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实验室安全知识讲座 Lectures on Lab Safety. 实验室入门知识 Basic knowledge for labs. 主讲:薛卫东教授 Lecturer: Pro. Xue. 讲座内容: Agenda. 一、为什么要进行实验室安全教育 necessity for lab safety lecture 二、进入实验室应具备的基本知识 basic knowledge of entering labs 三、实验室安全防火应掌握的基本常识
实验室安全知识讲座Lectures on Lab Safety 实验室入门知识 Basic knowledge for labs 主讲:薛卫东教授 Lecturer: Pro. Xue
讲座内容:Agenda • 一、为什么要进行实验室安全教育 necessity for lab safety lecture • 二、进入实验室应具备的基本知识 basic knowledge of entering labs • 三、实验室安全防火应掌握的基本常识 ABCs of fire prevention in labs
一、为什么要进行实验室安全教育 necessity for lab safety lecture • 爱护生命 for your safety • 保护学校财产for assets safety • 保证实验顺利进行for the success of your experiments • 培养安全意识 enhancing your safety awareness
1、电器设备老化 Electronic Plants Aging 2008-1-24乐山土壤肥料检测中心爆炸 explosion in labs of Leshan soil testing center 起因:设备老化,导致电线短路 shortcircuit caused by plant aging led to the fire 后果:房间内一堆放化学试剂的电冰箱突然发生爆炸。 aftermath: a refregirator full of chemical reagent exploded
电线短路power cable shortcircuit 2003年11月24日凌晨1时17分,位于莫斯科西南城区的卢蒙巴各族人民友谊大学(简称“友大”)发生特大火灾。A serious fire happened at 1:17AM on Nov. 24 2003 in lumumba friendship university in southwest Moscco. 结果:造成41人死亡,162人受伤。死伤者均为来自亚洲、非洲的留学生。据最新公布的数字,有46名中国学生被烧伤或跳楼逃生时摔伤,11人死亡。 The fire caused 41 death and 162 injuries. The victims are international students from Asia and Africa. 46 Chinese students were injured or dead when they escaped or jumped out of the building.
违规使用“热得快”烧水 Using superpower water heater 2008年11月14日早晨6时10分许,上海商学院徐汇校区宿舍楼602女生寝室失火。A fire happened in Shanghai business college’s female students dorm 602 room at 6:10 AM in 2008. 原因:违规使用“热得快”烧水,水烧干引发火灾。The water heater dried all the water and then caused fire. 结果:4人因跳楼死亡。4 students died when they tried to escape via jumping down the building.
2、缺乏安全意识weak safety awareness 2006-12-5成都中医药大学氢气瓶爆炸 hydrogen gas cans exploded in Chengdu traditional medicine college on Dec.5 in 2006. 起因:氢气泄漏,不通风,接手机。Talking on the phone in hydrogen leakage and stuffiness environment caused the explosion. 后果:1死5伤。It caused one death and 5 injuries.
缺乏安全意识weak safety awareness 2007-3-28兰州理工大学活性焊实验室发生火灾 a fire happened In Lanzhou polytech college labs in 2007 起因:学生在实验室做焊接实验时,火花喷出引燃墙边的杂物燃烧。 后果:一名学生的手指被轻微灼伤。记者现场采访时,因吸入毒气而导致咽喉肿大、肺音不清,咳嗽厉害等。Sparkling from the welding experiment set fire to the nearby inflammable stuff. one student’s finger was injured and reporters at the spot felt uncomfortable strongly.
3、实验操作不当misoperation in labs 2008-7-11云南大学生物实验室爆炸 explosion in Yunnan university labs 起因:收集实验废料时,因操作不当引发爆炸。 后果:整个颌面部组织糜烂,左手完全被炸碎,右手的拇指和食指末端关节被炸断。Misoperation when collecting waste materials caused the fireand the operator’s face, left hand and two fingers on right hand were all seriously injured.
实验操作不当misoperation in labs 2010-6-3兰州化学实验室爆炸引发火灾 explosion in Lanzhou chemistry labs caused fire in 2010 起因:石油醚燃烧爆炸 后果:实验室损失惨重库房被烧为灰烬,但幸好没有人员伤亡。 chemical reagent in the lab caused the fire and Heavy losses, and fortunately no one was injured.
