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CADETS PROMOTIONS, RANKS AND ROTATION 6. Cadet Promotions, Rank and Rotation 6.1. Promotion Consideration. 6.1.1. Flight Commanders must monitor the performance of their cadets and make promotion recommendations to the SASI/ASI that are timely and
CADETS PROMOTIONS, RANKS AND ROTATION 6. Cadet Promotions, Rank and Rotation 6.1. Promotion Consideration. 6.1.1. Flight Commanders must monitor the performance of their cadets and make promotion recommendations to the SASI/ASI that are timely and performance-based. Not attaining a passing grade in the JROTC program, failing to properly wear the uniform or serving out-of-school suspensions are appropriate reasons to not recommend or support a cadet for promotion. For the ranks of C/Amn to C/SrA, individual written and drill tests will be conducted. For the ranks of C/SSgt to C/SMSgt and C/1 Lt to C/Lt Colonel, the cadet must complete individual promotion tests and drill tests prior to meeting a Cadet Evaluation Board (CEB). For the ranks of C/CMSgt and C/Colonel, the cadet must complete individual promotion tests and drill tests prior to promotion consideration by the SASI. For the rank of C/2nd Lt, the cadet must have achieved the rank of C/SSgt and completed Summer Leadership School. 6.1.2. Promotion Criteria. In addition to passing written and drill tests, cadets must maintain at least a 75% in JROTC class at the time of promotion and have no negative indicators (letters of counseling, suspensions, etc) for the past month prior to the date of promotion. Once promoted, a cadet cannot be promoted to the next rank until one month from the date of the last promotion. For example, if promoted to C/Amn on 8 Oct, the earliest consideration for promotion to C/A1C is 8 Nov. 6.1.3. Normal Progression. ASI C/AB to C/SSgt ASII C/Amn to C/CMSgt ASIII C/A1C to C/Captain ASIV C/SrA to C/Colonel 6.2.Promotion Process 6.2.1. Promotion to C/Amn – C/SrA. Promotion tests for these ranks are located in the files in the classroom. You can coordinate with your cadet flight commander to schedule a date/time to take a promotion test. Specifically, tests for promotion are: To C/Amn: Recite JROTC Code of Honor and demonstrate basic drill of parade rest, attention and saluting.
To C/A1C: Recite Chain of Command to 90% and perform basic drill for all facing movements. To C/SrA: Written test on JROTC rank to 90% and perform all drill marching movements. 6.2.2. Promotion to C/SSgt – C/CMSgt. Cadets desiring to be promoted to NCO ranks must meet the CEB and have completed the drill test within 3 weeks prior to the CEB. Cadets may meet the board one week prior to their earliest date for promotion to the next rank. For example, if promoted to C/SrA on 8 October, the earliest date the cadet can meet the board is 1 November. Drill tests may be conducted by the Cadet Flight Commander, Cadet Drill Team/Color Guard Commander, Cadet Squadron Commander, Cadet First Sergeant, Cadet Stan/Eval Commander or Cadet Group/Deputy Group Commander. Additionally, the cadet acting as the drill evaluator must outrank the cadet being evaluated. If no cadet outranks the cadet being evaluated, the SASI/ASI will be the drill evaluator. The drill tests are as follows: To C/SSgt – Be able to perform the 30-step drill sequence, calling it to themselves. This will demonstrate the cadet has memorized the 30-step sequence and can perform all steps. The cadet must score a 100% in demonstrating memorization of the drill sequence and at least 85% in performing the drill movements. To C/TSgt – The cadet must call the 30-step drill sequence to a flight of at least nine cadets. The cadet must score a 100% in demonstrating memorization of the drill sequence and at least 85% in performing the drill movements from the Cadet Flight Commander’s position. To C/MSgt – The cadet must call the 30-step drill sequence to a flight of at least 12 cadets. The cadet must score a 100% in demonstrating memorization of the drill sequence and at least 90% in performing the drill movements from the Cadet Flight Commander’s position. To C/SMSgt – The cadet must perform an open-ranks inspection to a flight of at least 9 cadets with a score of at least 90%. Additionally, the cadet must must perform the 30-step drill sequence with a flight of at least 9 cadets, scoring at least 90% in performing the drill movements from the cadet flight flight commander’s position. To C/CMSgt. Cadets desiring to be promoted to this rank must meet the CEB, followed by a separate evaluation with the SASI. The same criteria exists for meeting the board as for promotion to C/SMSgt, however, the open-ranks inspection and 30-step drill sequence must be conducted with 12 cadets. Additionally, the cadet must have earned the recruitment ribbon.
