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Near East Rural & Agricultural Knowledge and Information Network (NERAKIN) Magdi Latif Knowledge Exchange and Capacity Building Division FAO of the U.N. Outlines. NERAKIN Objective NERAKIN Expected Outputs NERAKIN Regional Components NERAKIN National Components and Portals
Near East Rural & Agricultural Knowledge and Information Network (NERAKIN) Magdi Latif Knowledge Exchange and Capacity Building Division FAO of the U.N
Outlines • NERAKIN Objective • NERAKIN Expected Outputs • NERAKIN Regional Components • NERAKIN National Components and Portals • Demonstration for Online NERAKIN Regional Network and National Portals
What is NERAKIN? NERAKIN is a platform for knowledge sharing and collaboration for Agricultural Research and Development (ARD) for target groups and stakeholders on a regional level in NENA.
What are the Objectives of NERAKIN Network? 1- To strengthen the capacity of the Ministries of Agriculture & Agricultural and Rural Research Institutions for effective information management and knowledge exchange in support of rural and agricultural development in the region 2- To enhance information and knowledge access and exchange within the region for ARD in Near East and North Africa, and at the global level.This network would provide mechanisms to strengthen, coordinate, and add value to national, regional and international initiatives in order to increase agricultural production and improve food security in Near East countries, and for the benefit of improving performance of farmers and agrarian businesses.
What are the outputs expected to be produced from NERAKIN during its first phase of three Years of operations (2007-2010)? 1- A pilot Rural and Agricultural Knowledge and Information Network (NERAKIN) through building a Regional Gateway function and a collaborative network of technical institutions and organizations committed to capacity building in this area. 2- A pilot NERAKIN knowledge and information management system of national components including modules (information systems) on documents, institutions, experts and projects; facilitating access to other agricultural information services and databases relevant to the rural and agricultural sector; and enabling the exchange of information and knowledge among stakeholder groups.
3- All ARC agricultural institutions Networked through a regional portal as well as through national portals. 4-A team of national selected focal points and technical staff at the agricultural institutions trained on how to adopt and integrate information from their institutions into the NERAKIN and to maintain it as a high-quality information and communication resource using NERAKIN content management system and modern information management. 5-Development of operational plans for the network that would strengthen knowledge-sharing and learning process and foster partnerships for broader knowledge-sharing and learning at national and regional levels. 6-Development of an operational framework that would define the roles and responsibilities of all the stakeholders at the national level.
A platform for knowledge sharing and collaboration for ARD - (K4D) National Networks Sudan Collaboration with National Counterparts Jordan Qatar FAO FAO NERAKIN (Regional Network) Oman Yemen FAO FAO FAO Egypt Iran Saudi Arabia Libya National Coordinating Unit with Focal Point
The NERAKIN architecture on the one hand will enable all participating institutions to upload their materials in a centralized system, and on the other hand will allow for the development of distributed systems in each country. NERAKIN is designed for the whole region with focus on the countries that are lacking networking infrastructure facilities and technical/human resources capabilities. NERAKIN is now available online for all member states in NENA. The Structure of the NERAKIN applications built to support Region (Near East and North Africa ) Countries (Egypt, Iran, Jordon, Oman, Kuwait, Morocco, Lebanon, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Yemen, …etc ) Communities (Ministries, Research Centers, Specialized Research Centers, Universities, Libraries, Farmers Organizations, and NGOs….etc) NERAKIN SPECIFICATIONS
AGMES – Agricultural Metadata Element Set AGRIS Application Profile AGROVOC Software – MySQL Open Source Open Archives Information Standards and Tools for Content Management www.fao.org/aims
NERAKIN is designed for building regional infrastructure with state of the art platform open source technology and in compliant with New Initiative on Agricultural Science and Technology Information and Knowledge sharing and international standards including AGRIS AP/Dublin Core Unqualified Elements/Open Archives Initiative/Open Access publishing standard. All modules in NERAKIN are absolutely portable, to be deployed easily in other machines and to be operated on Windows and Linux platforms. Offline system will also be available with capability for exporting/importing facilities with the regional network as well as with International AGRIS Network. Each information centre or library in each individual country in the region will be an AGRIS Resource centre. Technology is only one factor that will help in achieving other key factors for successful implementation on a regional basis, such as institutional development, implementation capacity, mobilization of human resources for a strong capacity building efforts. NERAKIN SPECIFICATIONS
Near East Rural & Agriculture Knowledge Exchange Network (NERAKIN) (Building on RAIS – Regional Agricultural Information System) NERAKIN Components Other Components Related Links Building on NARIMS system NE Agriculture Research Knowledge & Information Network (AGRIS Regional Network ) Latest News/ Events FAO Links Meetings and Events Related Websites PHASE I NE RegionalAgriculture News(WANIS) + Information with different types of format Useful Links National Coordinating Units/Focal Points NE Digital Library (EAKRA-Net) NERAKIN Community/ Forum Includes Regional Collaborative Networks * NE Regional Knowledge Gateways (Regional Thematic Knowledge Networks such as Cotton network) PHASE 2 Success Stories NE Regional VERCON Network Best Practices To be activated later NE Regional Marketing Information System Innovations PHASE 3 NE Regional Statistical Information System (Regional FAOSTAT based on national CountrySTAT) Other Regional Specialized Networks
National Rural & Agriculture Knowledge and information Portal National Components Other National Components RelatedLinks National Agriculture Research Knowledge &Information Network (AGRIS National Network ) Building on NARIMS system Latest News/ Events Related Websites Meetings and Events Useful Links PHASE I National Rural and Agriculture News + Information with different types of format Community/ Forum National Digital Library Success Stories National Knowledge Gateways (National Thematic Knowledge Networks) Includes National Collaborative Networks Best Practices IP National VERCON / RADCON Innovations National Food Security Information System PHASE 2 National Marketing Information System PHASE 3 Other National Specialized Networks National Statistical Information System (Based on CountrySTAT)
Operational Framework at the National Level • Assign and build capacity of Coordinating Unit that includes National Admin/Focal point. • Develop the system steering committee that includes a national coordinator, technical director and members. • Assign stakeholders who will be responsible for managing their own information (1- Centre Admin 2- Data Entry Users). • Connect institutional entities that are not connected and enhance the infrastructure within the different connected institutions (hardware installation). • Install software system in institution servers (Plug and Work). • Building capacities of institution staff on the use of system (training). • Data collection/validation/publishing and feeding to system. • Conduct awareness workshops and promote the system.
Benefits of partnerships & networking • A collaborative system and effective communication, • Exchange of information and knowledge, • Enhanced technical cooperation, • Reduced costs of operation, • Synergiesin information management, • Use of agreed standards, methodologies and tools.
Challenges • Decentralization: establishment of national networks – institutions and policies • Capacity building: supporting decentralization • Standards and tools: common approaches • Partnership: at regional and international level