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Explore the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator's mission in developing electron beam-driven wakefield acceleration for linear colliders and light sources. Learn about their plans for a 500 MeV short-pulse TBA (Traveling Wave Accelerator) demonstrator.
manoel conde, chuaguangjing*, alexeikanareykin*, John power, Jiahang shao, gwanghui Ha, ericwisniewski Argonne national laboratory & Euclid techlabs A 500 MeV SHORT-PULSE TBA DEMONSTRATOR AT the Argonne wakefield accelerator (AWA) drhgfdjhngngfmhgmghmghjmghfmf John Power, Argonne National Laboratory
The Argonne Wakefield Accelerator (AWA) Facility ~25 miles west of Chicago APS National User Facility Argonne Wakefield AcceleratorTest Facility ATLAS National User Facility
Outline • Intro to the AWA* • AWA’s concept fora multi-TeV linear collider • Plans for a 500 MeV demonstrator • Summary *AWA = Argonne Wakefield Accelerator
Introduction to the Argonne Wakefield accelerator (AWA) mission and participation in Global HEP accelerator R&D
The AWA mission: Developing electron beam-driven wakefieldacceleration for future linear colliders, light sources, and other applications Electron Sources Accelerator & Beam Physics Advanced Accelerator Concepts Funded by U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science
The AWA mission: Developing electron beam-driven wakefieldacceleration for future linear colliders, light sources, and other applications Round-to-Flat Transformer Electron Sources Accelerator & Beam Physics Emittance Exchange Advanced Accelerator Concepts PWFA SWFA Funded by U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science
The AWA mission: Developing electron beam-driven wakefieldacceleration for future linear colliders, light sources, and other applications Electron Sources Accelerator & Beam Physics John Power Monday WG3 Poster Gerard Andonian, PWFA Tuesday WG3 Talk Advanced Accelerator Concepts Manoel Conde, Overview Wednesday WG3 Talk John Power, SWFA Wednesday WG1 Poster Alexei Kanareykin, SWFA Monday WG3 Talk Funded by U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science
Argonne wakefield accelerator (AWA)Beamlines and test-stands ~40m Advanced Cathode Test Stand Cathode studies Breakdown studies Experimental area 20 MW RF power station RF gun studies and conditioning drive beam witness beam Drive beamline 8 – 70 MeV 0.001 – 100 nC (single bunch) Bunch trains (up to 32 bunches with 600 nC total) Witness beamline 4 – 15 MeV 0.001 – 20 nC
Argonne wakefield accelerator (AWA)capabilities Advanced Accelerator Concepts Accelerator and Beam Physics Electron Sources Double Emittance Exchange Beamline (longitudinal bunch shaping) Skew Quad Beamline (Round to Flat beam) + SWFA/PWFA test area 6d emittance manipulation Single-shot longitudinal phase space diagnostics GUN TEST STAND Upgrade to 1.5 cell RF gun with load-lock Staging Beamline 500 MeV demonstrator
Structure Wakefield Accelerators … Cylindrical Dielectric (AWA) Corrugated waveguide (ANL) • Planar dielectric (Euclid) Photonic band gap (LANL) Coaxial dielectric (Omega-P) Meta/left-handed (MIT) … and Plasma Wakefield Accelerators Gerard Andonian, PWFA Tuesday WG3 Talk
AWA’s concept for a multi-TeV linear collider Two beam acceleration short-pulse approach for high gradient Bunch shaping for high efficiency
Future linear colliders SRF, 31.5 MV/m (500 GeV) L-band NCRF, 80 MV/m (3 TeV) X-band
Advanced accelerator concepts DLA (Dielectric Laser Accelerator) LWFA (Laser WF Accelerator) Laser pulse Energy Source SWFA (Structure WF Accelerator) PWFA (Plasma WF Accelerator) Particle beam Structure Plasma Medium
Argonne Flexible linear collider (AFLC) 18km 7.5km linac 7.5km linac 3TeV 30MW beam power TBA - 26 GHz structure - 22 ns short pulse - 1 GWrfpower - 267 MV/m gradient 3 TeV, 18 km Modular design W. Gai, et al., JPP78, 339 (2012) GOAL: Demonstrate a meaningful submodule of the AFLC scheme that fits in the AWA bunker
Milestone 500 MeV short-pulse TBA demonstrator - Timing control for staging acceleration - Structure optimization consideration for the maximum energy gain - Preliminary structure design results
