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Documenting the Petals through Resource Mapping Coordinating Youth Services

Documenting the Petals through Resource Mapping Coordinating Youth Services California Youth Council Institute May 14 - 15, 2002. Resource Mapping. What is the purpose of mapping? What information are you looking for - essential question will determine what information you get

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Documenting the Petals through Resource Mapping Coordinating Youth Services

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  1. Documenting the Petals through Resource Mapping Coordinating Youth Services California Youth Council Institute May 14 - 15, 2002

  2. Resource Mapping • What is the purpose of mapping? • What information are you looking for - essential question will determine what information you get • “The quality of our decisions is directly related to the qualify of the information we receive”

  3. Why map? • Identify petals on the local daisy • Identify partners and programs • Better understand available resources • Identify ‘targets of opportunity’ to build a stronger service network

  4. Three Approaches to Mapping • Organizational mapping -- connect the Youth Council to a larger network • Community asset mapping -- community capacity inventory, especially for specific groups • Community-youth mapping -- develop comprehensive data on youth services

  5. Organizational Mapping • How does “X” relate to community organizations and resources? • Primarily as a tool for organizational development • Document existing and potential links to other orgs, individuals, resources, institutions

  6. Police Career Center Court System Parents Schools College Housing Authority HometownYouth Council CSL FosterCare Boy Scouts Girl Scouts Churches Employers YMCA

  7. Services Sectors People College Parents Education Police Mayor Superintendent Housing Court System HometownYouth Council Publisher Churches Employers FosterCare Bus Company Boy Scouts Girl Scouts YMCA Career Center CSL

  8. Community Asset Mapping • Community development based on capacity, assets, skills within area • Just like ‘positive youth development’ -- don’t just focus on problems, needs, deficits. • Never enough funds • Tends to isolate investment in solutions • Over-reliance on outside experts

  9. The ‘Bible’ for Asset Mapping • Building Communities from the Inside Out: A Path Toward Finding and Mobilizing a Community’s Assets • John Kretzmann • John McKnight

  10. Using an Asset Map • Depict information on community links • Shows potential new links in existing network • Shows your interactions with other organizations • Find volunteers, board members or referrals • Focuses on organization's goals, projects and structure, which could contribute to a strategic planning process • Shows your work is not done in a vacuum.

  11. Steps for Asset Mapping -- with a Youth Focus • Develop a capacity inventory for each youth • Build an inventory of assets and resources across the community • Build connections between youth and community institutions • Connect with resources outside community

  12. Community Youth Mapping • What is it? • Resource mapping focuses on what communities have to offer by identifying their assets and resources that can be used for building communities. • 10 step process • Academy for Educational Development/Center for Youth Development and Policy Research

  13. Resource Mapping • Why do it? • A way to find new resources • Organizations/staff see potential new links to their existing network • Identify service gaps • Use as strategic planning tool • Provide broader access to data by all youth partners

  14. Community involvement Advisory Group Project management (day-to-day ops) Pre-planning Staffing and personnel Training Field work Data entry and analysis Dissemination plan Evaluation and maintenance CYM Steps

  15. Resource Mapping • What range of youth service categories will you look at: • employment • education • training • human service • WIA elements

  16. Resource Mapping • Impact • baseline information • youth involvement- youth perspective • advocacy for youth services • improved quality of program decisions and services • youth summit

  17. Practical Uses of CYM • Timing and availability of existing services • Identify service gaps • Community/system marketing • Program quality improvement • Sources of youth for referral into daisy • Programs and resources for joint planning • Benchmarking and performance review

  18. Mapping Websites • Web based - • Samples: Cape Cod, NJ, Virginia http://www.communityyouthmapping.org • youth council/YO site http://brocktonrise.communityos.org • urban community system http://www.bostonresourcenet.org/ • statewide resource directory http://www.communityconnection.org

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