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Principles of Intervention

Principles of Intervention. Paul, R. (2001). Language Disorders from Infancy through adolescence. Ch. 3. Purpose of Intervention. Change or eliminate the underlying problem Change the disorder Compensatory strategies Alter the environment. Way intervention changes behaviour. Facilitation

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Principles of Intervention

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  1. Principles of Intervention Paul, R. (2001). Language Disorders from Infancy through adolescence. Ch. 3

  2. Purpose of Intervention • Change or eliminate the underlying problem • Change the disorder • Compensatory strategies • Alter the environment

  3. Way intervention changes behaviour • Facilitation • Maintenance • Induction

  4. Developing Intervention Plans • Objectives of Intervention • Processes of Intervention • Contexts

  5. Objectives of Intervention: • Setting priorities (Fig 3-2), (Box 3-1) • Communicative effectiveness • Teachability • New Forms Express Old Functions • Phonological Abilities

  6. Process of Intervention: Basic Intervention Approaches • Clinician-directed • Child-centered • Hybrid

  7. Clinician-Directed • Drill • Play-drill • Modeling

  8. Client-Centered Approach • Indirect Language Stimulation • Whole-language

  9. Techniques for Indirect Language Stimulation • Self-talk or parallel talk • Imitation • Expansions • Extensions • Build ups and break downs • Recasts

  10. Hybrid Approaches • Focused stimulation • Vertical structuring • Milieu Teaching • Incidental Teaching • Mand-model approach • Script Therapy

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