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Content. 红色的故事 白雪公主 橙色的故事 卖火柴的小女孩 黄色的故事 海绵宝宝 绿色的故事 功夫熊猫 青色的故事 飞屋历险记 紫色的故事 爱丽丝漫游仙境. <No.1 Red> Snow White 红色的故事:白雪公主. 第一幕:皇后把毒苹果卖给白雪公主
Content • 红色的故事 白雪公主 • 橙色的故事 卖火柴的小女孩 • 黄色的故事 海绵宝宝 • 绿色的故事 功夫熊猫 • 青色的故事 飞屋历险记 • 紫色的故事 爱丽丝漫游仙境
<No.1 Red> Snow White 红色的故事:白雪公主
第一幕:皇后把毒苹果卖给白雪公主 The queen made a poisonous apple and dressed herself like an old woman. She came to the cottage.Queen(皇后):Good things to sell. Pretty things to sell. Cheap. Very cheap. Snow White(白雪公主):Hi, good day, my good lady. What do you sell? Queen(皇后):Apples. Very delicious apples! You can have a taste. This one, please! S.W.(白雪公主):OK! Thank you! ( Having a small piece, dead ) Queen(皇后):Now I’m the most beautiful in the world.
第二幕 七矮人发现白雪公主死了 When the seven dwarfs came from work, they were greatly surprise to see Snow White dead. Seven dwarfs (七矮人):What’s the matter? Dwarf 1:Snow White is dead. Dwarf 2:Oh, my God! Who did it? It must be the wicked queen. Now let’s pick some flowers and place around her
第三幕 白雪公主被王子救活 Although Snow White had been dead a long, long time. She looked as if she was living. She looked as white as snow, as red as rose and as black as ebony. However, one day, it happened a prince came to the seven dwarfs’ house. When he saw Snow White, he fell in love with her.Prince (王子):Please, let me have Snow White. I love her. I want her to be my wife. Seven dwarfs(七矮人):Ok! Carry Snow White with you to your palace. Be sure to be kind to her. Prince(王子):Yes, I will. I will love you forever, my dear! (Kiss her.) As soon as the prince kissed Snow White, Snow White came to her life, as was written in the magic book of the wicked queen.
Snow White(白雪公主):Oh, my heaven! Where am I? What had happened? Prince(王子):You are with me, my dear. I love you. I love you more than everything in the world. Please be my wife, will you? Snow white(白雪公主):Yes, I will, my dear! Seven Dwarfs(七矮人):Oh! Congratulations! Congratulations!The prince took Snow White to the palace. Their wedding was held with great show Snow White (白雪公主):Good Bye! Seven Dwarfs(七矮人):Bye-bye! May you Happy Forever! Snow White and Prince(白雪公主、王子):Thank you. Good Bye. See you later.
<No.2 Orange>The Little Match Girl 橙色故事 卖火柴的小女孩
第一幕 小女孩在街上 A silent night It was Christmas Eve, a cold winter day, happy for some people, but nearly a nightmare for some poor little things. Among them, there was a little girl. Now she’s coming. Girl(女孩): Oh, what a cold day! Matches, matches, who want some matches? Sir, would you buy some matches? Voice1(某人): Oh, no, no. Girl(女孩): Merry Christmas, Madam. Do you want some matches? They’re cheap. Woman1(女士一): Don’t waste the time. Let’s go. Girl(女孩): My dear lady, buy a match from me, it’ll… Woman2(女士二): Don’t you see I’m busy. Girl(女孩): Matches! Matches! Oh, please buy some…
A carriage rolled rapidly by. Voice2(某人): Oh, shit! Get away! The girl fell down, and slipped her shoes. A boy came. Boy(男孩): Haha! How big the shoes are. They will do for cradles when I have babies. Girl(女孩): My shoes, please give them back to me. Please! (Sadly) Oh, how can I do? Father will not let me go home if I haven’t sold even one match. How can I do?
