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Explore significant events from the Civil War era to the Progressive Age in US history. Learn about key figures, social movements, and reforms that shaped the nation, including Reconstruction, industrialization, immigration, and political changes.
Civil War • SC—1st state to secede • Ft. Sumter—1st shots • Antietam—deadliest day (25,000) • 7/4/1863—Gettysburg & Vicksburg major Union wins • Anaconda Plan—blockade, Richmond, control Mississippi
African American Troops • Northern Black Men fought for freedom such as 54th Mass. Infantry during Civil War • Southern Black Men dug trenches, worked behind lines (medical, scouting, etc…)
Ku Klux Klan • Black Codes-restrict rights of free blacks • Violence/threats to keep blacks inferior • 1860s—Reconstruction • 1920s/1950s—anti immigration, communist and womens rights
Freedman’s Bureau • Congress creates after Civil War • Feed, educate & provide medical care for former slaves • Johnson vetoes • Radical Rep. pass 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments
Rutherford B Hayes • Compromise to give Hayes, a Northerner, the Presidency officially ends Reconstruction in the South • Hayes lost popular vote, Southern electoral college votes Hayes in order to get troops out • Compromise of 1877
Transcontinental Railroad • Homestead Act • Buffalo • Native Americans • Dawes severalty Act
Which of these was a direct consequence of the Civil War? A. the disintegration of the Whig Party B. the addition of new states to the Union C. the use of popular sovereignty to decide the issue of slavery D. the extension of voting rights to African American men
What was the main accomplishment of the Freedmen's Bureau? A. providing aid and education to emancipated slaves B. helping Confederate states get readmitted to the Union C. securing protections for African Americans' voting rights D. preventing violence against African Americans in the South
The passage below is an excerpt from the Fourteenth Amendment: “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” This amendment was proposed by Congress in response to which of the following? A. the rise of violence against emancipated slaves B. the passage of Black Codes throughout the South C. the emergence of white resistance to the civil rights movement D. the attempts of Democrats to limit the voting rights of African Americans
Big Business • Wealthy entrepreneurs; crooked business • Social Darwinism—survival of fittest • Laissez faire—no gov’t involvement • Vertical—steps of production • Horizontal—buying competition • Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan, Ford
Andrew Carnegie • Steel industry leader • Bessemer process • Vertical Integration • Philanthropist • “Gospel of Wealth” Carnegie book stating wealthy should make sure money was put to good use for people
Farmers • Grange-farmer alliance • Bimetallism-Gold/Silver • Populist Party—capitalize on farmer movement • 40 hour work week • Income tax • Govt Ownership of RailRds • William Jennings Bryan’s “Cross of Gold” speech inspires bimetallists & farmers
Immigration Issues • Chinese Exclusion Act—banned 75 yrs. • Japanese Gentleman’s Agreement—only white collar workers • Nativism—late 1800s attitude that only US born citizens belong • Ellis Island—whites from Europe • Angel Island--Asians
Strikes • Unions formed to protect worker rights • People saw strikers as anarachist • Gov’t sided with business in most cases • Feared business shutdown would hurt US economy
Political Machines • City improvements meant need for $$$ • Aimed to keep one party in power • Boss Tweed, NYC, Tammany Hall Ring • Stole $100 Million • Helped immigrants, gained their votes • “Stop those pictures!”
1st Black Harvard grad NAACP founder Fight discrimination to get equality Blacks should seek white collar jobs Niagara Movement—blacks organize to fight discrimination Tuskegee Founder Trained Blacks in blue collar fields (labor) Work to earn the trust of whites for equality “Atlanta Compromise” some blacks see as a sell out to whites 1st black invited to White House (TR) Du Bois vs. Washington
Progressives • TR—trustbuster, coal strike, conservation • Upton Sinclair, The Jungle, Meat Inspection • Jacob Riis, How the Other Half Lives, Poverty in New York City, photographer • Jane Addams, Hull House, immigrants • Sherman Antitrust Act—gave Congress power to break up monopolies
What describes a pull factor that drew African Americans during the Great Migration? • A. The availability of good jobs in the Northand West • B. The saleof inexpensive land by the federal government • The constructionoflow-cost government housing in growing cities • D. The absence of segregation and racial discrimination outside the South
Which statement describes both the First and Second Industrial Revolutions? A. Both revolutions resulted in migration from urban to rural areas. B. Both revolutions led to an increase in the number of farmers. C. Both revolutions produced technologies that improved productivity. D. Both revolutions relied on steel and oil resources to promote growth.
Which of the following statements is the most accurate description of political machines during the late 19th and early 20th century? • Political machines were invented in the mid-19th century as a way to mass-produce the ballots used in elections nationwide. • Political machines were designed as a way to encourage and rally women to participate in voting. • Political machines were designed as a way to encourage and rally women to participate in voting. • Political machines were organized to keep African-Americans from voting in elections.
