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ICT standards in SEE education: Macedonian case

Joint ITU-GISFI-DS-CTIF Standards Education Workshop (Aalborg, Denmark, 8-9 October 2012). ICT standards in SEE education: Macedonian case. Prof. Liljana Gavrilovska Head of Telecommunications Department Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies liljana@feit.ukim.edu.mk.

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ICT standards in SEE education: Macedonian case

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  1. Joint ITU-GISFI-DS-CTIF Standards Education Workshop (Aalborg, Denmark, 8-9 October 2012) ICT standards in SEE education: Macedonian case Prof. Liljana Gavrilovska Head of Telecommunications Department Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies liljana@feit.ukim.edu.mk

  2. Outline • General remarks • Initiatives, efforts, facts, prognosis … • Case study: Macedonia • ICT status • ICT standardization • Participation in SE activities • University practices • Conclusions

  3. Motivation • *Proposals for a coherent approach to standardization education in EuropebyUniv.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried Hesser/ Dr. Axel Czaya at Educating a New Generation of ICT Standards Professionals EU Commission Workshop 18 November 2009, Brussel • Standardization provides essential conditions for transparent development of overall society => SE important • Possible consequences of neglecting SE in Europe* • Reduction of the European influence in international standardization • Domination of non-European agents in international standardization • Europe becomes a follower, not a leader in standardization issues • Every EU country must follow the SE initiatives • Macedonia should not miss the train • Macedonian government marked ICT as a strategic area • Dialog among relevant bodies and Universities already initiated

  4. Towards SE • ITU targets standardization education • Number of organizations follow up and participate • WSO, ISO, IEC, IEEE, APEC, ICES, IEICE • CEN/CENELEC, EURAS • SE initiatives • Harmonization of ICT standards • SE awareness: workshops, seminars etc. • Creation of standard related curricula

  5. SE status • IEC, ISO and ITU formed World Standards Cooperation (WSC) • CEN, CENELEC and ETSI have formed a Joint Working Group - Education about Standardization (JWG-EaS) • Most SEE countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, Slovakia and others) are ETSI and ITU members • International Cooperation for Education about Standardization (ICES) and European Academy for Standardization (EURAS) have initiated and harmonized SE courses

  6. EES Standardization Awareness *http://www.euras.org/ **ftp://ftp.cencenelec.eu/EN/%20EuropeanStandardization/Education/Invitation20120629.pdf ***www.oecd.org/daf/privatesectordevelopment/45870812.pdf EURAS White paper* ; by W. Hesser and H. de Vries discussing the current situation in standardization education. Conference on Strategic Importance of Education about Standardization** (June, 2012) The Southeast-European SEE-ERA.Net has been established in order to promote scientific co-operation between the SEE countries. It is designed to contribute to the EU-Balkan Countries Action Plan in Science and Technology’dedicated to enhancement of the European Research Area. Participation of West Balkan Countries in SEE_ERA Net activities WBS Regional Competitiveness Initiative (2010-2013)*** Standardization, Prototypes & Quality: A Means of Balkan Countries' Collaboration - 9th International Conference (05-06 Oct 2012) …

  7. Do we need standards in ICT?: Broadband Target 2015 (ITU – UN) * www.broadbandcommission.org/Documents/Broadband_Targets.pdf ITU’s Broadband Commission* released first country case studies (Geneva, May 2012) highlighting the links between broadband andthe UN Millennium Development Goals in partnership with ITU

  8. Outline • General remarks • Initiatives, efforts, facts, prognosis … • Case study: Macedonia • ICT status • ICT standardization • Participation in SE activities • University practices • Conclusions

  9. ICT sector in Macedonia • Strategicleadership by the Government • Information Society Strategy • National Broadband Strategy • ICT responsibilities transferred to the Agency for Information Society and Administration (AISA) from 1.01.2012 • AISA closely cooperates with: • Agency for Electronic Communications (AEC) • Standardization Institute of the Republic of Macedonia (ISRM) • Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MTC) • Ministry of Information Society (MIO) • ICT emerges as a strategic area in education and in the society in general

  10. Notes regarding Macedonia* * www.broadbandcommission.org/Documents/Broadband_Targets.pdf • A nation with a strong commitment to connectivity as a driver of national growth • Boasts an impressive broadband penetration rate of 32% on a national level • With 100% company Internet connectivity • Internet access in schools and Wi-Fi-based public Internet access points rolled out throughout the country including remote areas • Schools offer one Web-enabled computer for every 1.45 children • University students and academics can freely access knowledge and research resources via the academic network MARnet

  11. Internet penetration in SEE* * eGovernance and ICT usage report for SEE – 2nd edition, Sarajevo 2010 www.undp.ba/upload/publications/eGovernance%20and%20ICT%20Usage%20Report%20for%20South%20East%20Europe%202.pdf

  12. SE status in Macedonia (1/2)* * Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia ICT educational centers

  13. SE status in Macedonia (2/2)* * Workforce Demand Survey for the ICT Industry in Macedonia 2009 prepared by SMMRI Skopje supported by USAID, Macedonia for ICT Chamber for commerce – MASIT, www.masit.org.mk Academic institutions offering ICT education

