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Matlab Training Sessions 8: Introduction to Statistics. Course Outline Weeks: Introduction to Matlab and its Interface (Jan 13 2009) Fundamentals (Operators) Fundamentals (Flow) Functions and M-Files Importing Data Plotting (2D and 3D) Plotting (2D and 3D)
Course Outline Weeks: • Introduction to Matlab and its Interface (Jan 13 2009) • Fundamentals (Operators) • Fundamentals (Flow) • Functions and M-Files • Importing Data • Plotting (2D and 3D) • Plotting (2D and 3D) • Statistical Tools in Matlab Additional classes will begin next week (Feb 10 2009) and will continue from where the first 8 sessions left off. These sessions will be run by Andrew Pruszynski (4jap1@qlink.queensu.ca) Course Website: http://www.queensu.ca/neurosci/matlab.php
Week 8 Lecture Outline Basic Matlab Statistics • Basic Matlab Statistics • Mean, Median, Variance • Correlations • Statistics Toolbox • Parametric and Non-parametric statistical tests • Curve fitting
Part A: Basics • The Matlab installation contains basic statistical tools. • Including, mean, median, standard deviation, error variance, and correlations • More advanced statistics are available from the statistics toolbox and include parametric and non-parametric comparisons, analysis of variance and curve fitting tools
Mean and Median Mean: Average or mean value of a distribution Median: Middle value of a sorted distribution M = mean(A), M = median(A) M = mean(A,dim), M = median(A,dim) M = mean(A), M = median(A): Returns the mean or median value of vector A. If A is a multidimensional mean/median returns an array of mean values. Example: A = [ 0 2 5 7 20] B = [1 2 3 3 3 6 4 6 8 4 7 7]; mean(A) = 6.8 mean(B) = 3.0000 4.5000 6.0000 (column-wise mean) mean(B,2) = 2.0000 4.0000 6.0000 6.0000 (row-wise mean)
Mean and Median Examples: A = [ 0 2 5 7 20] B = [1 2 3 3 3 6 4 6 8 4 7 7]; Mean: mean(A) = 6.8 mean(B) = 3.0 4.5 6.0 (column-wise mean) mean(B,2) = 2.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 (row-wise mean) Median: median(A) = 5 median(B) = 3.5 4.5 6.5 (column-wise median) median(B,2) = 2.0 3.0 6.0 7.0 (row-wise median)
Standard Deviation and Variance • Standard deviation is calculated using the std() function • std(X) : Calcuate the standard deviation of vector x • If x is a matrix, std() will return the standard deviation of each column • Variance (defined as the square of the standard deviation) is calculated using the var() function • var(X) : Calcuate the variance of vector x • If x is a matrix, var() will return the standard deviation of each column
Standard Error of the Mean • Often the most appropriate measure of error/variance is the standard error of the mean • Matlab does not contain a standard error function so it is useful to create your own. • The standard error of the mean is defined as the standard deviation divided by the square root of the number of samples
Standard Error of the Mean In Class Exercise 1: • Create a function called se that calculates the standard error of some vector supplied to the function Eg. se(x) should return the standard error of matrix x
Standard Error of the Mean In Class Exercise 1: Solution function [result] = se(input_vect) result = STD(input_vect)/sqrt(length(input_vect)); return
In Class Exercise 2 • From the class website download the file testdata1.txt (http://www.queensu.ca/neurosci/matlab.php) • This text file contains data from two subjects arranged in columns • Load the text file into matlab using any method you like (load, import, textread(), fscanf()) • Calculate the mean and standard error for each subject • In figure 1, plot the data distribution for each subject using the hist() plotting function • In figure 2, plot the mean and standard error of each subject using a bar graph (bar() function and errorbar() functions).