Spanish American War • Yellow Journalism • Remember the Maine • US gets Guam, Phillipines, P. Rico • Teller Amendment—US fight for Cuba • Platt Amendment—put limits on Cuba
Big Stick Diplomacy • TR foreign policy • West African proverb • “Speak softly and carry a big stick and you will go far!”
Roosevelt Corollary • TR reminds Europe Monroe Doctrine is still in effect • US had the right to intervene in Latin America • Big Stick Diplomacy—US will not threaten others, but is building up military just in case
Open Door Policy • England, France, Germany, Italy, Japan already in China • US fears losing out of large trade market • Policy states US is free to trade in China • Chinese “Boxers” rebel; foreign force puts down rebellion
Lusitania • British passenger ship with weapons/people • Kills 128 Americans • US warns Germans to quit sinking US ships or ELSE! • 1915-Lusitania sinks • 1917-Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
Zimmerman Note • Germans ask Mexico to attack US if US declares war on Mexico • England intercepts telegram & sends to the US • US declares war on Germany
WWI • Trench warfare • Tanks, Planes, Gas, Machine Guns, Grenades • MAIN—Militarism, Arms, Alliances, Archduke, Imperialism, Nationalism • Bonds—invest in country for war; get paid back with interest later
League of Nations • W. Wilson idea for global security • Plan for countries to talk peace not war • US Congress fears being tied to global concerns • 14th of the 14 Points • US rejects League, Wilson has stroke
Treaty of Versailles • Allies make Germany pay • Had to sign a war guilt clause accepting responsibility for war • Had to pay $32 billion • Resentment led to Hitler coming to power in Germany
Which statement describes the role played by the U.S. journalists during the Spanish-American war? A. Journalists provided frequent reports of the fighting, allowing the public to follow a foreign war closely for the first time. B. Journalists focused on bad news rather than good news in order to criticize the decisions made by the president and military leaders. C. Journalists ignored the signs of impending war until it was too late to inform the public of the government’s intentions to declare war on Spain. D. Journalists exaggerated events to build support for the war, giving the president and Congress little chance to resolve the conflict diplomatically.
Which of the following describes a reason for U.S. involvement in World War I?Which of the following describes a reason for U.S. involvement in World War I? A. U.S. citizens worried that the Central Powers might be swayed to adopt a non-democratic form of government. B. U.S. citizens were persuaded by German propaganda that placed Britain and France’s cruelty on display. C. U.S. leaders feared that Germany might gain too much control and negatively affect American Security and trade. D. U.S. leaders argued that the stage of war might shift from European soil to territory in theUSA.
What movement in U.S. history does the timeline below represent? • the women's suffrage movement • the temperance movement • the labor movement • the Civil Rights Movement
1920’s • Flappers • Jazz Age • Model T • Radio • Harlem Renaissance • Sacco & Vanzetti—Red Scare • Bootleggers • Scopes Monkey Trial on Evolution
Great Depression • 10/29/1929—Crash • Speculation—High risk involvement • Hoover-Volunteerism • Bonus Army Run Off • Dust Bowl midwest • FDR—New deal and fireside chats
Harlem Renaissance • Langston Hughes wrote poems about black experience & African heritage • 1920s—Jazz Age • Great Migration—blacks leave South for North in WWI for jobs • Zora Hurston—black women too!!!!
Blacks become Democrats • After Civil War blacks vote primarily Republican (Lincoln, Grant, etc….) • Shift occurs during New Deal as FDR gives jobs to blacks during the Great Depression
NEW Deal First New Deal-1934 Second-1935 • First 100 Days, FDR closes the banks-Bank Holiday • FDIC-insures bank deposits • SEC-regulates stock market • Jobs Programs-CCC, WPA , TVA • Benefits-Social Security Act • Fair Labor Act-minimum wage, 40 hour wk week, no child labor
Which statement describes the economic condition of American farm workers duringthe 1920s? • A. The entryofmore women intotheworkforce meant fewer women were available for farm work. • Overproduction reduced crop prices and kept farm workers from enjoying the general prosperity of the ties. • C. Subsidies and other government programs allowed farm workers' incomes to match those in industry. • D. Higher prices for farm products resulted in a higher standard of living for all farm workers.
What did President Franklin Roosevelt focus on during his First Hundred Days? A. creating welfare programs to relieve public suffering B. increasing government spending to stimulate production C. establishing agricultural subsidies to relieve farmers D. regulating banks to solve the root causes of the economic crisis
The following quote is from President Roosevelt in the early 1900s:The following quote is from President Roosevelt in the early 1900s: "This Second New Deal Act gives contributors a legal, moral, and political right to collect their pensions and unemployment benefits." Based on this quote, to which Second New Deal Act is Roosevelt referring? A. Social Security Act B. Volstead Act C. Wealth Tax Act D. Agricultural Adjustment Act
What were some of the long-term effects of the New Deal? A. a growing involvement in the global economy B. an increase in immigration to the United States C. increased rights for women and minorities D. the introduction of large-scale federal social programs