第二幕 小女孩点燃一根蜡烛 Girl(小女孩独白):Matches, so many matches. I want my matches. It’s me who want the matches. The fire, it can give me warmth, like my grandma can do. The light, the light will be so beautiful, so warm. She pulled one match out and struck it on the wall. The bright match light brightened the girl’s face and warmed her heart. In the wonderful moment, she began to dream…… Girl(女孩): Who are you? How warm and beautiful. Fire(火焰):I’m the fire. Nice to meet you! Girl(女孩): How warm and beautiful.(dance together)
Just then, the blaze went out. And the fire vanished. Girl(女孩): Please don’t!Don’t leave me! (Struck a new match) She struck a new match, and something wonderful happened. Children of the family(小孩子们): (Sing together) We wish you a merry Christmas. We wish you a merry Christmas. We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year. (Say to the girl) Merry Christmas! Girl(女孩): Thank you. Mum(母亲): Come on, dinner is ready. Children(孩子): We are coming. Mum and Dad(母亲和父亲): Help yourself to some roast goose. (dance together) She was just ready to have the delicious chicken when the blaze went out again. And all were vanished just like before. (music, dance together)
第三幕 火柴燃尽 Girl(女孩): Don’t go! Don’t leave me alone. I’m hungry. I’m hungry and cold. (she took out all the rest matches ,an angel appeared) Angel(天使): My little girl, make a wish please. It will come true Girl(女孩): I miss my granny, I wanna my granny, please help me. Angel(天使): Look, she’s coming. Girl(女孩): Granny? Granny(奶奶): My poor little girl!
Girl(女孩): Granny, granny, it’s you. Take me away! Please! Take me away. I’m so cold, so hungry, and so lonely. I need you. I need you desperately. Take me to a place where there is no more coldness, no more hunger, no more pain. For you are with me, the God is with us. Take me away! Narrator(旁白): The last match went out. The girl, together with her granny, was flying away…Away from the cold days. Away from the sad world. The little girl selling matches lay down with a smile, lay down with a smile. (music) The End
【故事三·Yellow】海绵宝宝 黄色的故事 海绵宝宝
第一幕:海绵宝宝和他的宠物小蜗 Announcer: Ah, the sea. So fascinating. So wonderful. Here, we see Bikini Bottom, teeming with life, home to one of my favorite creatures, SpongeBob SquarePants. Yes, of course he lives in a pineapple, you silly. (The giant foghorn wakes up SpongeBob) SpongeBob(海绵宝宝): Today's the big day, Gary! Gary(小蜗): Meow! SpongeBob(海绵宝宝): Look at me! I'm naked! (Gets His Pants On) Gonna be in top physical condition for today, Gary.
Gary(小蜗): Meow! SpongeBob(海绵宝宝): (SpongeBob tries to throw a weight) I'M READY!! I'm ready! I'm ready! I'm ready! Starfish(海星): Go SpongeBob! SpongeBob(海绵宝宝): There it is. The finest eating establishment ever established for eating. The Krusty Krab, Home of the Krabby Patty. With a 'Help Wanted' sign in the window! For years I've been dreaming of this moment! I'm gonna go in there, march straight to the manager, look him straight in the eye, lay it on the line, and I can't do this! (he runs, but Patrick blocks his way) Patrick!
第二幕:海绵宝宝和他的朋友派大星 Patrick(派大星): Where do you think you're going? SpongeBob(海绵宝宝): I was just.... Patrick(派大星): (cutting him off) No you're not. You're going to the Krusty Krab and get that job! SpongeBob(海绵宝宝): I can't, don't you see? I'm not good enough! Patrick(派大星): Whose first words were, "May I take your order?" SpongeBob(海绵宝宝): Mine were. Patrick(派大星): Who made a spatula out of toothpicks in wood shop? SpongeBob(海绵宝宝): I did. Patrick(派大星): Who's a.... (thinks) ....uh, who's.... (thinks even harder) ....who's a big yellow cube with holes?
SpongeBob(海绵宝宝): I am! Patrick(派大星): Who's ready? SpongeBob(海绵宝宝): I'm ready! Patrick(派大星): Who's ready? SpongeBob(海绵宝宝): I'm ready! Patrick(派大星): Who's ready? (Does a split) SpongeBob(海绵宝宝): I'm ready!! With his confidence restored, he runs toward the restaurant. There, An Octopus is spraying the glass windows to eliminate graffiti of himself with the word 'Loser.' He sees SpongeBob.
【故事四·Green】 功夫熊猫 Kongfu Panda
第一幕 Legend tells of a legendary warrior... ...whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend. He traveled the land in search of worthy foes I see you like to chew. Maybe you should chew on my fist! The warrior said nothing for his mouth was full. Then he swallowed. And then he spoke. Worrior(英雄):Enough talk. Let's fight! Others(其他人):Shashabooey!
He was so deadly in fact that his enemies would go blind from over exposure to pure awesomeness. People 1(群众1):My eyes! People 2(群众2):He's too awesome! People 3(群众3):And attractive. How can we repay you? There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness.