In Class Exercise 2Solution %read data [subj1, subj2] = textread('testdata1.txt','%f%f','headerlines',1) %plot distributions of each subject figure(1) hold on subplot(2,1,1) hist(subj1) subplot(2,1,2) hist(subj2) %plot mean and standard error on bar graph figure(2) hold on bar([1,2],[mean(subj1),mean(subj2)]) errorbar([1,2],[mean(subj1),mean(subj2)],[se(subj1), se(subj2)],'r')
In Class Exercise 2Solution Subject 1 Subject 2 Subject 1 Subject 2
Data Correlations • Matlab can calculate statistical correlations using the corrcoef() function • [R,P] = corrcoef(A,B) • Calculates a matrix of R correlation coefficiencts and P significance values (95% confidence intervals) for variables A and B A B R = A AcorA BcorA B AcorB BcorB
Data Correlations • Matlab can calculate statistical correlations using the corrcoef() function • [R,P] = corrcoef(A,B) • Calculates a matrix of R correlation coefficiencts and P significance values (95% confidence intervals) for variables A and B A B R = A AcorA BcorA = 1 BcorA B AcorB BcorB AcorB 1
Data Correlations • Matlab can calculate statistical correlations using the corrcoef() function • [R,P] = corrcoef(A,B) • Calculates a matrix of R correlation coefficiencts and P significance values (95% confidence intervals) for variables A and B A B R = A AcorA BcorA = 1 BcorA B AcorB BcorB AcorB 1 A B P = A sig(AcorA) sig(BcorA) = 1 sig(BcorA) B sig(AcorB) sig(BcorB) sig(AcorB) 1
Data Correlations Variable 1 Variable 2
Data Correlations Variable 1 Variable 2
Data Correlations % Compute sample correlation [r, p] = corrcoef([var1,var2]) Variable 1 Variable 2
Data Correlations % Compute sample correlation [r, p] = corrcoef([var1,var2]) r = 1.0000 0.7051 0.7051 1.0000 p = 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 Variable 1 Variable 2
In Class Exercise 3 • From the class website download the file testdata2.txt (http://www.queensu.ca/neurosci/matlab.php) • This text file contains data from variables arranged in columns • Load the text file into matlab using any method you like (load, import, textread(), fscanf()) • Plot the data points • Calculate the Correlation
In Class Exercise 3Solution %read data [var1, var2] = textread('testdata2.txt','%f%f','headerlines',1) % Compute sample correlation [r] = corrcoef([var1,var2]) % Plot data points figure(1) plot(var1,var2,'ro') Variable 1 Variable 2
Part B: Statistics Toolbox • The Statistics tool box contains a large array of statistical tools. • This lecture will concentrate on some of the most commonly used statistics for research • Parametric and non-parametric comparisons • Curve Fitting
Comparison of Means • A wide variety of mathametical methods exist for determining whether the means of different groups are statistically different • Methods for comparing means can be either parametric (assumes data is normally distributed) or non-parametric (does not assume normal distribution)
Parametric Tests - TTEST [H,P] = ttest2(X,Y) Determines whether the means from matrices X and Y are statistically different. H return a 0 or 1 indicating accept or reject nul hypothesis (that the means are the same) P will return the significance level
Parametric Tests - TTEST [H,P] = ttest2(X,Y) Determines whether the means from matrices X and Y are statistically different. H return a 0 or 1 indicating accept or reject nul hypothesis (that the means are the same) P will return the significance level
Parametric Tests - TTEST Example: For the data from exercise 3 [H,P] = ttest2(var1,var2) >> [H,P] = ttest2(var1,var2) H =1 P = 0.00000000000014877 Variable 1 Variable 2
Non-Parametric Tests Ranksum • The wilcoxin ranksum test assesses whether the means of two groups are statistically different from each other. • This test is non-parametric and should be used when data is not normally distributed • Matlab implements the wilcoxin ranksum test using the ranksum() function ranksum(X,Y) statistically compares the means of two data distributions X and Y
Non-Parametric Tests - RankSum Example: For the data from exercise 3 [P,H] = ranksum(var1,var2) P = 1.1431e-014 H = 1 Variable 1 Variable 2
Curve Fitting • Plotting a line of best fit in Matlab can be performed using either a traditional least squares fit or a robust fitting method. 12 10 8 6 Least squares 4 Robust 2 0 -2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Curve Fitting • A least squares linear fit minimizes the square of the distance between every data point and the line of best fit polyfit(X,Y,N) finds the coefficients of a polynomial P(X) of degree N that fits the data Uses least-square minimization N = 1 (linear fit) [P] = polyfit(X,Y,N) returns P, a matrix containing the slope and the x intercept for a linear fit [Y] = polyval(P,X) calculates the Y values for every X point on the line of best fit
Curve Fitting • Example: • Draw a line of best fit using least squares approximation for the data in exercise 2 [var1, var2] = textread('testdata2.txt','%f%f','headerlines',1) P = polyfit(var1,var2,1); Y = polyval(P,var1); close all figure(1) hold on plot(var1,var2,'ro') plot(var1,Y)
Curve Fitting • A least squares linear fit minimizes the square of the distance between every data point and the line of best fit • P = robustfit(X,Y) returns the vector B of the y intercept and slope, obtained by performing robust linear fit
Curve Fitting • Example: • Draw a line of best fit using robust fit approximation for the data in exercise 2 [var1, var2] = textread('testdata2.txt','%f%f','headerlines',1) P = robustfit(var1,var2,1); Y = polyval([P(2),P(1)],var1); close all figure(1) hold on plot(var1,var2,'ro') plot(var1,Y)
Ideas for Next Term? • Additional Statistics, ANOVAs ect.. • Curve fitting with quadratic functions and cubic splines • Algorithms and Data structures • Improving Program Execution Time • Assistance Tutorials for individual programming problems • Any Suggestions?
Getting Help • Help and Documentation • Digital • Accessible Help from the Matlab Start Menu • Updated online help from the Matlab Mathworks website: • http://www.mathworks.com/access/helpdesk/help/techdoc/matlab.html • Matlab command prompt function lookup • Built in Demo’s • Websites • Hard Copy • Books, Guides, Reference • The Student Edition of Matlab pub. Mathworks Inc.