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Operational implementation of SNPP products serving user community is currently underway.

SNPP/JPSS Data Access Process and Operational Products in Development at NOAA/NESDIS Shuang Qiu 1 , C. Sisko 1 , A. Irving 1 , J. Gao 2 1 NOAA/NESDIS/OSPO, College Park, MD 20740 USA 2 SSAI, College Park, MD 20740, USA. Data Access Process. Introduction.

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Operational implementation of SNPP products serving user community is currently underway.

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  1. SNPP/JPSS Data Access Process and Operational Products in Development at NOAA/NESDIS Shuang Qiu1, C. Sisko1, A. Irving1, J. Gao2 1NOAA/NESDIS/OSPO, College Park, MD 20740 USA2SSAI, College Park, MD 20740, USA Data Access Process Introduction • Globally, users are looking for new ways to assimilate SNPP data into numerical weather prediction models and leverage those observations in climate studies and forecasts. • NOAA/NESDIS/OSPO has a well-defined policy on access and distribution of environmental satellite data and products. • OSPO’s data access review policy has been refined to include both NOAA and non-NOAA datasets to permit access by external users outside of the Environmental Satellite Processing Center (ESPC) domain when a valid real-time mission need exists. • OSPO has already approved several SNPP data access requests (DARs) for global users and will continue to re-validate the efficiency of this process in the coming years as new dissemination systems provide dynamic data subscription capability. • Scientists at NOAA/NESDIS have worked diligently to prepare the continuation of current data products and product upgrades for SNPP. • Product Area Leads (PALs) at OSPO are actively working to ensure a smooth and quick transition of these products into operations. • Operational users requiring access to these new data sets will do so via submission of a Data Access Request (DAR) to OSPO. OSPO policy on data access and distribution of environmental satellite data and products guides SNPP/JPSS data access via an established process. • Product generation and distribution of large volumes of data are a significant challenge for the existing infrastructure. • Mixed system platforms will be consolidated to improve sustainability • ESPC Network capacity will be increased (near future) • Hardware refresh planned on a regular basis Operational Products Weekly 4-km Green Vegetation Fraction map from VIIRS GVF team Operational implementation of SNPP products serving user community is currently underway. OSPO Operational Schedule of SNPP products Sea Surface Temperature -- Gulf of Mexico from VIIRS ACSPO SST team Data Access Policy • NESDIS OSPO Data Access Policy available at: • http://www.ospo.noaa.gov/Organization/About/access.html • Contact: NESDIS.data.access@noaa.gov • To consistently vet user requests for near real-time satellite data and products based on organizational affiliation or type of application • To effectively managedata distribution resources to ensure effective system performance NUCAPS T, q Retrieval Statistics vs ECWMF; o3 vs AVN from NUCAPS science team. MiRS SNPP/ATMS Total Precipitable Water from MiRS science team Acknowledgment: Thanks for contributions/comments from NESDIS/OSPO PALs John Sapper, Limin Zhao, Hanjun Ding; User Services Natalia Donoho; NESDIS/OSD Kevin Berberich. Picture credit goes to each science team as noted.

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