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Established in 2003, the University of Dubrovnik offers a unique educational experience with a focus on modern programs rooted in local traditions. With a range of departments covering diverse fields, the university prioritizes quality education, student mobility, and international cooperation.
UNIVERSITY OF DUBROVNIK BASIC FACTS • University of Dubrovnik was established by the croatian parliament on the 1st of october 2003 and enrolled its first students in 2004/2005. • It is an integrated university consisting of departments, with students, professors and staff belonging to the university and no to separate faculties. • All major plans are concluded at university level (by the Rector and the Senate)
UNIVERSITY OF DUBROVNIK MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DUBROVNIK: • Organisational system which does not copy the existing universities in the Republic of Croatia; • Departments for studies and professional courses, with highest scientific and or professional standards in a given field; • All educational plans and programs are in accordance with the Bologna Declaration since 2000; All study programs follow the 3+2+3 scheme.
UNIVERSITY OF DUBROVNIK • Guarantee of transfer of ECTS credits and of mobility of students and lecturers; • Stimulation of active involvement of students in the educatioal process, governing bodies, research projects, and extracurricula activities; • Continuous monitoring of the quality of educational activities based on mutual evaluation of students and lecturers; • Stimulation of educational and scientific improvement and involvement of lecturers and their assistants; • Implementation and improvement of quality control of work and business (HRN EN ISO 9001:2002);
UNIVERSITY OF DUBROVNIK • Educational plans and programs based on the cultural tradition of Dubrovnik in synergy with the comunity and local economy, while, introducing new modern programs creating new traditions; • Openness towards international cooperation aiming at attracting international programs and foreign students. • The total number of the students in the acad. year 2006/2007 is 2428 • The number of first year students in the acad.year 2006/2007 is 460
UNIVERSITY OF DUBROVNIK UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENTS • Economics and business economics • Economics • Tourism • Foreign trade • Maketing • Management • Financial Management • Specialist graduate study “Marketing management in tourism”
UNIVERSITY OF DUBROVNIK • Maritime affairs • Nautical studies • Marine engineering • Yacht and marina management • Postgraduate study “Maritime affairs”
UNIVERSITY OF DUBROVNIK • Electrical engineering and computing • Marine electrical engineering and communication technologies • Applied computing • Business computing
UNIVERSITY OF DUBROVNIK • Aquaculture • Aquaculture • Mariculture (graduate study)
UNIVERSITY OF DUBROVNIK • Media and Mass communication • Media and public relations
UNIVERSITY OF DUBROVNIK • Restoration and Fine Arts • Restoration of wood, papir and textile(bilingual, in cooperation with Istituto Palazzo Spinelli from Florence, Italy)
UNIVERSITY OF DUBROVNIK 7. Engineering department - Engineering
UNIVERSITY OF DUBROVNIK Newly granted research and scientific projects Glamuzina B. 2007-09. Project: Filogenetski statusneretvanskog zubatka Salmo dentex i njegovo krizanjesa simpatricnim salmonidnim vrstama. -international project “Joint studies in aquaculture and fisheries-vertical and horizontal integration” (still being processed) Nikša Burum “Radijske i optičke senzorske komunikacijske mreže” Boško Skaramuca “Reproduktivne genetičke i uzgojne značajke organizama zanimljivih za marikulturu Čedomil Lucu “Ekofiziologija gospodarski važnih morskih organizama. Povolni ii stresni uvjeti” Mateo Milkovic “Nove strukture pobolšanja dinamičke stabilnosti hidroagregata” Adam Benović “Interakcija biocenoza u otvorenim i obalnim sustavima Jadrana” - international project “Gelatinous plankton of the adriatic sea”
UNIVERSITY OF DUBROVNIK Current national scientific projects Proces obrazovanja u funkciji optimiziranja pomorskog prometa Dr.sc. Luko Milić Nove strukture poboljšanja dinamičke stabilnosti hidroagregataDr.sc. Mateo 0275003 Hrvatska na europskom turističkom tržištu u uvjetima globalizacije Vesna Vrtiprah0275001 Problematika unosa alohtonih organizama brodovima Josip Lovrić0275986 Značenje repertoara tradicionalne arhitekture u turističkoj ponudi Dubrovnika Dr.sc. Zrinka Rudež Biologija i ekologija novih vrsta u akvakulturi Boško Skaramuca
UNIVERSITY OF DUBROVNIK University of Dubrovnik is partner in several Tempus projects and is currently preparing for the application of 2 Framework 7 projects.