4、缺乏责任心 sense of responsibility 2008-6-6清华大学逸夫楼一间实验室失火a lab in Tsing hua university caught fire. 起因:进行“高温烧结” 实验时,人中途离开。 结果:导致火灾。 During the experiment, the operator left and high temperature caused the fire.
缺乏责任心sense of responsibility 2009-11-18凌晨,中科院化物理所实验室火灾physics Labs of chinese academy of science caught fire in the mid night. 起因:白天做完实验后未关闭实验仪器,实验材料持续反应所致 后果:实验室里的部分精密、贵重实验仪器装置,及存放的大量实验材料被烧毁。 The operator forgot to shut down equipments when finishing the experiment and the fire damaged some invaluable equipments.
缺乏责任心sense of responsibility 起因:用电磁炉熔化石蜡,人暂时离开。 后果:实验室被烧毁。 The operator left in the middle of the experiments and the fire destroyed the labs. • 2010-6-19宁波大学化学实验室 chemical labs in Ningbo University
水water 电electricity 气natural gas 火fire 试剂 reagent 放射性 radioactivity 病原微生物microorganism 仪器使用equipment usage 废液处置waste liquid disposal 实验室安全涉及面广aspects involved 二、进入实验室应具备的基本知识 Basic Safety Knowledge Required
1、实验室用水安全 safety in using water • 上水:水龙头或水管漏水时,应及时修理。Immediate repairing to taps or pipes required for leakage, pipe blocking etc. • 下水:下水道排水不畅时,应及时疏通。 • 冷却水:输水管必须使用橡胶管,不得使用乳胶管;上水管与水龙头的连接处及上水管、下水管与仪器或冷凝管的连接处必须用管箍夹紧;下水管必须插入水池的下水管中。 • 纯净水:应按照“操作规程”进行操作;取水时应注意及时地关闭取水开关,防止溢流。 • Different pipes are required for cold and hot water in the labs. Attentions should also be paid to the pipes connecting points. • Power should be cut off for drinking water dispenser in the labs.
连线:仪器连线必须使用带有接地的三根线的护套线,不可使用普通的塑料绞线。电话线可用普通的塑料绞线。严禁私拉乱扯。连线:仪器连线必须使用带有接地的三根线的护套线,不可使用普通的塑料绞线。电话线可用普通的塑料绞线。严禁私拉乱扯。 接地:仪器应有良好的接地,提高仪器的稳定性及安全系数。 维修:维修仪器时必须切断电源,方可拆机修理。 触电:断电或绝缘脱离 急救 Grounded cable is required for all equipments in the labs for the safety. Power should be cut off when repairing equipments. When electric shocking happens, pls follow self rescue procedures and make emergency calls immediately. 2、实验室用电安全power safety
电路绝缘层温度60℃为临界点。 电路过载,易短路引发火灾fires will happen when power cable is overloaded 漏电保护器 单芯橡皮绝缘导线的持续允许截流量(安培)
3、实验室用气安全Gases • 实验室气体要有专门的管路工程;气瓶要远离热源;避免曝晒和强烈振动。 • 搬运:搬运或转动钢瓶时,不得用手执着开关阀移动。 • 气瓶内的气体不可用尽 • special pipes should be set for gases in the lab and gas container should be kept in lower temperature. Do not move gas container violently and a little gas should be left in the container when reload gas into it. 惰性气体:应剩余0.05MPa以上压力的气体。 可燃气体:应剩余0.2Mpa以上压力的气体。 氢 气: 应剩余2.0MPa以上压力的气体。
几种特殊气体的性质和使用安全 • 氢气hydrogen 性质:氢气密度小,易泄漏,扩散速度很快,易和其它气体混合。 氢气与空气混合气的爆炸极限:氢气含量爆炸下限4.1%,爆炸上限74.1%(体积比),此时极易引起自燃自爆,燃烧速度约为2.7m/s。 使用:提倡使用氢气发生器。在使用氢气的地方,严禁烟火;严防泄漏;用后及时地关闭总阀。 存放:氢气应单独存放,最好放置在室外专用的小屋内,确保安全。 Hydrogen is easily flammable and explosive once mixed with oxygen to some extent. Fire is forbidden in labs where hydrogen is kept.
