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INTEROP-Vlab General Assembly Brussels, June 9, 2011

Interoperability standards  - the I-VLab Group Martin Zelm, CIMOSA Association martin.zelm@cimosa.de. INTEROP-Vlab General Assembly Brussels, June 9, 2011. Create awareness of I-VLab standardisation efforts and related work in standards organisations, via

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INTEROP-Vlab General Assembly Brussels, June 9, 2011

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  1. Interoperability standards  - the I-VLab GroupMartin Zelm, CIMOSA Associationmartin.zelm@cimosa.de INTEROP-Vlab General Assembly Brussels, June 9, 2011

  2. Create awareness of I-VLab standardisation efforts and related work in standards organisations, via PromoteEI standardisation results via workshops and conferences Cooperate with R&D Projects and EI initiatives Coordinate the standards TF in the FInES Cluster Participate in SDO working groups Resources: An expert group composed of members of the I-VLab Poles Objectives

  3. Standardisation Concepts • De jure standards - De facto standards • Framework – implementation type • Top down - bottom up development • Areas: ICT, Enterprise, eBusiness, Internet, Telecom, Trade, Finance… • Relation ICT Research and Standards, COPRAS Report, Standardisation Guidelines for ICT projects interfacing with ICT standards organizations* (* CEN, ETSI, W3C, Open Group, DG InfSociety 2007)

  4. EI Standards …in development or implementation with I-VLab contributions (Poles) • CEN/ISO 11354 Part1 Requirements for establishing manufacturing enterprise process interoperability, status DIS, Part2: Maturity model for assessing enterprise interoperability,(active: DFI, PGSO) • ISO 22400: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for manufacturing operations management, status CD(active: DFI) • OMG: SoaML Specifications for service modelling language, status CD under review. (active:NorthPole) • Implementation of eBusiness standards in SME networks of the Textile/Clothing Industry:specification, conformance testing and implementation support (active: Italian Pole)

  5. IFIP WG 5.8 List of EI relevant standards

  6. CEN/ISO 11354: Requirements for establishing manufacturing enterprise process interoperability • Part1: Requirements for establishing manufacturing enterprise process interoperability • Part 2: Maturity model for assessing enterprise interoperability Source CEN/ISO 11354

  7. Level 4 : ERP Level 3. MES Performance data (KPI) Job order data Detailed schedule data Product data Materials data Quality data Work-Time data Process data Equipment data Level 2 and below Manufacturing automation & control domain data KPI in MES standard development KPIs associoated with manufacturing operations management, Status:in pogress to CD , Source ISO 22400t

  8. Service oriented architecture Modeling Language (SoaML) • OMG standard for describing services using UML • A foundation for further extensions and integration with BPMN, BMM and other metamodels • Model Driven Architecture (MDA) • Focuses on basic service modelling concepts • Goals • Bi-directional asynchronous services • Composite services • Direct mapping to Web services • Services architectures where parties provide and use multiple services • Mapped to and part of a business process specification • Top-down, bottom up or meet-in-the-middle modelling • Design by contract or dynamic adaptation of services • Service capability and its contract Status. Ongoing in revision Source: A, Berre, D. Roman, SINTEF

  9. FInES Cluster Standardisation Task Force (1) Final Draft Report, dated 6/4/2010 Inter-relation between FInES Research and Standards & Standardisation Task Force Authors A. Dogac, S Pattendon, M. Zelm Content: • Standardisation Objectives • Cloud Computing • GS1 and IoT • Semantic Interoperability of Business Documents • Semantic Enterprise Interoperability, Frameworks, Standards • Analysis of work and requirements for Future User Oriented Standards in FInES (B2B, B2C, B2A Services) • Conformance and Interoperability Testing of Standards • Conclusion: Need correspondence between RTD and standardisation

  10. FInES Cluster Standardisation Task Force (2) Re-start 2011: • Goal: Create ideas, recommendations and proposals to develop usable interoperability standards in the area of Future Internet Enterprise System (FInES). New orientations: • Agree on common definition and understanding of things like Future Internet Resource, Enterprise Service, Interoperability in the context of the  FInES domain  • Investigate interoperability standards requirements from (selected) industry and state of the art • Explore strategy for the implementation of interoperability standards in internet based Eco systems • Derive recommendations how to encourage and support standardisation of interoperability in FP 8 which could lead to projects proposals Status: Initial Work started on scope, standards to be considered and on key terminology

  11. Dissemination related to EI Standardisation • IWEI 2011 Conference, • Workshop Standards ensuring enterprise Interoperability – state of the art and perspectives • Four papers from experts inside and outside of I-VLab (March 22, 2011) • XInnovation Event Berlin • Forum ‘eManufacturing and Supply’, presentation titled Key Performance Indicators in MES (Sept 13, 2010) • PLM’10 Conference Bremen • Session on EI Management, paper Certification of Enterprise Interoperability (July 13, 2010)

  12. IWEI 2011 Workshop Title: Standards ensuring Enterprise Interoperability and Collaboration - state of the art and the perspectives Papers: • CEN/ISO 11354 – Framework and Maturity Model for Enterprise Interoperability, David Chen, University of Bordeaux, France • Standards and Initiatives for Service Modeling - The Case of OMG SoaML, Dumitru Roman, Arne Berre, SINTEF, Norway • Standards for eBusiness in SMEs networks: the increasing role of customisation rules and conformance testing tools to achieve interoperability, Arianna Brutti, Piero de Sabbata, ENEA, Italy • Standards ensuring Enterprise Interoperability and Collaboration, Challenges and Alternative Approaches, Martin Forsberg, ECRU Consulting, Sweden Stockholm, March 22, 2011

  13. Standardisation Issues • For academia, standardisation seems to only be of interest if it is part of a research project and is required by the scope of the project • For industry, a strong business case must exist • High membership fees in SDOs and cost of standards documents (ISO, OMG…) • To develop and promote EI standards • Funding of activities to be resolved • As a minimum, cost of travel and subsistence must be covered

  14. Standardisation Action Plan • Contribute to standardisation in upcoming projects MSE • Establish a comprehensive EI standards repository on the I-Vlab site, Sep 2011 • Perform standards promotion at • Workshop I-ESA 12, March 2012 • Promotion events tbd (DFI…) • Continue development on EI Framework and Service languages (SoaML) • Produce a Standards TF Report in FInES Cluster (enhanced version), December 2011

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