • Programme of studies • Name of the Course unit • Type of course (major, minor, elective) • Level (Ba M, Phd) • Prerequesites • Number of ECTS • Name of the professor responsable • Competences to be developed • List of learning outcomes/Educational activities/estimated worload and assessment Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
Example Nom de l’UE : Méthodologie de l’histoire culturelle Programme d‘études : Master d’histoire. Niveau : M1.Semestre : 1er Type de cours : Fondamental.Heures présentielles hebdomadaires : 2 Nombre de crédits : 5 (125 h ) Nom de l’enseignant : X Prerequis : licence d’histoire Compétences à développer(qui seront évaluées) : • Appréciation de la diversité et multi culturalité • Capacité de travailler dans des contextes multiculturels • Capacité à comprendre des documents originaux produits par une autre culture • Capacité de se former un jugement indépendant sur des problèmes complexes • Travail d’équipe • Développement de l’esprit d’analyse et de synthèse • Capacité de communiquer par écrit et oralement Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
Example(end) Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
Information for incoming foreign students Coût de la vie Cours de langues Conditions d’hébergement Stages Repas Installations sportives Services médicaux Associations d’étudiants Services spéciaux pour étudiants Activités extra-uni/loisirs ayant des besoins particuliers Assurances Bourses et aides financières Bureau d’information pour étudiants Équipements pédagogiques Programmes d’échanges internationaux Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
The process of recognition Is is based on : • Transparency • Trust It needs local coordinators to deal with : • Learning agreement • Transcript of records Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
The process Home Institution Application form Student Coordinator Learning agreement Learning agreement Transcript of records Application form+ transcript of records Coordinator Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter Host Institution
Host Institution TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS The student is awardes with the unit course credits only after he has passed successfully the related exam (or any other type of assessment) CREDITS TRANSFER VALIDATION AND INTEGRATION Home Institution Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
ECTS grading A : 10% meilleurs B : 25 % suivants C : 30 % suivants D : 25 % suivants E : 10 % suivants FX = échec ; un léger effort est encore à fournir F = échec ; beaucoup de travail reste à faire Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter
It is time ! Thank you for your attention Ask all questions you want Jean-Luc Lamboley, Bologna promoter