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SOME FINE TUNING Dr.MADHUKAR BHIDE. 1. DISTRICT. Minimum … 33 Clubs 1200 Rotarians New … 60 Clubs 1200 Rotarians IDEAL … 75 Clubs 2700 Rotarians Up to 2 e Clubs per District. 2. Redistricting.

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  2. DISTRICT Minimum … 33 Clubs 1200 Rotarians New … 60 Clubs 1200 Rotarians IDEAL … 75 Clubs 2700 Rotarians Up to 2 e Clubs per District 2

  3. Redistricting No Change Shall be made to the boundaries of any district over the objection of a majority of the total number of the clubs in the district 3

  4. DGN DGE • District Governors nominee or • District Governor nominees. • District Governors Elect or • District Governor Elects. 4

  5. Governor Nominee The selection of a Governor Nominee in a district should be conducted in a dignified, responsible manner in harmony with principles of Rotary. Clubs - suggests District - nominates Convention - Elects Time period : 24 to 36 months prior to the taking of office. 5

  6. Assistant Governor Duties Club Culture & Traditions. Recognize important Rotarians 6

  7. Rotary Letterheads Rotary International Rtn.Dr.Madhukar Bhide 7

  8. 6. Rotary International Dist.3140 Rtn.Dr.Madhukar Bhide 8

  9. 7. Rotary International Dist 3140 Rtn.Dr.MadhukarBhide Governor 1994-95. 9

  10. 8. Rotary International Dist.3140 Rtn.Dr.Madhukar Bhide Past Governor 10

  11. Rotary International Dist.3140 Committee -- Governor 1994-95 “ -- Chairman -- “ -- Chairman -- “ -- Chairman -- Award 1 -- 2. -- 3. -- Rtn.Dr.Madhukar BhidePast Governor 11

  12. RI DIST.3140 Chairman TRF Committee Governor Rtn….. Rtn ….. 12

  13. R.I.’s Intellectual property Emblem, badge & other insignia of R.I. or Clubs. Cannot be used on business Stationary or for commercial purposes. 13

  14. Use of words “Rotary International” Rotary International Village Rotary International Eye Project. 14

  15. Rotary International Dist.3140 Village Rotary International Dist.3140 Eye Project Rotary Club Mumbai South Village Same principle for WEB SITE. 15

  16. Some Commonly used words. DAIS & Not DIAS Memento and not Momento Without wasting any more time. Without Further ado Hand over Tribute 16

  17. Head Table and Meeting Manners. 17

  18. Installation Meetings Who should chair ? Who on the head table ? How many introductions & speeches ? Zone coordinator Asst.Governor Governor 18

  19. Meeting Protocol Chair of the meeting RI Dignitaries Governor Past Governors- In order of seniority D.G.E. D.G.N. Asst.Governors Dist.Secretary / Treasurer District Committee chairs Club Presidents 19

  20. M.O.P. - Important Information “Shall” “Is” “Are” - Mandatory “Should” “May” - Permissive 20

  21. M.O.P. (contd…) “Mail” “Mailing” “Ballot by Mail” Will include Utilization of electronic mail- e-mail and Internet technology to reduce cost and increase responsiveness (RIC - Article 15) 21

  22. M.O.P. (contd…) Selection of Governor Nominee Nominating Committee procedure or Election at District Conference or By Ballot by mail (RI Bylaws 13.020) 22

  23. M.O.P. (contd….) Selection of C.O.L.Representative select COL representative by nominating committee procedure. either elected or all past Governors. Or At the District Conference by District Resolution. RI Bylaws- 8.050 23

  24. Ratification RIC, RIB, SRCC Ratification of RIC, RI Bylaws, SRCC Every club has to accept it with subsequent modifications Exemption - Clubs before 6 June 1922 Pilot project clubs e-clubs Administrative territorial unit - RIBI 24

  25. Rotary Mottos Service above self … principle One profits most who serves Best … second Fellowship through service … Rotaract Doing good in the world … TRF 25

  26. Rotary Anthem Excerpt of the march from Beethoven’s “ Egmont “ overture • Must be played at Appropriate occasion • Rotary Flag • Rotary Colures Royal Blue & Gold 26

  27. Effective Rotary Clubs Sustain or increase their membership base Implement successful service projects Support the Rotary Foundation, both financially & programs. Develop leaders capable of serving in Rotary beyond the club level. 27

  28. Functioning Rotary Club Pays its per capita dues to RI Meets regularly Members subscribe to Rotary magazine Implement service projects Receives the visit of the Governor, Assistant Governor or an officer of RI 28

  29. Functioning club (contd….) Maintains general liability insurance Actions consistent with R.I.C.,R.I.B,RCP. Pays RI & District Dues without outside assistance Provides membership list Resolves club disputes Maintains cooperative Relations with R.I. & District With the recommendation of Governor and on behalf of RI Board, the general secretary can terminate a club for “failure to function” 29

  30. General Programs of Rotary RI Board has developed following terminology. Special program : Polio plus which has priority over all other programs till certification of eradication. Structured program: (eight) They have recommended framework and guidelines 30

  31. General Programs of Rotary Global Networking Groups: Groups of individual Rotarians organised internationally to focus on shared topics of interest e.g. Rotary fellowship, Rotarian action groups Menu of Service opportunities : (nine) Recommended service projects for clubs & districts for a specified period of time. 31

  32. Reference Material Club Pres.& Secretary manual Club Bylaws Committee leaflets Dist.Bylaws Glossary of key Rotary Terms M.O.P. R.I. Web Site 32

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