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Referáty – TP4 – ZS 2014/15 – lichý týden

Referáty – TP4 – ZS 2014/15 – lichý týden. 1. Seminář – 23. 10. Cotterrell Roger: Ehrlich at the edge of empire: Centres and peripheries in legal studies , in Living law , Oxford: Hart publishing 2009

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Referáty – TP4 – ZS 2014/15 – lichý týden

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  1. Referáty – TP4 – ZS 2014/15 – lichý týden

  2. 1. Seminář – 23. 10. • Cotterrell Roger: Ehrlichattheedgeof empire: Centres and peripheries in legalstudies, in Livinglaw, Oxford: Hart publishing 2009 • Leiter Brian: Americanlegalrealism, in TheBlackwellGuide to thePhilosophyofLaw and LegalTheory, Oxford: Blackwell 2004 • Luis Kutner, LegalPhilosophers: Savigny: GermanLawgiver, 55 MarquetteLawReview 280, 1972

  3. 2. Seminář – 6. 11. • Hart, H. L. A.: Positivism and theSeparationofLaw and Morals. Harvard LawReview 71 (4), 1958 • Fuller, Lon L.: Positivismand Fidelity to Law — A Reply to Professor Hart. Harvard LawReview 71 (4), 1958 • Hubert Rottleuthner: LegalPositivism and NationalSocialism: A Contribution to a TheoryofLegalDevelopment, 12 GermanLawJournal, 2011 • Kaufmann, Arthur: NationalSocialism and German Jurisprudence from 1933-1945, 9 CardozoLawReview, 1988

  4. 3. Seminář – 4. 12. • Raz Joseph: About Morality and theNatureofLaw, AmericanJournalof Jurisprudence, Vol. 48, p. 1, 2003 • Finnis, John: On theIncoherenceofLegalPositivism, 75 Notre Dame LawReview, 2000 • Gerald Dworkin: DevlinWasRight: Law and theEnforcementof Morality, 40 Wiliam & Mary LawReview 927, 1999 • Ronald Dworkin: Lord Devlin and theEnforcementofMorals, 75 YaleLawJournal, 1966

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