氧气oxygen 性质:强烈助燃烧。 高温下,纯氧十分活泼;温度不变而压力增加时,可以和油类发生急剧的化学反应,并引起发热自燃,进而产生强烈爆炸。 使用:不可将氧气瓶与油类物质混放,并绝对避免让其它可燃性气体混入氧气瓶。 存放:氧气瓶禁止放于阳光曝晒的地方。 Oxygen is very active in high temperature environment and is also explosive. Oxygen container should be kept in cool environment and avoid sunshine.
4、实验室用火安全 fire safety • 加热 • 进行蒸馏实验和熔化样品时应使用加热套和封闭式电炉,不应使用明火加热。 • 安全使用酒精灯。 • Open fire heating is not allowed when heating is needed. • 明火 • 实验室内严禁吸烟! • 在使用易燃气体和易燃试剂的实验室内不得使用明火。Smoking and open fire is forbidden in labs, esp. when using flammable gases and reagent. 安全器材柜
5、试剂使用及安全防范safety in using reagents 1. 容器必须贴上标签,注明其内容物及有效时间。 2. 使用低沸点有机溶剂时,一定要远离火源和热源。试剂瓶应封严,并放在阴凉处保存。 3. 浓酸、浓碱具有强烈的腐蚀性。如果溅到皮肤上或眼内,应立即用流水冲洗至少15min,然后用5%NaHCO3或5%H3BO3冲洗。浓硫酸粘到皮肤时不能直接用水洗,因为会有大量的热量产生,会烧伤皮肤,应该先用硼酸,再用碳酸氢钠溶液处理,严重的应处理后尽快就医。 4. 在使用任何化学药品前,一定要熟知该化学药品之危险性。 5. 使用有毒有机溶剂或者腐蚀性试剂时应在通风橱内操作,并使用防溅面罩,防止意外事故发生。 Labels should be put onto reagent containers stating the names of the reagents and deadline of usage. For low boiling point ones, pls put them away from fire and heats. Keep them in cool environment. For corrosive reagents, please be careful in using them. Once splashed onto skin, wash it under flowing water for at least 15 minutes , and then use 5%NaHCO3. Before using any reagent, proper knowledge about it are needed.
实验室安全通风柜 实验室金属安全柜
7、仪器使用注意事项using equipments • 仪器使用者必须认真地阅读操作规程,经过培训方可上机操作 。 • 必须严格地按照“仪器操作规程”进行操作 。 • 遇到仪器发生故障,立即向管理人员报告,不得擅自处理。 • 按操作规程使用水、电。发现安全隐患应立即报告,及时处理。离开实验室时应检查仪器、水、电、门、窗是否关好,夏季应检查空调是否关闭。 • 不得擅自挪用与公用仪器相关的辅助设备和零、配件,以及实验室内的一切公用设施。 • Before using equipments, students should read carefully the instructions and get some training. When using equipments, instructions must be followed. When it breaks down, please report to the lab manager and do it try to fix it by yourself. Make sure the windows and doors are closed and locked when you leave the lab.
8、废液处理 waste liquid disposal • 1.废弃的溶液应按有机及无机进行分类,严禁将不同类别的液体混放在同一个瓶中。 • 2.装有废液的容器必须具有明显的标识,标识上应注明该废液的名称、组成、浓度、日期及该溶液废弃人的姓名。 • 3.将装有废液的容器放在指定地点,统一处理。 • 4.严禁将有毒、有害、强腐蚀性试剂及液体直接倒入水池中。 • 5.废弃的洗液不得倒入下水道,应装入试剂瓶统一处理。 • Categorize the waste liquids and do not put them into one container. Labels should be put onto the container stating the name, date of disposal and nature of the liquids. Do not pour them directly into tanks. The waste liquids will be disposed by special staff.
