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Faculty Equity Program

Learn about the Faculty Equity Program at Rutgers University, which aims to address various inequities in faculty salaries and promote fairness. Explore the process, submission guidelines, and support available for faculty members to request adjustments.

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Faculty Equity Program

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  1. Faculty Equity Program equityprogram@rutgersaaup.org

  2. Categories of equity adjustments • 1) External market/external peer inequities: e.g., comparisons to faculty at a peer institution • 2) Within-department inequities: e.g., comparisons to faculty in one’s own department or unit • 3) Inter-campus inequities within Rutgers: e.g., between faculty at Camden and those at New Brunswick* • 4) Race/ethnic/gender/protected category inequities: e.g., between salaries of men and women in a unit* • *New as of 2019

  3. Process language • Submission of request and supporting documents to Dean and University Compensation Services (UCS) • Dean submits comments to UCS within four weeks • Within ninety (90) working days…[UCS] shall communicate the results of its review and the basis for the results in writing to the faculty member and the respective Chancellor. If for any reason the review cannot be completed within this timeframe, [UCS] shall notify the faculty member. • Positive decision or appeal

  4. Submitting a claim • University has created a draft form: • In the space provided, please provide a factual statement detailing the reason for this request (insert space and additional pages as needed). Supporting documentation may include but need not be limited to: teaching, research, and service achievements and accomplishments; other relevant productivity and performance indicators; information regarding the quality and/or significance of the publication outlets in which your work appears; notable courses and curriculum development and service to the University, the profession, and the public; and specific institutional and individual faculty comparators.

  5. Submitting a claim • Comparators and benchmarks will be particularly important • We will have a list of links to national data on the website • Disciplinary organizations sometimes also collect these data • Individual salaries available through the Asbury Park datauniverse or through the Union

  6. Constructing a case • Three key steps • Discussing your record of accomplishment in a way that is intelligible to an observer not in your field (Deans, UCS) • Identifying relevant comparators • Countering alternative explanations for salary inequities

  7. Identifying relevant comparators • For a within-department case • Faculty at lower ranks • Faculty with equal or lower levels of productivity and accomplishment • Salary comparisons by rank for 2007 show that, after my promotion to Full professor in 2007, I earned just $3,000 more than the lone male Assistant Professor and less than $2,000 above the lowest paid male Associate Professor. After promotion to Full, I was still $12,396 below the average male salary for the rank below me (Associate) and $20,826 below the average male salary for my new rank (Full).

  8. Refuting arguments for inequity • Think through and refute reasons justifying the status quo • Time at rank cannot explain these differentials: As an Associate until 2007, I both earned less than males with greater years at my rank and less than males with fewer years at my rank. Given my recent promotion to Full, time at rank could partially explain this differential, but I believe it does not fully explain the large size of that differential ($20,826).

  9. The union’s role • Contract language does not require that the union mediate this process • However, we have established a Faculty Equity Committee with representatives from each campus and from TT/NTTs • Our role is to work with the administration to implement the process, monitor the results, and assist faculty in constructing cases

  10. The union’s role • To help us manage this process, we’ll ask for some basic information • To get started, fill out this form linked on our page: • Rutgersaaup.org, “Equity Program Information” • We’ll ask for a preliminary narrative and send the university forms (which will also be posted on the website) • We’ll assign cases to committee members based on expertise and availability • If you decide to move forward without union assistance, please send a copy of your narrative and let us know the decision on your case

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