the 500 Mev demonstrator at the AWA Space constraints 70 MeV drive beam 1.3 GHz bunch train Max ~600 nC 14.5 m x 1.5 m testing area available 15 MeV main beam Single bunch Max ~60 nC Progress on Short-pulse TBA R&D at AWA Metallic Dielectric - Drive beam power source 1 GW 300 MW - Main beam acceleration 267 MeV/m 150 MeV/m Photonic band-gap Metamaterial - Staging acceleration to high energy High fidelity Multi-structure Multi-stage Multi-stage > 100 MeV 5 MeV C. Jing, et al, NIMA898, 72 (2018) J. Shao, et al, arXiv 1907.01069 (2019) E. Simakov, et al., PRL116, 064801 (2016) X. Lu, et al., PRL122, 024801 (2019)
Conceptual design of the HIGH ENERGY DEMONSTRACTOR at AWA Proposed layout 70 MeV drive beam 2 x 8-bunch trains 40 nC/bunch, 640 nC total 15 MeV main beam Single bunch 0.1-3 nC - 2 stages - 2 pairs of structures per stage - Drive beam: 70 to ~20 MeV - Main beam: 15 to ~500 MeV Short-pulse TBA R&D at AWA - Drive beam power source Milestone of short-pulse TBA based linear collider 1 GW >>1 GW - Main beam acceleration GeV/m 267 MeV/m - Staging acceleration to high energy High fidelity Multi-structure Multi-stage > 100 MeV >GeV High current bunch train acceleration
… … Staging acceleration Drive beam distribution - Fast kicker: 30 kV, 2 ns rising, 2̊ - Septum Static, 13̊ Lsa ΔTtrain Lst 2 x 8-bunch trains S1 S2 S3 S4 Timing control Drive beam Waveguide delay Δttrain=2Lst/c >10 ns; Δtdelay=2Lsa/c -> waveguide length ~ several meter Phase shifter Phase shifter - Train separation determined by the stage length - Waveguide delay determined by the structure length - Fine timing adjusted by the phase shifters Load Load Main beam
Structure optimization consideration Power extraction LPETS - rf generation via Cherenkov radiation - Wakefield superposition in bunch train tflat Pall P1 *Ignore structure attenuation Acceleration Beam transmission *Ignore structure attenuation LACC - Minimal structure length for full acceleration - set to 4 - - k set to 3 for >99% transmission - set to the lowest energy - Accelerating gradient Available space - Maximum energy gain -
Structure optimization Dielectric loaded structure Copper coating - Low surface field - Low fabrication cost - Most developed dielectric structure - Moderate shunt impedance - Adjustable parameters: a, Dielectric Dielectric disk structure Copper cup - High shunt impedance - Easy to tune - Can be applied to build long structure - High surface field at iris - Structure under development - Adjustable parameters: a, , t, working mode Dielectric C. Jing, et al., Proceedings of AAC2018
- 40 nC drive beam: - 0.1-3 nC main beam: conservative Structure results - 40 nC drive beam: - 0.1-3 nC main beam: optimistic Dielectric loaded structure Copper coating Dielectric Dielectric disk structure Copper cup Dielectric C. Jing, et al., Proceedings of AAC2018
Future study Beamline Structure R&D - Dielectric loaded structure 1. Transverse wakefield damping 2. Matching section design - Dielectric disk structure 1. Prototype test 2. Transverse wakefield damping - rf components - Start-to-end simulation and optimization of the staging beamline - Kicker and septum beam test N. Neveu, et al, PRAB22, 054602 (2019) Steps towards the 500 MeV demonstrator at AWA and beyond - GW output power - 100 MeV acceleration • PETS PETS - Beam transmission • PETS • PETS - Staging - 500 MeV demonstrator - Beam shaping - High beam loading - Train acceleration • ACC • ACC • ACC • ACC … … …
Summary • Goal: Demonstrate a significant module of the AWA future linear collider [milestone] • Two beam acceleration • Short-pulse approach for high gradient • Bunch shaping for high efficiency • Proposal: A 500MeV demonstrator • 2 stages with 2 structures per stage can fit into AWA’s current bunker • GW level output power and 200-500 MeV acceleration are promising goals with structure optimization • The structure choice is open and AWA welcomes collaborators to test novel structures The work at AWA is funded through the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357.
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