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Accident Prevention for Safe Driving

Accident Prevention for Safe Driving. CTT Correios de Portugal. Per Sector. absence days. workable days. ACCIDENT ABSENTEEISM RATE (%). Global. Number of accidents. 987. ACCIDENTS PER CATEGORY (%). 2005. Safe Driving.

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Accident Prevention for Safe Driving

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  1. Accident Prevention for Safe Driving CTT Correios de Portugal

  2. Per Sector absence days workable days ACCIDENT ABSENTEEISM RATE (%) Global

  3. Number of accidents 987 ACCIDENTS PER CATEGORY (%) 2005

  4. Safe Driving • Road driving activity plays a relevant part amongst tasks associated to mail transportation and delivery. • Our main type of accidents is related to vehicle driving. • Some actions: • serious accidents analysis • defensive road driving • safe driving of tractors. • Goal: combine business efficiency with safety and accident prevention.

  5. Serious Work and Road Accidents Analysis Systematic analysis of serious accidents to evaluate the different types of causes – primary, direct, indirect. Accident occurrence Safety advices Accident analysis by selected team Report on accident causes Action plan and follow up

  6. Defensive driving for delivery and transportation • Defensive driving actions are distinct according to the types of vehicles: trucks, cars, motorcycles. • Their objective is the workers’ training in driving techniques and public circulation safety. • The programme consists of: • a on the road practical module - in which every trainee is accompanied by an instructor who analyses the driver’s driving techniques and coaches him consequently; • two class sessions on driving good practices, the road legal code and accidents within CTT and in society.

  7. Safe driving of tractors in the Sorting Centre • Guidelines for the use and circulation of the tractors and associated trailers were established, an operations manual was prepared and several workers were trained. • Indications about the maximum length of wagons a UAT (Unit of Aggregated Transport) train should have. Delineation of recommended pathways to use. • A device to control the speed limit was internally developed and installed in the tractors. • Intermittent light has been placed in the external body of all tractors to make them identifiable and visible, in advance and from distance, when in movement.

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