9、化学药品进入人体的途径means of entering bodies for chemicals • 吸入 by breath • 食入by food • 皮肤接触 by touching
10、化学实验室内必须穿戴防护用具protecting devices in labs safety goggles (also must cover the sides) laboratory coat with long sleeves, made out of nonflammable material long pair of trousers made out of nonflammable material solid shoes with complete enclosure of the ankle
注意:实验室潜在的危险potential risks • 化学性危险: • 人体接触、火灾爆炸、急性中毒、腐蚀或刺激性化学伤害、致癌或慢性中毒的蓄积; • 物理性危险 • 烫伤、机械伤害、感电、滑倒、坠落;游离与非游离辐射;采光照明异常或强光、压力异常-真空或高压环境;噪音、振动-听力损失;高/低温、高湿-中暑、热痉挛、热衰竭、冻伤。 • From chemicals: by means of skin touching, explosives, poisonous and corrosive reagents • Physical risks:by means of hurts from physical equipments, radioactivity, abnormal pressures, noises, vibrations and temperature changes etc.
怎么能这样! 危险1:铜丝代空气开关不保险risks from power swiches 瞧:空气开关都没有
瞧,这个插座多辛苦! 危险2:插座荷载有限risks from sockets overloading 每个插头也有最大允许荷载电流 每个插座有一定最大荷载,不能过载。
热得快?失火快! 危险3:不能乱拉电pulling and rearranging cables
三、实验室安全防火应掌握的基本常识dangers from fire • When the lab catch fire, please calm down first. Then try to use fire extinguishers. For fires out of control, pls call 119 immediately and escape.
1、火灾发生后应采取的措施 • 119:地点、火灾性质、派人迎接 • 灭火:3分钟自救灭火; • 灭火工具的选择:水(电,油不能) 灭火器(灭火自救) 消防砂(有机物) • 疏散逃生 when calling 119, specify the locations and natures of the fire. When extinguish fires, pls pay attention to your own body safety. Try to use proper devices to fight against fire.
可燃物materials 链式反应 氧化剂oxygen 温度 (引火源)high temperature 2、灭火的基本方法
火灾发展阶段 猛烈阶段 发展阶段 下降阶段 熄灭阶段 初起阶段
火灾分类:categorizing fires 1、普通火灾(A类):指含碳固体可燃物,如木材、棉 麻、纸张等。 2、液体火灾(B类):指甲、乙、丙类液体,如汽油、柴 油、煤油等。 3、气体火灾(C类):指可燃气体,如煤气,天然气,甲 烷等。 4、金属火灾(D类):指可燃的活泼金属,如钾、钠、镁 等。 5、电气火灾(E类):指带电物体燃烧的火灾。 Fires can be categorized into different types according to the flaming matters, such as gases, liquids and metals etc.
常用灭火器种类及其适用范围types of fire extinguishers
灭火器的使用方法ways of using extinguisher • 四个字:拔、握、瞄、扫 • 拔:拔出保险销 pull out the safety pin • 握:握住瓶体 hold the container • 瞄:喷嘴瞄准火源根部 aiming at the fire • 扫:左右扫射 shooting at the fires
二氧化碳灭火器的使用方法use of carbon dioxide fire extinguisher
干粉灭火器使用方法(use of dry-chemical fire extinguisher)
3、火场自救与逃生(life-saving) • 降低重心,沿着墙壁!Lower down and against the wall • 往楼上跑的条件:距顶楼的距离很近、天台的门必须是开的。Conditions for going upstairs: short distance to the top floor, roof top‘s door must be open • 火场逃生的四大误区:盲目随大流、习惯原路返回、向光朝亮、找地方躲起来。4 misunderstanding in life-saving: flow the crowd, running to light place, hide in • 火场逃生四件宝:灭火器、逃生绳、毛巾布、手电筒。4 treasures: fire extinguisher, rope, towel, torch
烟火的习性(habit of smoke and fire) 1. 向上的习性-烟火向上蔓延.(going upwards) 2. 顺风的习性(downwind). 3. 烟火中暗藏杀手(hiding killer in smoke and fire). 大火烟中含有大量一氧化碳,吸入后立即与血红蛋白结合成为碳氧血红蛋白。当人体血液中含有10%的碳氧血红蛋白时,就会发生中毒,占50%时就会窒息死亡。烟中还含有大量其他有毒物质,同样会造成死亡。It contains a large number of CO in smoke, which will become carbonyl hemoglobin after combining with hemoglobin. If the contents of carbonyl hemoglobin in the body is over 10%, then poisoning happens. Besides, there are so many other toxic substances which can also cause death.
平 安 是 End