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How to be a good English teacher?

How to be a good English teacher?. How to be a good teacher ?. What makes a good teacher? How should the teacher talk to the students? How should the teacher give instructions? Who should talk in class? What are the best kinds of lessons?. What makes a good teacher(1)?.

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How to be a good English teacher?

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  1. How to be a good English teacher?

  2. How to be a good teacher? • What makes a good teacher? • How should the teacher talk to the students? • How should the teacher give instructions? • Who should talk in class? • What are the best kinds of lessons?

  3. What makes a good teacher(1)? Rate the following teacher qualities in order of importance? A. They are good looking. B. They are entertaining. C. They can control the class. D. They give interesting classes. E. They know their students. F. They can keep control. G. They prepare well. H. They know their subject.

  4. What makes a good teacher?(2) Representative answers of the students 1. They should make their lessons interesting so that you don’t fall asleep. 2. A teacher should love her job. If she really enjoys it, that’ll make the lessons more interesting. 3. I like the teacher who has his own personality and don’t hide it from the students so that he is not only a teacher but a person as well- and it comes through the lessons. 4. I like teachers who has lots of knowledge, not only of his subject. 5. A good teacher is an entertainer and I mean that in a positive sense, not a negative one.

  5. What makes a good teacher?(3) Representative answers 6. It is important that you can talk to the teacher when you have problems and you don not get along with the subject. 7. A good teacher is … somebody who has an affinity with the students they are teaching. 8. A good teacher should try and draw out the quiet and control the more talkative ones. 9. She should be able to correct people without offending them. 10. A good teacher is … someone who helps rather than shouts. 11. A good teacher is … someone who knows our names. Conclusion: Good teachers care more about their students learning than they do about their own teaching.

  6. What is a best teacher?(4) |Complete the following sentence about you • When I was at school, the best teacher was… • The best teacher I ever met is … • The best English teacher is … • I think the best English teacher should be… • I want to be an English who …

  7. How should teachers talk to students(1)? Rate the following statements: • A teacher should speak very slowly and clearly to their foreign-language students. • Teachers should always use well-constructed sentences when they speak to their students. • Teachers should speak to their students like parents talk to their young children. • Teachers should speak normally to their students-as if they were talking to their own friends. • Teachers should only say things to students which the students will understand totally.

  8. How should teachers talk to students?(2) How do parents talk to their children? A.They use more exaggerated tones of voice. B. They speak with less complex grammatical structures. C. They restrict their vocabulary. D. They make more eye contact. E. They use more body languages . How do experienced teachers talk to the students? A. They adapting their language to the level of the students. B. They use physical movement. C. They naturally show their happiness and sadness.

  9. How should teachers talk to students(3)? How should new teachers talk to the students? 1. Do as the experienced teachers do. 2. New teacher should concentrate their focus on their students’ comprehension . 3. How the teachers talk to their students is one of the teaching skill, so it is crucial for the new English teachers to train it, practise it. 4. It helps when the new teachers use the written dialogues instead of the oral ones after class.

  10. How should teachers give instructions?(1) Which of the followings ,do you think, is good? 1. Now I want you to work in pairs…yes(gesturing)…that’s right…you two…you two…you two. Good. Now listen carefully. I want you to read this text(holding up the book and pointing to it) on page 26 and answer the questions…OK? 2. OK, this is the deal-and I hope you really enjoy this ‘cos I spent much time planning it, you know? I thought you could probably solve access this grammar problem yourselves, by looking it up in your book in groups. OK? 3. (Sitting at desk) Open your books on page 26. What the answer to the question 1? 4. (Hold up large picture)Right, we’re going to do something a bit different now. Now ask me questions about the picture(Pointing to the picture)…questions with “what”…Anybody? Yes, Tim, please!

  11. How should teachers give instructions?(2) Two general rules for giving instructions: (1)asap (2)logical How should the new teachers give instructions? (1) Before giving instructions, asking the followings: a.What is the information I am trying to convey? b. What must the students know if they are to complete the activity successfully? c. Which information do they need first? d. Which should come next? (2)While giving instructions Check whether you are understood or not?

  12. Who should talk in class?(1) Choose the one which is suitable to you: 1. In class, I take up most of the time, reading, organizing and doing explanations, but the students seem to have difficulty to understand. 2. In class, in order to make the students do what I said, I have to use Chinese regularly. 3. In class, my students occupy most of the class time, they have more than 3 chances to practice(say) what they are required openly. 4. I usually offer some minutes to make the students to talk, but they can not utter a word, let along to say a sentence or a paragraph. 5. It all depends what kinds of lessons I am conducting.

  13. Who should talk in in class?(2) • The students should talk in class: (1)It is important to get the Ss to talk, by using the language they have learned. (2)Ss are the people who need practice. • The teacher should talk in class: (1)Ss should be exposed to the language. (2)Comprehensible input is an important feature in language acquisition. • Conclusion: (1)Good teachers maximizes STT and minimizes TTT. (2)The best lessons are ones where STT is maximizes,where teachers talk at the appropriate time. (3)Good teacher use their common sense and experience to get the balance between TTT and STT.

  14. What are the best kinds of lessons?(1) Please complete the followings: 1. When I was at school, the best lessons were… 2. The best lesson I have ever observed was …. 3. I think the best kind lessons that I can give are … Score the followings: 1.Good Ts keep the students guessing what they are going to do next. 2. The worst kind of T is the one who does the same thing every class. 3. Good Ts always look smart. 4. Good Ts are always interesting.

  15. What are the best kinds of lessons?(2) • What are the greatest enemies in teaching in class? • What makes the Ss bored? • How to make the lessons successfully? (1)Breaking the rules (2)Giving the Ss a star (3)Stimulating the Ss with varied diets(unexpected variety) (4)Avoiding too much chopping and changing(predictable safety)

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