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CAREER SERVICES PO Box 871312 - Tempe, AZ 85287-1312 (480) 965-2350 Fax (480) 965-2120 web: www.asu.edu/career e-mail: careerservices@asu.edu
CAREER SERVICES PO Box 871312 - Tempe, AZ 85287-1312 (480) 965-2350 Fax (480) 965-2120 web: www.asu.edu/career e-mail: careerservices@asu.edu Career Services is an agency within Student Affairs, available to assist all students and alumni with career planning and development as well as employment resources consistent with individual talents and experiences, academic preparation, and career goals. Location: Student Services Building (SSV) third floor, Room 329 Office Hours:M,Th & F 8:00am-5:00pm and TW 8:00am-6:00pm (Summer,winter & class recess hours are M-F 8:00am-5:00pm) WALK-IN CAREER ADVISEMENT: Career advisors are in Room 329 to answer questions for those who do not need a full office appointment. Walk-in advisors are available on Monday, 10:00am-5pm; Tuesday, 10:00am-2:00pm and 4:00pm-6:00pm; Wednesday, 10:00am-6:00pm; Thursday, 10:00am-5:00pm; and Friday, 10:00am-1:00pm. (Summer,winter & class recesshours are M & Th 1:00-4:00pm and T & W 9:00am-12:00pm.) Advising is also available to ASU students and alumni on an appointment basis. Students are asked to see a walk-in advisor prior to setting up an individual appointment. CAREER EDUCATION CENTER: Provides resources for career planning, occupational information and job hunting strategies. The Center houses a full career resource library and career related job listings. Organizational binders and videos provide employer information and the Career Information Network includes informational/network contacts for students. SIGI PLUS, a computerized career guidance program, is available on an appointment basis. Visit SSV 329, or call 965-2350. WORKSHOPS AND CAREER/JOB FAIRS: Workshops on career planning, resume writing, interviewing, job search, and related topics are regularly scheduled. In addition, a career/job fair is held each Fall and Spring for full-time career opportunities as well as internships and co-ops. For education majors, a career fair is held in early Spring and a job fair is held each Summer. Check for specific dates, times and locations in the Career Education Center, or within the Upcoming Events portion of the Career Services homepage at www.asu.edu/career. To schedule a guest speaker for your class or student organization, call 965-2350. INTERNSHIPS/COOPERATIVE EDUCATION: Designed to assist students in acquiring career related experience and skills while complementing their academic coursework. Meet with the Co-op/Intern Coordinator or attend a workshop on internships and co-ops. You may also access web job listings at www.asu.edu/career. EMPLOYMENT SERVICES: Assists graduating students and eligible alumni in their job search, including registering for on-campus interviewing and inclusion in our candidate database for resume referrals. This registration process is now done on-line. Job listings from local and national employers are also available on-line, at www.asu.edu/career. STRATEGIES TO ENHANCE PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS (S.T.E.P.S.CAREER GUIDE): A comprehensive guide designed to address career development and job search related topics for students and alumni. Contact the Career Education Center for your copy. If special accommodations are required to access our resources/services due to a disability, please inform us as soon as possible to allow reasonable time for response. Arizona State University Career Servicesupdated8/00