幕二: Po(熊猫):Hi. You're up. 仙鹤:I am now. I was just... Some day huh? Po (熊猫):That kung fu stuff is hard work right? Are your biceps sore? 仙鹤:I've had a long and rather disappointing day so... Yeah I should probably get to sleep now. Po(熊猫):Yeah yeah yeah. Of course. 仙鹤:OK thanks. Po(熊猫)It's just... Man I'm such a big fan! You guys were amazing at the Battle of Weeping River. Outnumbered a thousand to one. But you didn't stop. You just... 仙鹤:Sorry about that. Look you don't belong here. Po(熊猫)I know. I know. You're right. I don't have... I just... My whole life I dreamed of... 仙鹤No I meant you don't belong here. I mean in this room. This is my room. Property of Orane. Po(熊猫)OK. Right right. So you want to get to sleep. 仙鹤:Yeah.
Po(熊猫):I'm keeping you up. We got big things tomorrow. All right. You're awesome. Last thing I'm gonna say. Bye-bye. What was that? 仙鹤::I didn't say anything. Po(熊猫)OK. All right. Good night. Sleep well. That seemed a little awkward. Master Tigress! I didn't mean to wake you. Tigress(老虎) You don't belong here. Po(熊猫):Yeah of course. This is your room. 老虎:I mean you don't belong in the Jade Palace. You're a disgrace to kung fu and if you have any respect for who we are and what we do you will be gone by morning. Po(熊猫)Big fan! 崇拜你们!
【故事五·Cyan】 飞屋环游记UP
场景一:Carl 的房子 早上 Nurses GEORGE and A.J. walk to Carl’s door and KNOCK. Carl answers, holding a suitcase. CARL:Morning, gentlemen. NURSE GEORGE:Good morning, Mr. Fredricksen. You ready to go? CARL:Ready as I’ll ever be. Would you do me a favor and take this? Carl hands over his suitcase. CARL:I’ll meet you at the van in just a minute. I... want to say one last goodbye to the old place. NURSE GEORGE: Sure. Take all the time you need, sir. Carl closes the door. Rather sharply. The two nurses head back to the van. NURSE A.J.: Typical. He’s probably going to the bathroom for the eightieth time. Empty helium tanks are strewn on the front lawn.
NURSE GEORGE: You’d think he’d take better care of his house. A SHADOW falls over the nurses. They turn to look. A giant tarp rises behind Carl’s house. It unfolds to reveal THOUSANDS OF BALLOONS. The balloons rise up like some massive multi-colored cumulus cloud forming a thunderhead above the house. Strings tug at the chimney. The house strains, Pipes bend, then break. Electrical wires spark and snap. The house rips away from its foundation. The nurses duck and YELL as the house soars over them. Carl looks out the window and LAUGHS. CARL: So long boys! I’ll send you a postcard from Paradise Falls!
场景二:山上 丛林 Carl checks the knot on his hose harness. Russell and the massive creature step up behind him. RUSSELL:I found the snipe! CARL:(Humoring him)Oh, did you? RUSSELL:Are they tall? CARL:Oh yes, they’re very tall. RUSSELL:Do they have a lot of colors? CARL:They do indeed. RUSSELL:Do they like chocolate? CARL:Oh ye- Chocolate?
Carl turns to look. Next to Russell stands a 13 foot tall, multicolored BIRD. Carl SCREAMS. CARL:What is that thing?! RUSSELL:It’s a snipe! CARL:There’s no such thing as a snipe! RUSSELL:But you said snipes eat— Carl grabs Russell, pulling him away from the bird.
场景三:Carl和Russell Carl and Russell sit on a curb licking ice cream cones. Russell has chocolate and Carl has butter-brickle. Cars pass by. RUSSELL:Blue one. CARL:Red one. DUG:Grey one. CARL:Red one. Russell GIGGLES.
RUSSELL:That’s a bike! CARL:It’s red, isn’t it? RUSSELL:Mr. Fredricksen, you’re cheating. CARL:No, I’m not. Red one. RUSSELL:That’s a fire hydrant. They LAUGH. CARL:Maybe I need new glasses THE END
【故事六﹒Blue】 海的女儿
第一幕:小美人鱼的姐姐们 Deep in the sea, there lived the king of sea for many years, and his aged mother kept house for him and took care of his six daughters who were very happy and pretty. When they have had their fifteenth birthday they can rise up of the sea and see the rocks in the moon light, while ships are passing by; and then they will see both forests and towns. How time flies! Five of these daughters had reached out of the sea, and saw many beautiful things. Daughter1(大女儿):oh , what a beautiful day! I can hear music and I see the big animals on the shore. That’s a horse!