6.2.3. Promotion to C/2nd Lt. Cadets must have been awarded the Leadership School Ribbon prior to consideration for C/2nd Lt and have attained the rank of C/SSgt. The SASI will determine promotion to C/2nd Lt based on unit needs. 6.2.4. Promotion to C/1st Lt – Colonel. Cadets desiring to be promoted to officer ranks must meet the CEB and have completed the drill test within 4 weeks prior to the CEB. Cadets may not meet the board until their 30 days have been completed in their current rank. Drill tests may be conducted by the Cadet Flight Commander, Cadet Drill Team/Color Guard Commander, Cadet Squadron Commander, Cadet Stan/Eval Commander or Cadet Group/Deputy Group Commander AS LONG AS the evaluating cadet outranks the cadet being evaluated. If no cadet outranks the cadet being evaluated, the SASI/ASI will be the drill evaluator. The drill tests are as follows: To C/1st Lt – The cadet must perform the 30-step drill sequence with at least 90% score in drill movements, as well as call a flight of at least 9 cadets with a 100% in demonstrating memorization of the drill sequence and at least 90% in performing the drill movements from the Cadet Flight Commander’s position. To C/Capt – The cadet must perform the 30-step drill sequence with at least 95% score in drill movements, as well as call a flight of at least 12 cadets with a 100% in demonstrating memorization of the drill sequence and at least 95% in performing the drill movements from the Cadet Flight Commander’s position. Additionally, the cadet must have planned and organized a JROTC activity approved by the SASI/ASI within the last 90 days. To C/Major – The cadet must perform the 30-step drill sequence with at least 95% score in drill movements, as well as call a flight of at least 12 cadets with a 100% in demonstrating memorization of the drill sequence and at least 95% in performing the drill movements from the Cadet Flight Commander’s position. Additionally, the cadet must have planned and organized a JROTC activity approved by the SASI/ASI within the last 90 days, different than the one conducted for C/Capt, and have earned the recruitment ribbon. To C/Lt Col - The cadet must perform the 30-step drill sequence with at least 95% score in drill movements, as well as call a flight of at least 12 cadets with a 100% in demonstrating memorization of the drill sequence and at least 95% in performing the drill movements from the Cadet Flight Commander’s position. Additionally, the cadet must have planned and organized a JROTC activity approved by the SASI/ASI within the last 90 days, different than the one conducted for C/Major, and have earned the recruitment ribbon.
To C/Colonel - Cadets desiring to be promoted to this rank must meet the • CEB followed by a separate evaluation by the SASI. When meeting the CEB, the • SASI will select the board members – it could even be our principal! The • cadet must perform the 30-step drill sequence with at least 95% score in drill • movements, as well as call a flight of at least 12 cadets with a 100% in • demonstrating memorization of the drill sequence and at least 95% in • performing the drill movements from the Cadet Flight Commander’s position. • Additionally, the cadet must have planned and organized a JROTC activity • approved by the SASI/ASI within the last 60 days which cannot be the same • activity as performed for C/Lt Colonel. Also the cadet must have performed • cadre status at a leadership school. • 6.3. Cadet Evaluation Promotion Board Procedures. The purpose of the NC-20066 CEB is to select and screen cadets for recommended promotions with AFJROTC instructor concurrence. • 6.3.1. CEB Members. Board members will comprise of a Board President (highest • ranking senior leader), two Board Panel Members and a Board Administrator, with • an AFJROTC instructor present during cadet boards to offer advice and ensure • proper procedures are followed. The senior leadership positions that may be • represented are: Cadet Group Commander, Cadet Deputy Group Commander, Cadet • First Sergeant, Cadet Drill Commander, Cadet Color Guard Commander, Cadet Flight • Commanders, Cadet Squadron Commanders, Cadet Stan/Eval Commander and • Cadet Senior Projects Officers. At least one member of the board must outrank the • cadet meeting the board. If no board member outranks the cadet meeting the • board, the SASI/ASI will consider the circumstances and take fair, appropriate • action, possibly asking an assistant principal to sit on the board! • Responsibilities of Board President. The ranking leadership position • attending the board will be designated as the Board President. He/she will be • responsible to set-up the board, to coordinate with other board members on • their responsibilities and oversee the board process and recommendations. • Responsibilities of Board Panel Members. Board Panel Members will • assist the Board President as requested, providing input and • recommendations for promotion. • Responsibilities of Board Administrator. An additional senior leader • will be present to assist in ensuring compilation of promotion packages, • room set-up and board time management. For officer promotions, this • position can be performed by the Cadet First Sergeant.
