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Youth Mapping Exercise

Youth Mapping Exercise. Secretariat of the Pacific Community In collaboration with Commonwealth Youth Programme South Pacific, UNICEF Pacific and UNFPA. Youth Mapping Exercise. Objectives: Map the magnitude of youth challenges

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Youth Mapping Exercise

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  1. Youth Mapping Exercise Secretariat of the Pacific Community In collaboration with Commonwealth Youth Programme South Pacific, UNICEF Pacific and UNFPA

  2. Youth Mapping Exercise Objectives: • Map the magnitude of youth challenges • identifying all stakeholders supporting youth activities in the region (national, regional and international) and the respective roles they play; • identifying the youth priorities that are best addressed nationally and those where regional coordination / intervention might add value to national initiatives; • quantifying and mapping the total resources flowing into youth programmes in the region by sources of funds and allocation by priorities; and • identifying gaps in resource allocations / availability that would need to be addressed to ensure a more comprehensive approach to addressing youth challenges in the Pacific islands region.

  3. YME - Methodology • Self-administered Questionnaires • SPC Programmes • UN Agencies • Government Youth Departments • Civil Society Organizations • Literature Review

  4. Respondents SAS • 17 PICTs (gov’t & NGOs/CSOs) • 47 programmes of SPC • 13 IATY members • 4 Regional CSO

  5. Limitations • No data received from Faith based organizations • Limited data received from gov’t youth offices • Technology difficulties (internet access) – affects distribution and receiving of survey forms • Low and slow response

  6. YME - Findings • Youth challenges • Stakeholders’ support and role in the youth sector • Linkages with regional youth strategies • Gaps in resource allocation • Gaps in programming and institutional capacity • Recommendations

  7. Employment Education Health Support for youth & youth initiatives Youth engagement, participation & representation Gender and young women Youth crime Rural to urban migration Youth & culture (loss of traditional culture) YME – Youth Challenges

  8. Stakeholders’ Support… Regional and International stakeholders • Provide resources (funding) • Technical advice • Capacity building for implementing agencies (gov’t & CSOs) – programme management • Implement with/through local and international NGOs and CSOs

  9. GAPS – Programmes vs Challenges

  10. GAPS – Programmes vs Challenges

  11. GAPS – Programmes vs Challenges

  12. GAPS – Programmes vs Challenges


  14. Summary Youth Programmes vs. Issues • Youth issue mostly addressed – Adolescent sexual and reproductive health (STI & HIV) • Youth issue least addressed – Youth and Culture • Education and Employment programmes fall short of addressing issues raised by young people – programmes are focused on systems and not opportunity and access.

  15. GAPS – Programming & Institutional Capacity

  16. GAPS – Programming & Institutional Capacity

  17. Summary – Programming and Institutional Capacity • Lack of information sharing – programme impacts, best practices • Lack of monitoring at national level • Capacity building programmes done on ad-hoc basis (lack of information on impact) • Limited capacity of national youth organisations’ (gov’t, NGO) develop, implement, coordinate, monitor and evaluate youth programmes at national level • Limited communication, coordination within “youth sector” and with other sectors

  18. Recommendations National level intervention: • Institutional strengthening and capacity building • Establish/support youth consultative and advocacy groups • Improve coordination of national youth sector • Youth participation

  19. Recommendations • Provide advice and technical support • Mobilise funding support for capacity building and institutional strengthening • Mobilise resources and support youth initiatives • Monitor and provide information on youth development in the region (programme impacts, regional strategy • Regional database – youth development, trends and best practices in the region and globally

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