  14. Membership in international organizations International Telecommunication Union (ITU) European Telecommunication Network Operators’ Association (ETNO) European Telecommunications Standardization Institute (ETSI) International Satellite Communications Organization (INTELSAT) European Satellite Communications Organization (EUTELSAT) International Satellite Organization (INMARSAT) European Broadcasting Union (EBU) European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) World Trade Organization (WTO)

  15. Important ICT pillars MASIT - ICT Chamber of Commerce - www.masit.org.mk Economic Chamber of Macedonia / IT Association - Macedonian Association of the IT Companies - www.mchamber.org.mk Macedonian Chambers of Commerce / ICT Chamber - www.sojuzkomori.org.mk Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts - www.manu.edu.mk Macedonian e-Society Association (MESA) - www.e-society.org.mk e-Gov Project - www.egov.org.mk Foundation for sustainable ICT solutions “Metamorphosis” - www.metamorphosis.org.mk

  16. ICT standardization status • The focal standardization body in the country • Standardization Institute of the Republic of Macedonia (ISRM)http://www.isrm.gov.mk • ISO/ISRM Awareness-Raising Seminar (Sep 2009) • 29 participants from production, educational institutions and governmental bodies • ISRM is a full-fledged member of European standardization committees CEN and CENELEC (since June 2012) • “The accession of ISRM as a full member of both CEN and CENELEC is a very positive development, not only for the European Standardization System, but also for the economy of the Balkan region and the whole of SEE. It means that the fy Republic of Macedonia can become fully integrated into the European Single Market.” (Mrs Elena SANTIAGO CID, Director General of CEN and CENELEC)

  17. Participation in ICT standard establishment • Contribution to ICT standards • ISRM ongoing activities • Active participation in COST, EC FP7, NATO SfP • Cooperation in transition processes towards European initiatives (e.g. digital television transition) • Improvement of knowledge and awareness on ICT standards among industry, SMEs and consumers

  18. National SE efforts (ISRM) • Seminars and workshops • ISO/ISRM Awareness-Raising Seminars: • e.g. “Standards, quality and global competitiveness” • Workshop on participation of ISRM’s Technical Committees in the work of CEN/CENELEC Tech. Committees • Development of a standardization strategy to ensure and encourage the involvement of all stakeholders

  19. National SE efforts (cont.) • ITU: • The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies (FEEIT) is an ITU Centre of Excellence (CoE) • Two e-learning courses already successfully conducted • FEEIT: • Apart from the students’ curricula, FEEIT regularly offers various courses on new standards and technologies (e.g. UMTS, LTE, Iv6, VoIP etc.) for broad professional auditorium (continued education) • CISCO: • Academia available for ICT professionals (standard based)

  20. Outline • General remarks • Initiatives, efforts, facts, prognosis … • Case study: Macedonia • ICT status • ICT standardization • Participation in SE activities • University practices • Conclusions

  21. University curricula • A handful of courses based on relevant ICT standards, e.g. IEEE 802 family of standards, 3GPP, optical networks, DOCSIS, multimedia, etc., offered to students majoring in Telecommunications and Information Engineering • Specific courses related to ICT standards: • Standardization and regulations in telecommunications (BSc level) • Business management in telecommunications (MSc level) • Continuous curricula updates to accommodate the new technologies (e.g. LTE, LTE-Advanced, DVB-T etc.) • AEC in cooperation with the university initiated a master program in the ICT standardization and regulation field

  22. Outline • General remarks • Initiatives, efforts, facts, prognosis … • Case study: Macedonia • ICT status • ICT standardization • Participation in SE activities • University practices • Conclusions

  23. Conclusions • SE aids to bridge the gap among the latest ICT developments and the society’s potential to transparently follow them • The academia can foster the process by introducing SE in the curricula on all levels • This synergy among the standardization responsible bodies and academia will faster the developments towards a comprehensive ICT-based society • SEE undertakes a number of actions towards SE awareness and active participation

  24. Contact: liljana@feit.ukim.edu.mk Thank You for Your Kind Attention ?

  25. Balkan Countries Initiatives Standardization, Prototypes & Quality: A Means of Balkan Countries' Collaboration - 9th International Conference [05-06 Oct 2012] http://www.euras.org/ EURAS White paper, 2011; by Wilfried Hesser and Henk de Vries discussing the current situation in standardization education. CONFERENCE ON THE STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATION ABOUT STANDARDIZATION – A DIALOGUE WITH ACADEMIA AND INDUSTRY; 29 June 2012 CEN-CENELEC Meeting Centre, Avenue Marnix 17, 1000 Brussels PARTICIPATION OF WEST BALKAN COUNTRIES... Specific support activities for the 'Western Balkan Countries' must be included in FP7 to foster ... investments in R&D-infrastructure according to European standards.(SEE_ERA Net activities) 2007 Macedonia become a member of CEFTA WESTERN BALKANS REGIONAL COMPETITIVENESS INITIATIVE 2010 2013 The Southeast-European ERA- NET (SEE-ERA.NET) has been established in order to promote scientific co-operation between the SEE-ERA.NET consortium members with a specific emphasis on Southeast Europe. It is designed to contribute to the ‘EU-Balkan Countries Action Plan in Science and Technology’adopted by the Council of Ministers in Thessaloniki and dedicated to enhancement of the European Research Area.

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