6.3.2. Board Process. Meeting time and place will be determined by the Board President with approval of the SASI/ASI. All CEB members and SASI/ASI must be present before a promotion board may convene. All CEB members must review the cadet personnel file for each cadet meeting the board. This file contains their rank, awards, events performed, merits/demerits, promotion evaluations and other pertinent information from WINGS for promotion consideration. Any cadet meeting the board will “Report In” to the Board President immediately upon entering the room. The cadet will then be instructed to have a seat and be asked to introduce themselves and brief on their responsibilities and/or accomplishments in the JROTC program. The cadet will then be asked questions applicable to their rank and position within the program, preselected by the Board President. See the following Question Bank for possible general questions. Other questions can be taken from the cadet personnel file, for example, events the cadet has performed or jobs assigned to the cadet. Once dismissed, the cadet will “Report Out” to the Board President and exit the room. During the evaluation, the cadet and board members are expected to maintain proper military bearing and appearance. Question Bank 1. Specifically, why do you feel you should be promoted? 2. Recite the Code of Honor. How do you enforce the Code of Honor? 3. What is an area of the JROTC program that you feel could be changed or improved? Explain your answer. 4. What would you suggest to increase cadet participation in JROTC activities? 5. Good academic grades are emphasized within our program. How are you setting the example in academics? 6. How has the JROTC program encouraged you to maintain good grades and a positive attitude? 7. What are your strengths as a leader? 8. What do you feel are your weaknesses as a leader? 9. What are some advantages that you have discovered to be a member of the JROTC program? 10. Select an event that the cadet performed, then ask the student to explain what was most beneficial to themm in participating in the event. 11. What actions have you taken to increase recruitment in the JROTC program? 12. Ask the cadet to recite the Chain of Command. 13. Describe the uniform requirements for males and females regarding hair styles? 14. You’ve heard the term, Lead By Example. What does that mean to you and how have you done that? • Your assigned duty in the chain of command is _______________. What have you done in that capacity to improve or maintain the JROTC program? The Board President and each Board Panel Member will complete a Cadet Evaluation Board Checklist. Checklists maintained in the continuity folder for Promotion Boards. It will be tallied by the Board President, ensuring points awarded are within a reasonable difference. Any major difference should be discussed among the CEB members. Each panel member will then either recommend or non-recommend the cadet for promotion. The SASI/ASI will review all packages and make the final endorsement. Any cadet who is not recommended for promotion will be informed by the SASI/ASI with recommendations from the board on how/what to improve. To sign up for a CEB, ensure you have met the promotion requirements, with your drill tests filed in the Promotion Continuity Book, then sign-up on the sheet located on the front classroom bulletin board. Once a date and time has been set for the board, the cadets requesting the CEB will be notified. If a cadet is unable to meet the scheduled board meeting, they must notify the Board President no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled board. Failure to notify the Board President, unless deemed an excused emergency by the SASI/ASI will result in a demerit and possible delay of two weeks to meet the next promotion board. 6.4. Temporary and Permanent Rank. 6.4.1. Permanent rank is the basic and lowest rank an AS I, II, III or IV cadet may wear as set forth in Air Force JROTC Instruction 36-1. Specifically, upon completion of your AS I class, your permanent rank is C/Amn; completion of AS II class, C/A1C; completion of AS III class, C/SrA; completion of AS IV class, C/SSgt. 6.4.2. Temporary rank is that rank to which an AS I, II, III or IV cadet may be promoted above his/her permanent rank and is based on demonstrated performance and associated with increased responsibility and positions on the Unit Manpower Document (UMD). Cadets not performing satisfactorily may be required by the SASI to revert back to permanent rank. Cadets may only wear rank after orders are published. Refer to normal progression in paragraph 6.1.3 in this training guide. 6.5. Rotation. Element leaders and guides may be rotated within the flight to provide leadership opportunities. Cadet Group, Squadron and Flight Commanders and Cadet Staff OICs will not normally be rotated within a semester. The SASI will have final approval on any rotations or removals made.