Daughter2(二女儿):wa ho … The sun looks like a flower. The color of the sun is red. Who painted the wonderful sun? Daughter3(三女儿):what is it? Oh I’m rising up. I see the children playing on shore. I want to play with them. Daughter4(四女儿):oh ,I arrive another world. It is different from my home, but I’m afraid of whales. Daughter5(五女儿):What a surprise! All the world is white .In the deep sea, there are many kinds of flowers .but why there are many white flowers. Oh, no! It’s snow. Daughter 1(大女儿):Although the scene is wonderful .But we need to go back to home. Daughters(女儿们):Yes…We must go home!
第二幕 五个女儿退场,小人鱼上场 Today, the youngest daughter was fifteen, too. Ariel(小人鱼):Oh, I can rise out of the sea. What’s that? Maybe it is an interesting thing? Oh, no! It’s a man. But why does he lie on the shore? Wake up! Wake up… Prince(王子):Where am I? What’s wrong? Ariel(小人鱼):You met a storm. So I brought you here! Prince(王子):So you have save me ? Ariel(小人鱼):Yes ! Prince(王子):What’s your name ? Ariel(小人鱼):My name is summary.
They have been together for several days and now they fall in love with each other .But they have to separate. Prince(王子):I must go home. The people need me! I want to take you with me. 小人鱼:(crying) No, I ‘m just a fish. If I have a chance, I’ll be a human being. Remember me!
第三幕 小美人鱼和巫婆的交易 Ariel(小人鱼):what should I do? Witch(巫婆):ha …Ha…I can help you. Ariel(小人鱼):who are you? Witch(巫婆):I am a witch. I’ll change you into a human being unless you cut your tongue as a payment. Ariel(小人鱼):(think for a while) Ok . I’ll do it(可以,我愿意)!
第五幕 王子和公主、牧师 Pastor(牧师):Prince, would you pleased to marry the princess and love her forever? Prince王子:Yes , I will. Pastor(牧师):And princess, would you pleased to marry the prince and share the happiness and sorrow with him ? Princess(公主):Yes, I would. (a little shy) Pastor(牧师):Change the rings. All right, now you have got married, you should take care of each other from now on. Amen! Ariel(小人鱼):(crying)Oh, I am the most unhappy one in the world, but I still love him so much .God, god, give me a chance! Oh, I am so cold. I am going to die. Ariel is died. But the prince never cares about her.
【故事七·Purple 爱丽丝漫游仙境】
场景一:父亲 爱丽丝 Father(父亲):The nightmare again? Alice(爱丽丝):I'm falling down a dark hole. Then I see strange creatures. Father(父亲):What kind of creatures? Alice(爱丽丝):There's a dodo bird, a rabbit in a waist coat and a smiling cat Father(父亲):I did not know cats could smile. Alice(爱丽丝):Neither did I. And there is a blue caterpillar. Father(父亲): A blue caterpillar? Alice(爱丽丝):Do you think I've gone round the bend? Father(父亲)I'm afraid so. You're mad, bonkers, off your head. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are mad. It's only a dream, Alice, nothing can harm you there. But if you get too frightened, you can always wake up. Like this.
场景二: 爱丽丝从树洞进入了秘密花园 Alice(爱丽丝): Curiouser and curiouser Rabbit(兔子先生): I told you she's the right Alice Mouse(小老鼠): I am not convinced. Rabbit(兔子先生): How is that for gratitude? I was out there for weeks, trailing one Alice after the next and I was almost eaten by other animals. Can you imagine ... They go about entirely unclothed. And they do there shukm in public, I had to avert my eyes Flower(花园里的花): Doesn't look anything like herself! Mouse(小老鼠): That's because she’s the wrong Alice! Alice(爱丽丝): How can I be the wrong Alice when this is my dream? And who are you if I might ask?
第三幕: 爱丽丝和疯帽子先生 Alice(爱丽丝):I'm not slaying anything , I don't slay, so put it out of you mind! Hatter(疯帽子先生):Mind? Alice(爱丽丝):Wait! You can't leave me here! Hatter(疯帽子先生)You don't slay? Do you have any idea what the Red Queen has done? You don't slay? Alice(爱丽丝):I couldn't if I wanted to. Hatter(疯帽子先生)You're not the same as you were before. You were much more muchier. You lost your muchness. Alice(爱丽丝):”My muchness?
Hatter(疯帽子先生)In there, something's missing Alice(爱丽丝):Tell me what Red Queen has done Hatter(疯帽子先生)It's not a pretty story. Alice(爱丽丝):Tell me anyway. Hatter(疯帽子先生)It was here I was the Hatter to the White Queen at the time .I took clan of all that's been employed at court Alice(爱丽丝):Hatter ... Hatter! Hatter(疯帽子先生):I'm fine.