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Rotary airlock or rotary valves are some common name of Rotary Feeders. Rotary airlock valves are mainly used to undertake three basics tasks. Rotary airlock is primarily used in airlock transition point, sealing pressurized system against loss of air or gas. This is done while preserving a low flow of material between components with different pressure.<br>
Blog - Latest News You are here: Home / Rotary Feeder and its applications Rotary Feeder and its applications 02/01/2017 / 0 Comments / in ??? / by peterfine Rotary feeder has a vast application in some of the major industries which produces items that are used in daily life. These industries are wood, grain, food, food, textile, paper, tobacco, rubber, and paint industries. The application of rotary feeder is to control pollution in the above mentioned industries. Rotary feeder is used in these industries because these industries uses dry free-flowing powders, granules, crystals or pellets. The major components of rotary feeder are rotor shaft, housing, head plates, packing seals and bearing. Generally rotary feeders are available in two models. These models are standard model and heavy duty model. The basic difference between the two models lies in the configuration in their head plates and bearing. Rotary airlock or rotary valves are some common name of Rotary Feeders. Rotary airlock valves are mainly used to undertake three basics tasks. Rotary airlock is primarily used in airlock transition point, sealing pressurized system against loss of air or gas. This is done while preserving a low flow of material between components with different pressure. Almost all rotary airlocks can be classified as both rotary valve and rotary feeders depending on their interpretation. Pneumatic conveying systems, dust control equipment uses rotary valves. It is also used as volumetric feed-controls. Tags: Rotary airlock, Rotary Feeders, rotary valves Share this entry 0 REPLIES L e a v e a R e p l y Want to join the discussion? Feel free to contribute! Name * Email * Website Post Comment converted by Web2PDFConvert.com
Post Comment B L O G how to define a quality rotary valve 02/07/2017 - 12:47 Rotary Feeder and its applications 02/01/2017 - 18:25 CD Bulk tech quick clean rotary valve manufacturer 01/15/2017 - 00:00 M O D E L S & R E Q U E S T 1. Sanitary SS304 rotary valve 2. Cast iron rotary airlock 3. Pneumatic convey rotary airlock 4. Cement rotary valve C H I N E S E W E B S I T E www.zzss888.com Our Alibaba Site https://bulktech.en.alibaba.com T Y P I C A L M A T E R I A L S Cement, ore, sugar, minerals, grains, plastics, dust, fly ash, flour, gypsum, lime, coffee, cereals, pharmaceuticals, etc. © Copyright - CD Bulk Tech - Enfold Theme by Kriesi converted by Web2PDFConvert.com